Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Psychosocial Oncology Study and Research Laboratory

The Interdisciplinary Psychosocial Oncology Study and Research Laboratory consists of researchers, trainees, and health professionals who have expertise in psychosocial oncology and related fields.

The Interdisciplinary Psychosocial Oncology Study and Research Laboratory consists of researchers, trainees, and health professionals who have expertise in psychosocial oncology and related fields.
The aims of our group are to (1) create new synergies among psychosocial oncology researchers at the University of Ottawa and colleagues from The Ottawa Hospital and community partners, and (2) foster training to promote excellence in interdisciplinary psychosocial oncology research and practice.
We engage all members in communication, facilitate the sharing of resources among members, promote collaborations among researchers and health professionals who have common interests in various aspects of psychosocial oncology, lead to new directions in the field of psychosocial oncology, and the development of new research initiatives. By involving trainees committed to pursuing careers in psychosocial oncology, it will also expose them to current research practices aimed at improving survival and quality of life of cancer patients and their loved ones across a broad range of disciplines.
Trainee Award
During the three years that the group held funding, trainees were invited to apply for a travel award of $175 to assist them in attending and presenting their research in psychosocial oncology at an academic conference. Recipients were selected by a few of our professor and professional members in order to determine the strongest candidates.
Conference proceedings funded by IPSORL trainee awards
- Hammond, C., Thomas, R., Gifford, W., Poudrier, J., Scott, T., Brooks, C., Hamilton, R., Morrison, T., Warner, D. Cycles of silence around cancer within First Nation communities. Canadian Association for Psycho Oncology Conference in May 2016, Halifax, NS.
- Wurz, A., & Brunet, J. Physical activity to live well: the development of an evidence-informed pamphlet for adolescents with cancer. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Annual Conference in May 2016: Halifax, NS.
- Tomei, C., Lebel, S., Maheu, C., Lefebvre, M., & Harris, C. Examining Fear of Recurrence in Cancer Survivors: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Pilot Study. Paper presented at the International Psycho-Oncology Society World Congress in October 2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- Lambert M, Brunet J, Couture-Lalande M-E, & Bielajew C. (2018). Aerobic physical activity and salivary cortisol levels among women with and without a history of breast cancer. Abstract submitted for poster presentation at the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology annual conference, Toronto, ON.
- Petricone-Westwood D, Clow KA, Lebel S, & Brunet J. (2018). An evaluation of the third year of the Interdisciplinary Psychosocial Oncology Study and Research Laboratory: Sustaining research groups after funding ends. Oral presentation given as part of a symposium presentation at the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology conference, Toronto, ON.
- Jones G, Brunet J, & Lebel S. (2018). The development of a training module for healthcare providers and community support providers on cancer-related fatigue. Oral presentation at the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology conference, Toronto, ON.
- Jones, G., Séguin Leclair, C., Petricone-Westwood, D., Mutsaers, B., Rutkowski, N., Imsirovic, F., Lebel, S. (2018). Psychological Correlates of Health Anxiety: An Updated Systematic Review of Literature, International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
- Rutkowski N., Mutsaers, B., Jones, G., Petricone-Westwood, D., Labelle, P., Lebel, S.(2018). The Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Cancer Related Fatigue: A Systematic Review of Randomized Control Trials. Poster presentation at the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Conference proceedings funded by IPSORL trainee awards - 2018 recipients
- Jones, G., Lebel, S., Brunet, J. (2018). The Development of a Training Module for Healthcare Providers and Community Support Providers on Cancer-Related Fatigue, Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology, Toronto, Canada.
- Hussien, J., Wurz, A., Seely, D., Ennis, J., Seely, A., Pitman, A., & Brunet, J. (2018). How a community-based organization and academics are working together to develop, deliver, and evaluate a yoga therapy program for cancer survivors. Oral presentation given at 2018 Eastern Canada Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium, Montreal, QC.
