The Vulnerability, Trauma, Resilience and Culture Research Laboratory (V-TRaC) directed by Dr. Jude Mary Cénat is pursuing a research program in youth and adults. The V-TRaC research lab studies the impact of vulnerability and trauma in relation to coping and resilience strategies. Our research aims to integrate clinical, developmental, individual, community, family, social and cultural factors in order to develop culturally appropriate assessment, prevention and intervention tools that meet the real needs of individuals and communities. The V-TRaC lab has three main research axes:
Vulnerability and trauma
This research axis studies the risk and protection factors associated with vulnerabilities and interpersonal and non-interpersonal traumas (including traumas from natural disasters) as well as new forms of trauma (including cyberbullying and intimate partner violence via information and communication technologies). It also examines the mental health consequences associated with trauma, as well as individual and collective coping strategies and resilience mechanisms.
Racial disparities in health and social services
This research axis is particularly interested in disparities in the mental health and social services provided to racialized individuals and families. It examines the social determinants of mental health in racialized communities, barriers associated with access to and use of care, and the needs of mental health professionals. It also analyses the racial, social, demographic, economic and cultural dynamics and issues related to disparities in social services.
Global mental health
Based on an intercultural and community perspective, this research axis studies mental health problems in low and middle-income countries. It also examines the impacts of culturally-sensitive programs that integrate local expressions and conceptualization in improving mental health care. This axis also aims to develop innovative community mental health tools, devices and programs that respect community traditions.
We also have some news for you
- The Vulnerability, Trauma, Resilience and Culture Research Laboratory (V-TRaC) and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Black Health is looking for applications for a full-time research coordinator. Please click on the following link for additional details: here
- We're excited to announce our upcoming event for Black students (grades 9-12) and mental health professionals, featuring special guests The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean and Jonathan David, Canadian soccer player. This exclusive event is by invitation only, and is happening on March 2nd 2023 as part of the Black Mental Health Week. Don't miss out on this important discussion!

- Dr. Jude Mary Cénat and colleagues have a new publication in Anxiety & Depression, "Prevalence and correlates of depression among Black individuals in Canada: The major role of everyday racial discrimination". This article shows that racial discrimination is the most important risk factor for severe depression symptoms among Black Canadians. Read it here.
- As part of the project "Black Communities Mental Health in the National Capital Region: Evaluation, Prevention and Intervention Tools", the Vulnerability, Trauma, Resilience and Culture Research Lab (V-TRaC) is looking for applications for a postdoctoral candidate. The ideal candidate is an aspiring scientist-practitioner in clinical psychology. Please click on the following link for additional details: postdoctoral_fellowship_offer.pdf (pdf, 180.01 KB)
- Join us during the first week of March for Black Mental Health Week, hosted by the Ottawa Black Mental Health Coalition & VTRaC Lab! The week will be filled with exciting activities including keynote addresses by Members of Parliament, a livestreamed concert "Playing Together Against Racism", and much more! Black_mental_health_week_.pdf (pdf, 11,699.58 KB)
- Dr. Jude Mary Cénat and colleagues have a new publication in Psychiatry Research on the prevalence and correlates of depression symptoms during the first wave of COVID-19 in Haiti, DR Congo, Rwanda and Togo. Read it here.
- Congrats to our new postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Cyrille K. Kokou-Kpolou for this new publication in Current Psychology: The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale–Revised (CESD-20-R): Factorial Validity and Gender Invariance among Nigerian Young Adults. Read it here.
- Only two sessions remain in our series of conferences on Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Social Sciences at the Heart of Surveillance, Prevention and Intervention Strategies. (1) Tuesday, March 16th (10 AM - 11:30 AM EST) and (2) Tuesday, April 13th (10AM - 11:30 AM EST). Email vtrac@uottawa.ca for more information and to register.
- VTRaC Lab is pleased to welcome our new postdoctoral fellow, Dr Cyrille K. Kokou-Kpolou! Dr. Kokou-Kpolou completed his Ph.D at the University of Picardy Jules Verne, and his main research contributions involve bereavement and prolonged grief disorder. Welcome Dr. Kokou-Kpolou!
- Dr. Jude Mary Cénat and colleagues have a new publication in Journal of Affective Disorders on the prevalence and associated mental health outcomes of child sexual abuse in youth in France. Read the article here.
- The largest and most comprehensive meta-analysis by Dr. Jude Mary Cénat and colleagues on mental health and COVID-19 highlighted significant findings that will help to better understand racial disparities in mental health and the role of COVID-19-related discrimination and stigma during the pandemic. Read the article here.
- Dr. Jude Mary Cénat and colleagues recently published an article on ADHD in Black individuals in Jama Psychiatry, finding that contrary to what is generally stated in the literature and in the DSM-5, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder is more prevalent among Black individuals. Read the article here.