Conference proceedings funded by IPSORL trainee awards - 2017 recipients
- Lebel, S., Mutsaers, B., Maheu, C., and Parrott, J. (2017, May). Fear of cancer recurrence, intolerance of uncertainty, quality of life. Peer Reviewed Undergraduate Thesis Presented at Canada’s Association for Psychosocial Oncology’s Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
- Saunders S, & Brunet J. (2017) A proposed study to explore how the placement of a stoma after surgery for rectal cancer may influence physical activity behaviour. Oral presentation given at the Eastern Canada Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium, Kingston, ON
Conference proceedings funded by IPSORL trainee awards - 2016 recipients
- Tomei, C., Lebel, S., Maheu, C., Lefebvre, M., & Harris, C. Examining Fear of Recurrence in Cancer Survivors: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Pilot Study. Paper to be presented at the International Psycho-Oncology Society World Congress in October 2016, Dublin, Ireland.
- Hammond, C., Thomas, R., Gifford, W., Poudrier, J., Scott, T., Brooks, C., Hamilton, R., Morrison, T., Warner, D. Cycles of silence around cancer within First Nation communities. Canadian Association for Psycho Oncology Conference in May 2016, Halifax, NB.
- Wurz, A., & Brunet, J. Physical activity to live well: the development of an evidence-informed pamphlet for adolescents with cancer. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Annual Conference in May 2016: Halifax, NS.
- Petricone-Westwood, D., & Lebel, S. Caregiving for patients with ovarian cancer: a scoping review of the literature. Poster presented at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference in March 2016, San Diego, USA.

Dr Jennifer Brunet
Recognizing that physical activity is a key component for successful cancer prevention and treatment, Dr. Brunet’s goal is to reduce the growing burden of cancer in Canada through physical activity. Her research interests are focused on understanding the psychological and social influences that influence people’s physical activity motivation and behaviour in order to advance knowledge on how to increase physical activity participation among people diagnosed with cancer.Consequently, she has used this knowledge to inform and design interventions aimed at promoting physical activity to enhance the quality of life of people diagnosed with cancer and lessen the likelihood of them dying from cancer. She is also interested in understanding the benefits of physical activity participationamong people diagnosed with cancer. She has therefore led a number of projects aimed at testing the physical, psychological, and physical benefits of physical activity during and after cancer treatment. In addition, she is working to develop evidence-based materials and guidelines to share knowledge that supports people in making healthy choices that will help them recover from cancer.
Work E-mail: Jennifer.Brunet@uOttawa.ca
Dr. Sophie Lebel
Dr. Sophie Lebel is a clinical health psychologist with a Ph.D. from Universite de Montreal, Quebec. She joined Faculty in July 2007 after completing a post-doctoral fellowship at the Princess Margaret Cancer Center in Toronto. Her research interests focus on cancer survivors and their families, with a focus on developing and testing questionnaires, models, and interventions for fear of cancer recurrence, sexuality, fatigue, stigma, and dyadic adjustment. She is the director of the Interdisciplinary Psychosocial Oncology Research Group and Laboratory, an initiative that brings together researchers, health care providers, community partners, and trainees with an interest in helping cancer patients and their loved ones in the Greater Ottawa region. Clinically, Dr. Lebel helps cancer patients and their caregivers with adjustment difficulties throughout the disease trajectory.
Work E-mail: Sophie.Lebel@uOttawa.ca
Research Members
Dr. Andra Smith
Dr. Smith's research involves using MRI and fMRI to understand the neural correlates of cancer related cognitive impairment. She is also interested in how exercise and mindfulness can help with these potential side effects of cancer and cancer treatments.
Work E-mail: Andra.Smith@uOttawa.ca
Dr. Dawn Stacey
Dr. Stacey’s research program is focused on advancing the science of knowledge translation to patients. The overall goal is to understand, measure, and evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge translation interventions for patients and evaluate strategies to enhance patient engagement in shared decision making.