- Dr. Jude Mary Cénat and his colleagues from the University of Western Ontario, the University of Hong Kong, York University and other university partners (Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Université de Kinshasa, McGill University), present a series of six virtual conferences. The conference series will centre around the theme, “Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Social Sciences at the Heart of Surveillance, Prevention and Intervention Strategies”. Each conference will feature keynote speakers who specialize in the field of global health, infectious diseases and social sciences. All conferences will take place from 10:00AM-11:30AM EST on Zoom. Email vtrac@uottawa.ca to register.
- Are you a mental health professional interested in how mindfulness can apply to your practice? Join us this Wednesday, October 28 for a workshop with Michelle Nicholls, Registered Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist, to learn how to use mindfulness with Black youth in a psychotherapeutic context. For further details: michelle_nicholls.pdf (pdf, 4,813.02 KB)
- This October, we are pleased to invite you to Black Students' Wellness Month, a series of events that aim to increase and support the wellbeing of Black students in the National Capital Region. For additional details: black_students_wellness_month_october_2020_22.pdf (pdf, 7,441.51 KB)
- As part of the project " Black Communities Mental Health in the National Capital Region: Evaluation, Prevention and Intervention Tools ", the Vulnerability, Trauma, Resilience and Culture Research Lab (V-TRaC) is looking for applications for a research coordinator. Please click on the following link for additional details: research_coordinator_offer.pdf (pdf, 118.17 KB)
- As part of the project " Black Communities Mental Health in the National Capital Region: Evaluation, Prevention and Intervention Tools ", the Vulnerability, Trauma, Resilience and Culture Research Lab (V-TRaC) is looking for applications for a postdoctoral candidate. Please click on the following link for additional details: postdoctoral_fellowship_offer.pdf (pdf, 116 KB)
- A new article by Dr. Cénat and colleagues examines suicidal ideations and behaviors among cyberbullied college students
- A new article by Dr. Cénat and European colleagues including Daniel Derivois from the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté addresses the migration crisis in Europe as a global health issue

If you would like to volunteer at the V-TRaC laboratory, please send your letter of interest (email format) to Dr. Jude Mary Cénat.
Jude Mary Cénat, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology, Chair of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Black Health, and Director of the Vulnerability, Trauma, Resilience & Culture (V-TRaC) Research Laboratory and holds the Research Chair on Black Health at the University of Ottawa. His research program explores factors associated with vulnerability, trauma, and resilience, with a particular interest in the role of cultural factors. Dr.Cénat conducts research on racial disparities in mental health and social services, the impact of natural disasters and infectious diseases on mental health, interpersonal and non- interpersonal trauma, and global mental health. He conducts research in North America, Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean. Dr.Cénat leads a major project on the mental health of Black communities in Canada that has allowed for the development of online trainings (via the bilingual platform: https://mentalhealthforeveryone.ca) that aim to equip mental health professionals with the knowledge needed to provide culturally appropriate and anti-racist care. Dr. Cénat is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada's College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists.
Work E-mail: jcenat@uOttawa.ca
Administrative Staff
- Cathy Broussard
Cathy graduated in the B.A specialized in Psychology with a Minor in Criminology at the University of Ottawa. She will pursue her graduate studies in Psychology next year and her research interests involve forensic psychology, trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder. She is taking part in the V-TRaC lab as administrative assistant and participate to various tasks/projects.
- Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Moshirian Farahi
Mahdi is a PhD candidate in Cognitive Psychology at Carleton University. His research project focuses on the role of individual differences, especially autistic traits, in numerical processing. He has been trained in quantitative methodology courses at Carleton University. Mahdi is currently a Statistician at V-TRaC. His areas of strength include regression, multilevel modeling, latent profile analysis, factor analysis, and psychometrics. He analyzes the data using SPSS, R, SAS, and Stata.
Graduate Students
- Wina Paul Darius B.A.
Wina is a graduate student in the Experimental Psychology program under the supervision of Dr. Jude Mary Cénat. She completed her Bachelor of Arts in psychology at the University of Ottawa in 2022. During her time at the university, she worked as a Social Mobilizer and Research Assistant in the V-TRaC Laboratory from 2019 to 2021. She then took on the role of Research Coordinator from 2021 to 2023. Throughout her academic journey, Wina has actively participated in community-centred research projects that focus on mental health disparities in Black communities and racial disparities experienced by Black youth under the care of child welfare. Her research interests are: Intimate Partner Violence, Mental health disparities, Body image and Suicide Prevention.
Work E-mail: wdari048@uottawa.ca
- Elisabeth Dromer M.Sc
Elisabeth is a graduate student in the Clinical Psychology program under the supervision of Dr. Jude Mary Cénat. Elisabeth completed a Master of Science in public health at the University of Montreal in 2021, where she studied how LGBTQ2S+ individuals who have experienced “conversion therapy” overcome the negative impacts of these practices. She also completed a Bachelor of Arts in psychology at McGill University. Her current research interests include racial discrimination experienced by racialized health care workers and health inequities impacting Black communities in Canada.
Work E-mail: Elisabeth.Dromer@uOttawa.ca
- Grace Jacob B.A
Grace completed her undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of Ottawa. She is currently a Clinical Psychology graduate student.
Work E-mail: gjaco074@uottawa.ca
- Sara-Emilie McIntee B.A.
Sara-Emilie completed her undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of Ottawa. Her role within the lab involves examining the mental health impacts of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and investigating racial disparities in child welfare services.
Work E-mail: smcin009@uottawa.ca
- Joana Mukunzi
Joana completed her undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of Ottawa. She is now a graduate clinical psychology student working under the supervision of Dr. Jude Mary Cénat. Within the laboratory, she is interested in evaluating the consequences of Ebola virus disease on the mental health of communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the aim of developing tools for prevention and psychosocial intervention, which can address the needs of survivors. She is also currently working on the investigation of racial disparities in child welfare services.
Work E-mail: jntun018@uottawa.ca
Honours Students
- Raina Barara
- Shruti Mistry
Shruti is currently completing their Honours Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at the University of Ottawa. Under the supervision of Dr. Cenat, their honours thesis explores the impact of racial discrimination on the life satisfaction of Black people in Canada through the mediation of social support. Their current research interests include: racial and mental health disparities, community-based and participatory action research, and intersectionality. Upon graduating, Shruti hopes to work with marginalized communities and pursue graduate studies in social work.
Research Assistants
- Rand Kelargy
- Christa Masengesho Ndamage
Christa is in her third year of psychology with hopes of pursuing clinical psychology. In the field of psychology, she is mainly passionate about child psychology, and community mental health.
At the V-TRaC lab, she is a research assistant conducting qualitative interviews as part of the Mental Health of Black communities in Canada project.
- Kerry Menelas
Kerry is in his third year of psychology with a minor in Life Sciences. He hopes to continue his studies by pursuing a PhD in clinical psychology or medicine. Currently he is a research assistant and social mobilizer at the VTRaC laboratory and is contributing to the Black Community Mental Health Project.
- Hannah Zuta
Hannah is in her third year of the Health Sciences with a specialty in Integrative Biosciences. She hopes to pursue a Master’s degree in Public health or epidemiology. Currently, Hannah is a research assistant at the V-TRaC laboratory conducting qualitative interviews as part of the Mental Health of Black communities in Canada project.
- Tuba Aktas
- Emmanuelle Auguste B.Sc
- David Guangyu Diao
- Matthieu Fontaine
- Farid Mansoub Bekarkhanechi
- Olivia Onesi
- Nicole Weisemberg
Lab Alumni
- Florence Aquilina B.A
Florence Aquilina was an Honour thesis student at the V-TRaC’s lab under the supervision of Doctor Jude Mary Cénat. She wrote her thesis on the prevalence of Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) amongst children and adolescents exposed to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). She also contributed to the development of Anti-racist workshops intended for University of Ottawa students. As of Spring 2021, Florence has graduated from her B.A. specialized in psychology and will start her D.Psy (clinical PhD) in psychology at the University of Quebec in Outaouais in the fall where she will focus on a treatment model for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
- Camille Blais-Rochette
Camille completed her Honours Bachelor in Psychology at the University of Ottawa in 2013. At the V-TRaC laboratory, she was involved in the project regarding the mental health of Black Communities in Canada.
- Rachel Christopher
Rachel Christopher was in the third year of her undergraduate degree, with a specialization in psychology at the University of Ottawa when she was a volunteer for the V-TRaC lab. She was a recipient of the UROP scholarship (Undergraduate research opportunity program). She was working on a project on the association between childhood trauma and the perpetration of aggressive behaviors among emerging adults.
- Nereah Félix
Nereah completed her Honours BA in Psychology at the University of Ottawa in 2018. Within the laboratory, she was involved in a project concerning the mental health consequences of the Ebola virus disease for survivors, families and communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
- Brianna Glanville-Forrest
Brianna Glanville-Forrest is in her third year of the Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences program in the French Immersion stream at the University of Ottawa. As a volunteer in the V-TRaC lab, she is involved in projects on the mental health of Black communities. She is passionate about making a difference in the world and strives to do so in all aspects of her life.
- Agata Kasprzyk B.A
Agata graduated from the Honours Bachelor of Psychology program at Concordia University, with a minor in Human Relations in 2021. Her research interests include Substance Abuse, Psychopathology, and Risk and Resilience. As a V-TRaC research assistant, she is involved in projects on mental health in Black communities, and works to transfer knowledge from the lab to the general public (via fact sheets, videos, and social media posts).