Work E-mail: dstacey@uOttawa.ca
Current Trainee Members
Alanna Chu
Alanna is a Doctoral Student in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Ottawa. She completed her Master of Public Health in Epidemiology at the University of Toronto in 2019. Her academic interests include the psychological experiences (e.g., fear of progression and uncertainty) of patients with advanced and metastatic cancer receiving immunotherapy and targeted therapies.
Work E-mail: alanna.chu@uottawa.ca
Jani Lamarche
Brittany Mutsaers
Brittany’s research interests focus on cancer survivorship issues, namely fear of cancer recurrence. She is interested in investigating the characteristics that differentiate clinical from non-clinical levels of fear of cancer recurrence, and intervention approaches to help cancer survivors cope with FCR at various levels of severity.
Brittany also has an interest in program evaluation, particularly in the context of programs developed for cancer survivors that address psycho-social aspects of cancer survivorship, self-management, empowerment, and living well after a cancer diagnosis.
Work E-mail: bmuts031@uOttawa.ca
Nicole Anna Rutkowski
Nicole’s personal research interests include: cancer-related and post-stroke fatigue, social support and rehabilitation in advanced cancer patients, sexuality, and chronic pain.
Work E-mail: nrutk063@uOttawa.ca
Past Trainee Members
Gabrielle Fecteau
Narrative therapy
Psychosocial impact of cancer
Adolescents and Young Adults
Phases of a cancer experience
Work E-mail: gfect023@uOttawa.ca
Marguerite Gollish
Marguerite’s research revolves mainly around cancer-related fatigue.
Work E-mail: mgoll043@uOttawa.ca
Georden Jones
Georden's research focuses on cancer related fatigue, fear of cancer recurrence, stigma, health anxiety, and mental health.
Work E-mail: gjone046@uOttawa.ca
Julia Parrott
Julia's research interests include existential issues of youth coping with long-term illness', and she is currently researching intolerance of uncertainty as it relates to breast and gynecological cancer survivors.
Work E-mail: jparr088@uOttawa.ca
Danielle Petricone-Westwood
Danielle's research and interests focus on psychosocial impact of cancer on patients' friends and family members, and her dissertation focuses on partners of individuals diagnosed with ovarian cancer and their relationships with healthcare providers. She additionally is interested in psycho-therapeutic interventions in advanced cancer for both patients and caregivers.
Caroline Séguin Leclair
Caroline’s primary research interests are in psychosocial oncology: fear of cancer recurrence, health behaviours, coping and adjustment throughout the cancer trajectory. In a broader sense, she is also intrigued by the impact of chronic illnesses on patients’ mental health and the ability to adjust and cope with health concerns.
Work E-mail: csegu093@uOttawa.ca
Geneviève Trudel
Geneviève's research interests include cancer-related fatigue and depression. She is currently working towards clearly defining the differences and similarities between these two constructs as they have many overlapping symptoms.
Work E-mail: gtrud034@uOttawa.ca
Cynthia Wan
Cynthia is currently investigating the physiological and psychological stress patterns in a cross-cultural sample of breast cancer survivors. Her dissertation focuses on two stress biomarkers, cortisol and alpha-amylase, and she is comparing acute, diurnal, and chronic physiological stress patterns of Chinese and White breast cancer survivors whilst taking into account other psychosocial variables and their subjective perception of stress.
Work E-mail: cwan062@uOttawa.ca
Amanda Wurz
Amanda's research explores the benefits of physical activity in children, adolescents, and young adults who have been diagnosed with cancer. She is passionate about ensuring individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer have appropriate physical activity information and opportunities.
Work E-mail: amanda.wurz@uOttawa.ca
Health Care Providers
Carolyn Andrews
Carolyn is interested in knowledge transfer, clinical practice and research collaboration.
Work E-mail: aandrews@toh.ca
Krisann Dennis
Krisann’s research interests are in the PTSD symptoms amongst AYA cancer survivors. Program evaluation of the delivery of psychosocial services within the Aftercare clinic.