- Philmona Kebedom
A proponent of the belief that health is at the core of societal and individual fulfillment, Philmona completed a Masters in Ethics, and another in Public Health, in order to expand her knowledge of healthcare systems and policies. Through this, she then identified the need for access to mental health services for marginalized populations, especially immigrants, which now serves as her inspiration to work towards a degree in Clinical Psychology.
- Mélissa Laporte
Melissa was a fourth year undergraduate student in psychology who was working on her honours thesis under the supervision of Professor Jude Mary Cénat. She was studying the traumatic consequences of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti on the male population. Particularly, she was interested in examining whether the consequences were more serious among men who experienced sexual assault before the earthquake and if resilience has been able to be a protective factor for this population.
- Catherine Morse
Catherine completed her honours thesis in psychology under the supervision of Dr. Jude Mary Cénat. She examined the association between sexual assault, posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms, and perceived social support as a protective risk factor among women survivors of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. As a V-TRaC research assistant, she was involved in a project concerning mental health among black communities.
- Boaz Niyogakiza Injege
Boaz Injege was a Research Assistant and Social Mobilizer. He hosted V-TRaC’s “Chatting in the City” — a podcast about mental health in the Black community. He is a graduate student at the University of British Columbia with a research focus on physical activity and depression in Black Canadians.
- Pari-Gole Noorishad B.A
Pari-Gole (she/her) is a Clinical Psychology graduate student at the University of Ottawa in the INSITE Laboratory, directed by Dr. Shaughnessy. She is also a research assistant in the V-TRaC Laboratory, directed by Dr. Cénat. Within the V-TRaC Lab, she is involved on research projects on mental health disparities in Black communities, overrepresentation of Black youth in child welfare, and mental health of individuals affected by the Ebola Virus Disease and COVID-19.
- Gloria Ukwu B. Sc
Gloria is a recent HSc psychology graduate from the University of Ottawa. She is a research assistant at the V-TRaC lab and has worked on the meta-analysis of substance abuse in the black communities of Canada. Her research interests include Family and Relationship Dynamics, as well as Cognitive Psychology.
Evaluation of Mental Health Problems among Immigrant Populations
Immigrants face a range of challenges that can affect their physical and psychological well-being. Indeed, trauma experienced before, during and after their immigration process can be an important risk factor for the development of mental health problems. Additionally, studies with migrants have shown that culture shock, social isolation, socio-economic difficulties, acculturation, adjustment problems and difficult working conditions can also be risk factors for health problems among migrants. Migrants also face barriers that reduce access to care and services. Lack of knowledge of the health and social systems, limited access to health care for irregular migrants, mistrust of health and social services, and language difficulties are some of the barriers they face.
This project will investigate migrants’ mental health in a complementary, comparative and integrated perspective by highlighting the psychological, family, social, ecological, cultural, and economic factors associated with their mental health. Specifically, it aims to
- assess the prevalence, risk and protective factors associated with mental health problems among two groups of immigrants (immigrants living in Canada for less than 36 months versus immigrants living in Canada between 5 to 8 years);
- document the use of mental health services, satisfaction of services received and their cultural appropriateness;
- finally, the project aims to assess the association between reception conditions, integration process (employment, recognition of diplomas, among others) and mental health.
Participate in the "Evaluation of Mental Health Problems among Immigrant Populations" study
Resources for participants
- Good to talk: 1-866-925-5454
- Mental Health Helpline: 1-866-531-2600
- Mental Health Mobile Crisis Team: 1-866-996-0991
- Ottawa Distress Centre: 613-238-3311
Racial Disparities and Over-representation of Black Children and Adolescents in Child Welfare Services: Understanding for Better Action
Developing tools and programs to prevent the over-representation of Black children in care requires an understanding of the risk factors associated with the pathways of these children and adolescents and their families. Based on a holistic and integrated theoretical approach, this project has a triple objective:
- document the risk and protective factors associated with the pathways of Black youth in child welfare care;
- analyze racial, social, demographic, economic and cultural issues in decision-making processes regarding the placement of children from Black communities; and
- develop culturally appropriate, evidence-based assessment tools that address the real needs of both children, families and stakeholders and that are stripped of racial, social and cultural bias.
Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) the project will
- promote knowledge by documenting factors related to racial disparities and the experiences of Black children and youth in the Canadian context;
- it will promote the improvement of professional practices by developing assessment tools adapted to the real needs of Black children in care, their families and stakeholders and stripped of racial, social and cultural biases; and
- by developing these tools, this project will improve services for families in Black communities.
Total funding :
CA$ 75 000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Ebola Virus Disease in the DR Congo and Community Mental Health: Evaluation, Prevention, and Psychosocial Intervention
Conducted in DR Congo, this project aims to:
- document the risk and protective factors and consequences of Ebola virus disease on the mental health of survivors, families and communities, as well as coping strategies, mechanisms and pathways of resilience through a mixed longitudinal representative study;
- develop a prevention kit that addresses the real needs of communities and the social, cultural and economic factors surrounding Ebola virus disease;
- develop an evidence-based psychosocial intervention kit that addresses the specific needs of communities and stakeholders.
This project, carried out according to an inclusive approach involving communities, stakeholders and policy makers, aims to provide effective results that can help to stop the spread of the virus.
- Jean-Pierre Birangui (University of Lubumbashi);
- Jacqueline Bukaka (University of Kinshasa),
- Daniel Derivois (Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté),
- Cécile Rousseau (McGill University)
Total funding:
CA$ 350 600
Study of Determinants of Mental Health Among Veterans
This research aims to study difficulties and traumas that veterans faced during their military career and during civilian life and strategies they used to deal with them. It also aims to study how the program based on "redeployment" and wilderness activities implemented by the Hero Lodge Foundation could have helped veterans to face experienced difficulties and traumas. In addition to difficulties and traumas, this research will also assess potential consequences such as posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression sleep problems, as well as coping strategies and resilience mechanisms.
Resources for participants
- Veteran affairs Canada: 1-800-268-7708
- Good to talk: 1-866-925-5454
- Mental Health Helpline: 1-866-531-2600
- Mental Health Crisis Line: 1-866-996-0991
COVID-19 and Preventive Attitudes: A Cross-Analysis of Risk and Protective Factors in Health Systems in Haiti, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Togo, Bangladesh, and Pakistan
Based on a global health perspective, this project aims to (1) analyze the status of COVID-19 pandemic surveillance and epidemiological watch measures in six low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs): Haiti, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Togo, Bangladesh, and Pakistan; and (2) examine risk and protective factors related to preventive attitudes among the populations of the six LMICs. Specifically, it will assess the knowledge and false beliefs related to Covid-19 in the populations, their perceptions on the readiness of health systems, the impacts of public health instructions, stigmatization, conspiracy theories associated with COVID-19, and their impacts on preventive attitudes. It will also assess anxiety and depression associated with COVID-19, as well as the community resilience of these populations.
The study will be carried out using a self-report questionnaire among 3,300 participants, with 300 participants per country (600 in DRC, 600 in Bangladesh, 1,200 in Pakistan) face-to-face. It will also be conducted online in the six countries during the same period to allow greater participation rates.
A comprehensive report called "Evidence-based Practices to Save Lives" will contain key research findings and clear recommendations for government decision-makers, health and community actors, NGOs, donors, and researchers and health professionals in DRC, Haiti, Rwanda, Togo, Bangladesh, and Pakistan by May 2020. Knowledge transfer activities on social media (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, SMS), including video clips, fact sheets for populations and mental health professionals.
Principal Researcher: Jude Mary Cénat, Ph.D., University of Ottawa
Co-researchers : Lewis Ampidu Clorméus; Cyrille Kossigan Kokou-Kpolou; Jacqueline Bukaka; Jean-Pierre Birangui; Pedro Damien Akansikou Kouami; Ralph Emmanuel François; Assumpta Ndengeyingoma; Vincent Sezibera; Bishwajit Ghose; Tanjir Soron; Irfan Ullah
Covid-19 Line (Coronavirus) : 43 43 33 33 ou 31 04 0008
GHESKIO Centre : 44 47 8738
Urgent Psychotherapeutic Intervention Haiti : 2919 9000.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Covid-19 Line (Coronavirus) : 854 463 582; 841 363 267; 109 ou 110
Mental Health Centre Telema : (+57) 23 70 34 96
Mental Health Crisis Line : 112
Covid-19 Crisis Line (Coronavirus) : 114
Centre for Mental Health of frères de St Jean de Dieu : +228 22 51 54 17
Medical Psychiatry and Psychology Clinic (CPPM) of CHU-CAMPUS of Lomé : +228 22 25 47 39 / +228 22 25 77 68
Covid-19 Green Number (Coronavirus) : 111
Government of Pakistan: http://covid.gov.pk/covid19
Guidlines on COVID-19 : https://www.nih.org.pk/novel-coranavirus-2019-ncov/
Mental Health of Black Communities in Canada: Evaluation, Prevention, and Intervention Tools
Conducted in Canada, this project aims to diminish and to improve mental health services for youth in Black communities. Three main objectives are pursued: 1) document social and cultural determinants of mental health among Black youth in Canada; 2) educate, raise awareness, de-stigmatise and mobilise Black communities on topics relating to mental health; 3) elaborate and apply evaluation and intervention tools that are culturally adapted. This project is inclusive, as it encompasses communities (families, children, religious leaders, etc.), policy makers, and stakeholders.