Work E-mail: kdennis@cheo.on.ca
Freya Kelly
Freya's research and interests focus on cardio-oncology, particularly on the role of the nurse for this patient population. Her thesis focused on the evidence-based interventions available for nurses to use when supporting cancer survivors self-manage their symptoms. Freya has developed the first symptom practice guide for nurses to assess, triage and offer self-management strategies for patient's experiencing cardio-oncology related dyspnea.
Work E-mail: freya.kelly03@gmail.com
Melina Ladouceur
Melina Ladouceur is a Cancer Coach at the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. As a Social Worker, she has worked primarily in a community health setting, especially with people coping with major life changes and transitions, and living with chronic illness. She has additional training in health coaching, MBSR, community and health system navigation, and has completed a one-year Nutrition certificate program with an in-depth look at cancer, heart disease, fatigue and weight management. As a Cancer Coach, she works with clients individually and focuses on client-driven objectives, on what matters most to the client at that point in time. She has a keen interest in the concept of resilience and believes that each person has unique strengths and inner wisdom based on their life experience. She actively engages her clients in the coaching process. Working together with her clients, she helps them create a personalized action plan that fits with their life, their values and preferences. Melina also facilitates some of our group coaching programs including the Caregivers Workshop, the Work & Cancer Survivorship course as well as CLIMB, a mental health promotion program for children and teens who have a parent living with cancer.
Work E-mail: mladouceur@ottawacancer.ca
Papers (members are bolded)
- Lambert M, Brunet J, Couture-Lalande M-E, Bielajew C. (Submitted). Aerobic physical activity and salivary cortisol levels among women with a history of breast cancer. J Phys Act Health.
- Brunet J, Wurz A, & Shallwani S M. (2018). A scoping review of studies exploring physical activity among adolescents and young adults diagnosed with cancer. Psycho-Oncology.
- Petricone-Westwood, D., Jones, G., Mutsaers, B., Seguin Leclair, C., Tomei, C., Trudel, G.,Dinkel, A., & Lebel, S. (2018). A systematic review of interventions for health anxiety presentations across diverse chronic illnesses. Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
- Brunet J, Saunders S, Gifford W, Thomas R, & Hamilton R. (2017). An exploratory qualitative study of the meaning and value of a running/walking clinic for women after a diagnosis of breast cancer. Disab Rehab.
- Jones, G., Seguin Leclair C., Petricone-Westwood, D., Lefebvre, M., Morash, R., Jolicoeur, L., Liska, C., Larocque, G., Lebel, S. (2017). Predictors of attendance to the Wellness Beyond Cancer Survivorship class for low-risk endometrial and breast cancer survivors in transition to primary care. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 24(3), 268-274. doi:10.5737/23688076273268274
- Mutsaers, B., Jones, G., Rutkowski, N., Tomei, C., Seguin Leclair, C., Petricone-Westwood, D., Simard, S., & Lebel, S. (2016). When fear of cancer recurrence becomes a clinical issue: A qualitative analysis of features associated with clinical fear of cancer recurrence. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(10), 4207-4218. doi:10.1007/s00520-016-3248-5
- Petricone-Westwood, D., Clow, K.A., Lebel, S., & Brunet, J. (in preparation). Promoting psychosocial oncology collaboration in Ottawa: The Interdisciplinary Psychosocial Oncology Study and Research Laboratory
- Lebel, S., Tomei, C., Dinkel, A., Mutsaers, B., Seguin Leclair, C., Jones, G., Petricone-Westwood, D., Lavigne, A.-A., & Rutkowski, N. (in preparation). A systematic review of health anxiety presentations in patients with a chronic illness.
Grant applications & funded projects (members are bolded)
- Brunet J, Campbell K, & Wurz A. Aerobic exercise to mitigate cancer-related cognitive impairment in women undergoing adjuvant treatment for breast cancer. Funded by the AVON Foundation (in progress).
- Brunet J (co-PI), Campbell K (co-PI), Collins B, Smith A, Simmons C, Segal R, Taljaard M. Efficacy of exercise to mitigate cancer-associated cognitive changes. Funded by the Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute (in progress).
- Lebel S (PI), Jones G. & Brunet J: La fatigue reliée au cancer: quels sont les besoins des patients, des professionnels de santé et des organismes de support communautaire? Funded by l’Insitut du Savoir de l’hôpital Montfort (in progress).
Conference proceedings
- Petricone-Westwood, D, Lebel, S., & Brunet, J. (2016, May). Promoting psychosocial oncology collaboration in Ottawa: The Interdisciplinary Psychosocial Oncology Study and Research Laboratory. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology, Halifax, NS.
- Petricone-Westwood, D., & Lebel, S. Caregiving for patients with ovarian cancer: a scoping review of the literature. Poster presented at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference in March 2016, San Diego, USA.
- Saunders S, Hamilton R, Thomas R, Brunet J, Gifford W, & Morrison T. (2016). Body-mapping as a method to evaluate well-being in breast cancer survivors? Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Conference, Halifax, NS.
- Saunders S, Brunet J, Gifford W, Thomas R, & Hamilton R. (2016). The Running Room Clinic for Breast Cancer Survivors: giving more thought to those being left behind. Oral presentation given at the Eastern Canada Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium. Hamilton, ON.
- Published abstracts: Saunders S, Brunet J, Gifford W, Hamilton R, Thomas R, & Morrison T. (2016). Exploring the running room clinic for breast cancer survivors. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 38, S252.
Published abstracts
- Jones G, Gollish M, Brunet J, & Lebel S. (2017). Cancer-related fatigue: what do patients, healthcare providers and community support organizations have to say? Psycho-Oncology.
- Brunet J, Wurz A, & Shallwani S. (2017). A scoping review of research on the antecedents, correlates, and outcomes of physical activity in adolescents and young adults diagnosed with cancer. Psycho-Oncology.
- Petricone-Westwood, D., Jones, G., Mutsaers, B., Séguin Leclair, C., Rutkowski, N., Tomei, C., Imsirovic, F., Dinkel, A., & Lebel, S. (2018). A systematic review on interventions for health anxiety in the context of chronic illness: An update from 2014 to 2017. Society for Behavioral Medicine.
- Saunders S, Brunet J, Gifford W, Hamilton R, Thomas R, & Morrison T. (2016). Exploring the running room clinic for breast cancer survivors. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Kym’s story – Fear of cancer recurrence (YouTube, 10:09 minutes)
A woman talks about her experience with FCR and how she copes with it.
Breast Cancer Network Australia (Producer). (2017, March 8). Kym’s story – Fear of cancer recurrence.
Living with uncertainty: discussing the fear of cancer recurrence (Webcast, 58:18 minutes)
Dr. Christine Maheu leads a discussion on FCR and gives definitions. There is a question period at the end.
Maheu, C. (2015, December 14). Living with uncertainty: discussing the fear of cancer recurrence. Canadian Connection. – Canadian Cancer Society.
Fear of cancer recurrence (YouTube, 7:22 minutes)
Dr. Carrie Lethborg talks about the definition of FCR and who could be affected by it.
Breast Cancer Network Australia (Producer). (2017, March 8). Fear of recurrence with Dr Carrie Lethborg [Video file].
Tips and strategies (YouTube, 4:18 minutes)
Dr. Carrie Lethborg discusses practical tips on how to manage FCR.
Breast Cancer Network Australia (Producer). (2017, March 8). Tips and strategies with Dr Carrie Lethborg [Video file].
Where to go for help (YouTube, 1:53 minutes)
Dr. Carrie Lethborg mentions some available resources for people affected by FCR.
Breast Cancer Network Australia (Producer). (2017, March 8). Where to go for help with Dr Carrie Lethborg [Video file].
Fear of recurrence (YouTube, 2:38 minutes)
Professor Bruce Mann discusses FCR among women diagnosed with breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Network Australia (Producer). (2017, March 8). Fear of recurrence with Professor Bruce Mann [Video file].