Partners: Assumpta Ndengeyingoma (University of Quebec in Outaouais), Cary Kogan (Centre for Psychological Services and Research), Léopold Ntezurubanza (Conseil de la communauté noire de Gatineau), , Maryse Bermingham (Conseil Économique et Social d'Ottawa-Carleton), Purnima Sundar (Ontario Center of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health), Kim Fenn (Youth Bureau Services), Marie Remy (FAMHAS), Suzanne Obiorah (Somerset West Community Health Center), and Jacklyn St-Laurent (Le Cap).
Total Funding: CA$ 799 265
Health Communication, Sociocultural Diversity, and COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to countries worldwide adopting measures such as social distancing, the closing of schools and businesses, and limited access to public spaces. Psychiatrist Dr. Cécile Rousseau, along with collaborators from Concordia University and the University of Ottawa, will conduct surveys and interviews with 4,000 Quebecers to understand how minority status, low socioeconomic status, discrimination/stigmatization, and mental health affect understanding and adoption of COVID-19 public health measures. The goal of the project is to determine best practices for communicating about COVID-19 with different social groups.
Partners: Cécile Rousseau (McGill), Jude Mary Cénat (uOttawa), Vivek Venkatesh (Project Someone and Concordia University), Diana Miconi (McGill), Annie Jaimes (McGill), Rochelle Frounfelker (McGill), Christina Greenaway (McGill), Janet Cleveland (McGill), and Jill Hanley (SHERPA-RAPS).
Total Funding: CAD$ 70 000
National Partners
- Martine Hébert, Université du Québec à Montréal
- Cary Kogan, University of Ottawa
- Assumpta Ndengeyingoma, Université du Québec eu Outaouais
- Cécile Rousseau, McGill University
- Bishwajit Ghose, University of Ottawa
International Partners
- Jean-Pierre Birangui, Université de Lubumbashi
- Jacqueline Bukaka, Université de Kinshasa
- Daniel Derivois, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté
- Lewis Ampidu Clorméus, Université d’État d’Haïti
- Ralph Emmanuel François, Cocread
- Vincent Sezibera, Université de Rwanda
- Kouami Adansikou, Université de Lomé
- Irfan Ullah, Université Gandhara Peshawar
- Tanjir Soron, Telepsychiatry Research and Innovation Network
- Cénat, J. M., Dromer, É., Darius, W. P., Dalexis, R. D., Furyk, S. E., Poisson, H., ... & Kogan, C. S. (2023). Incidence, Racial Disparities and Factors Related to Psychosis among Black Individuals in Canada: A Scoping Review. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 07067437231178957.
- Cénat, J. M., Dalexis, R. D., Darius, W. P., Kogan, C. S., & Guerrier, M. (2023). Prevalence of current PTSD symptoms among a sample of Black individuals aged 15 to 40 in Canada: The major role of everyday racial discrimination, racial microaggresions, and internalized racism. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 68(3), 178-186.
- Cénat, J. M., Dromer, É., Auguste, E., Dalexis, R. D., Darius, W. P., Kogan, C. S., & Guerrier, M. (2023). Frequency and factors related to substance use among Black individuals aged 15–40 years old in Canada: The role of everyday racial discrimination. Psychology of addictive behaviors.
- Cénat, J. M., Noorishad, P. G., Moshirian Farahi, S. M. M., Darius, W. P., Mesbahi El Aouame, A., Onesi, O., ... & Labelle, P. R. (2023). Prevalence and factors related to COVID‐19 vaccine hesitancy and unwillingness in Canada: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Journal of Medical Virology, 95(1), e28156.
- Cénat, J. M., Dromer, É., Darius, W. P., Dalexis, R. D., Furyk, S. E., Poisson, H., ... & Labelle, P. R. (2023). Incidence, factors, and disparities related to cancer among Black individuals in Canada: A scoping review. Cancer, 129(3), 335-355.
- Cénat, J. M., Noorishad, P. G., Moshirian, S. M. M. F., Darius, W. P., & Flynn, R. J. (2023). Reasons for admission to service and overrepresentation of Black youth in the child welfare system in Ontario, Canada: does race matter?. Child Abuse & Neglect, 140, 106157.
- Cénat, J. M., Dalexis, R. D., Clorméus, L. A., Lafontaine, M. F., Guerrier, M., Michel, G., & Hébert, M. (2023). Lifetime and child sexual violence, risk factors and mental health correlates among a nationally representative sample of adolescents and young adults in Haiti: a public health emergency. Journal of interpersonal violence, 38(3-4), 2778-2805.
- Cénat, J. M., Moshirian Farahi, S. M. M., Bakombo, S. M., Dalexis, R. D., Pongou, R., Caulley, L., ... & Venkatesh, V. (2023). Vaccine mistrust among Black individuals in Canada: The major role of health literacy, conspiracy theories, and racial discrimination in the healthcare system. Journal of Medical Virology, 95(4), e28738.
- Jarvis, G. E., Andermann, L., Ayonrinde, O. A., Beder, M., Cénat, J. M., Ben-Cheikh, I., ... & Kirmayer, L. J. (2023). Taking action on racism and structural violence in psychiatric training and clinical practice. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 07067437231166985.
- Noorishad, P. G., Darius, W. P., Czechowski, K., McIntee, S. E., Mukunzi, J. N., & Cénat, J. M. (2023). Racism as a vehicle for the overrepresentation of Black youth in child protection services in Ontario, Canada: Caseworkers’ and community facilitators’ perspectives. Children and Youth Services Review, 149, 106963.
- Cénat, J. M., & Derivois, D. (2023). Addressing the mental health needs and building resilience of populations affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria: lessons from Haiti and elsewhere. International journal of public health, 69.
- Cénat, J. M. (2022). Complex racial trauma: evidence, theory, assessment, and treatment. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17456916221120428.
- Cénat, J. M., Broussard, C., Darius, W. P., Onesi, O., Auguste, E., El Aouame, A. M., Ukwu, G., Khodabocus, S. N., Labelle, P. R., & Dalexis, R. D. (2022). Social mobilization, education, and prevention of the Ebola virus disease: A scoping review. Preventive medicine, 107328. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2022.107328
- Cénat, J. M., Nzeusseu, L., Moshirian, M., Darius, W. P., Dalexis, R.D., & Kogan, C. (2022). Perceived Racial Discrimination, Psychosomatic symptoms, and Resilience among Black Individuals in Canada: A moderated mediation model. Journal of psychosomatic research, 163, 111053. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2022.111053
- Cénat, J.M., Kogan, C. S., Kebedom, P., Ukwu, G., Moshirian, M., Darius, W.P, Bakombo, S., Dalexis, R.D, Ndengeyingoma, A., Noorishad, P.-G., & Labelle, P.R. (2022). Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated With Psychostimulant Use among Black Individuals: a Meta-analysis and Systematic Review. Addictive Behaviour. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2022.107567
- Cénat, J.M., Noorishad, P.-G., Bakombo, S.M., Onesi, O., Mesbahi, A., Darius, W.P., Caulley, L., Yaya, S., Chomienne M.-H., Etowa, J., Venkatesh, V., Dalexis, R.D., & Labelle, Patrick R (2022). A Systematic Review on Vaccine hesitancy in Black communities in Canada: Critical issues and research failures. Vaccines. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10111937
- Sarr, F., Knight, S., Strauss., Ouimet, A., Cénat, J.M., Williams, M., & Shaughnessy, K (2022).Increasing the representation of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour as students in psychology doctoral programmes. (2022). Canadian Psychology = Psychologie Canadienne. https://doi.org/10.1037/cap0000339
- Cénat, J.M., Moshirian, M., Dalexis, R. D., Darius, W. P., Bukaka, J., Balayulu-Makila, O., Luyeye, N., Derivois, D., & Rousseau, C. (2022). Mental distress before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study among communities affected by Ebola virus disease in the DR Congo. Psychiatry Research, 314, 114654–114654. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114654
- Cénat, J.M., Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Blais-Rochette, C., Morse, C., Vandette, M.-P., Dalexis, R. D., Darius, W. P., Noorishad, P.-G., Labelle, P. R., & Kogan, C. S. (2022). Prevalence of ADHD among Black Youth Compared to White, Latino and Asian Youth: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/15374416.2022.2051524
- Cénat, J.M., Moshirian, M., Dalexis, R. D., Darius, W. P., Bekarkhanechi, F. M., Poisson, H., Broussard, C., Ukwu, G., Auguste, E., Nguyen, D. D., Sehabi, G., Furyk, S. E., Gedeon, A. P., Onesi, O., El Aouame, A. M., Khodabocus, S. N., Shah, M. S., & Labelle, P. R. (2022).The global evolution of mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Journal of Affective Disorders, 315, 70–95. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2022.07.011
- Cénat, J.M., Darius, W. P., Noorishad, P.-G., McIntee, S.-E., Dromer, E., Mukunzi, J. N., Solola, O., & Williams, M. T. (2022). War in Ukraine and Racism: The Physical and Mental Health of Refugees of Color Matters. International Journal of Public Health, 67, 1604990–1604990. https://doi.org/10.3389/ijph.2022.1604990
- Kokou-Kpolou, C., Derivois, D., Rousseau, C., Balayulu-Makila, O., Hajizadeh, S., Birangui, J.-P., Guerrier, M., Bukaka, J., & Cénat, J. M. (2022). Enacted Ebola Stigma and Health-related Quality of Life in Post Ebola Epidemic: A Psychosocial Mediation Framework Through Social Support, Self-Efficacy, and Coping. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17(5), 2809–2832. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-022-10039-x