Managing anxiety – Odette Cancer Centre (YouTube, 4:43 minutes)
Cancer survivors discuss their cancer-related anxiety and give strategies on how to manage it.
Sunnybrook Hospital (Producer). (2017, Feb 16). Managing anxiety – Odette Cancer Centre [Video file].
Fear of Recurrence (YouTube, 6:58 minutes)
Young adult cancer survivors talk about their personal experience with FCR.
Livestrong (Producer). (2013, April 26). Fear of Recurrence. [Video file].
Just Breathe: Dealing with Fear and Anxiety after Cancer (YouTube, 2:22 minutes)
Dr. Mary Elliott gives advice (S.T.O.P.) on how to manage stress and FCR after cancer.
Rethink Breast Cancer (Producer). (2015, Aug 15). Just Breathe: Dealing with Fear and Anxiety After Cancer. [Video file].
5 Tips for Coping with the Fear of Cancer Recurrence (YouTube, 4:09 minutes)
5 strategies to manage FCR.
Breast Cancer Answers (Producer). (2016, April 11). 5 Tips for Coping with the Fear of Cancer Recurrence. [Video file].
Fear of Recurrence and Late Effects: Living with Uncertainty (Podcast, 58:44 minutes)
Richard Dickens, Merle Mishel and David Spiegel discuss FCR and give some coping strategies.
Dickens, R., Mishel, M. & Spiegel, D. (2011). Fear of Recurrence and Late Effects: Living with Uncertainty. Part IV of The Ninth Annual Cancer Survivorship Series: Living With, Through and Beyond Cancer. Cancer Care. [Podcast].
Coping with The Fear of Recurrence (Podcast, 5:34 minutes)
Discussion on how to manage FCR after completion of treatment (6 strategies).
Cancer.Net. (2013). Coping with the Fear of Recurrence. Coping With the Fear of Recurrence. [Podcast].
Managing Fear of Recurrence among Breast Cancer Survivors (Webcast, 35:20 minutes)
Lynne Wagner presents of FCR.
Wagner, L. (2016, November 18). Managing Fear of Recurrence Among Breast Cancer Survivors. Oncology. Broadcast Med. [Video file]. |
Coping with the Fear of Recurrence (Webinar, 57:05 minutes)
Susan Stollings presents on FCR.
Stollings, S. (2017, Nov 8). Coping with the Fear of Recurrence. National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (Publisher). [Video file].
Fear of Cancer Recurrence “What if my cancer comes back?” – Anna Hrynko (Webinar, 10:02 minutes)
Anna Hrynko, a cancer survivor, talks about how she lives with FCR.
Hrynko, A., (2014, Aug 18). Fear of Cancer Recurrence “What if my cancer comes back?” – Anna Hrynko webinar excerpt. Cancer Council NSW. [Video file].
Comment réduire la peur de la récidive du cancer? In French (Podcast, 15:30 minutes)
Josée Savard talks about FCR and how to manage it.
Coping with Fear of Recurrence
Tips for coping with the fear of recurrence and when to determine that you might be in need of more help.
Fear of recurrence – living beyond breast cancer (pdf)
Understanding FCR, Common fear triggers, life after treatment, getting support – mainly for breast cancer
Fear of cancer recurrence: A practical guide for clinicians
How to assess and screen for FCR, how to provide adequate information about prognosis, and how to prevent FCR.
Butow, F., Sharpe, L,. Thewes, B,. Turner,. Gilchrist, J, & Beith, J. (2018). Fear of Cancer Recurrence: A Practical Guide for Clinicians.
Coping with the fear of recurrence
Tips on managing FCR
Fear of cancer recurrence – fact sheet (pdf)
Definition, signs and symptoms, why does it occur, how to manage |
Fear of cancer coming back
Ways to manage the fear of recurrence, fear of getting a different cancer
Coping with the fear of breast cancer recurrence
Personal experience with FCR