- Rousseau, C., Gomez-Carrillo, A., & Cénat, J. M. (2022). Safe enough? Rethinking the concept of cultural safety in healthcare and training. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1–2. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.2022.102
- Cenat, J.M. (2022). Who is Black? The urgency of accurately defining the Black population when conducting health research in Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), 194(27), E948–E949. https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.220274
- Kokou-Kpolou, Lenferink, L., Brunnet, A. E., Park, S., Megalakaki, O., Boelen, P. A., & Cénat, J. M. (2022). The ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR prolonged grief criteria: Validation of the Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report Plus using exploratory factor analysis and item response theory. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2765
- Cénat, J.M., Rousseau, C., Bukaka, J., Dalexis, R. D., & Guerrier, M. (2022). Severe Anxiety and PTSD Symptoms Among Ebola Virus Disease Survivors and Healthcare Workers in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Eastern DR Congo. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 767656–767656. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.767656
- Cénat, J.M., Moshirian M., Dalexis, R. D., Darius, W. P., Bukaka, J., Balayulu-Makila, O., Luyeye, N., Derivois, D., & Rousseau, C. (2022). Mental distress before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study among communities affected by Ebola virus disease in the DR Congo. Psychiatry Research, 314, 114654–114654. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114654
- Cénat, J.M. (2022). A Letter from… Ottawa, Canada on Black Mental Health. The Lancet Psychiatry, 9(1), 19.
- Cénat, J. M., Darius, W. P., Dalexis, R. D., Kogan, C. S., Guerrier, M., & Ndengeyingoma, A. (2022). Perceived racial discrimination, internalized racism, social support, and self-esteem among Black individuals in Canada: A moderated mediation model. Cultural diversity and ethnic minority psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/cdp0000542
- Kogan, C., Noorishad, P. G., Ndengeyingoma, A., Guerrier, M., & Cénat, J. M. (2022). Prevalence and correlates of anxiety symptoms among Black people in Canada: A significant role for everyday racial discrimination and racial microaggressions. Journal of Affective Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2022.04.110
- Cénat, J. M., Mukunzi, J. N., Amédée, L. M., Clorméus, L. A., Dalexis, R. D., Lafontaine, M. F., ... & Hébert, M. (2022). Prevalence and factors related to dating violence victimization and perpetration among a representative sample of adolescents and young adults in Haiti. Child Abuse & Neglect, 128, 105597.
- Cénat, J. M., Noorishad, P. G., Dalexis, R. D., Rousseau, C., Derivois, D., Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., ... & Guerrier, M. (2022). Prevalence and risk factors of depression symptoms among rural and urban populations affected by Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a representative cross-sectional study. BMJ open, 12(1), e053375.
- Cénat, J. M., Harerimana, B., Michel, G., McIntee, S. E., Mukunzi, J. N., Hajizadeh, S., & Dalexis, R. D. (2022). The global challenge of providing mental health services in poverty: the situation of Northern Haiti. BJPsych International, 19(1), 4-7.
- Dombou, C., Omonaiye, O., Fraser, S., Cénat, J. M., & Yaya, S. (2022). Barriers and facilitators associated with the use of mental health services among immigrant students in high-income countries: a scoping review protocol. Systematic reviews, 11(1), 1-8.
- Cénat, J. M. (2022). Qui est Noir? Il est urgent de préciser la définition de la population noire dans la réalisation de recherches sur la santé au Canada. CMAJ, 194(36), E1271-E1273.
- Noorishad, P-G, Mukunzi, J.N., McIntee, S-E., Kokou-Kpolou, C.K., Czechowski & Cénat, J.M. (2021). Let’s Talk About Racism in Child Welfare: A Qualitative Study on the Overrepresentation of Black Youth in Child Welfare with Caseworkers and Community Facilitators. Child Maltreatment.
- Cénat, J.M., Blais-Rochette, C., Morse, C., Vandette, M-P., Noorishad, P-G., Kogan, C., Labelle, P. & Ndengeyingoma, A. (2021). Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Among US Black Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA psychiatry, 78(1), 21-28.
- Cénat, J.M., Kogan, C., Noorishad, P-G., Hajizadeh, S., Dalexis, R.D., Ndengeyingoma, A., Guerrier, M. (2021). Prevalence and Correlates of Depression among Black Individuals in Canada: The Major Role of Everyday Racial Discrimination. Depression & Anxiety, https://doi.org/10.1002/da.23158
- Cénat, J.M., Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Mukunzi, J. N., Noorishad, P-G., Rousseau, C., Derivois, D., Bukaka, J., Balayulu-Makila, O., Guerrier, M. (2021). Ebola Virus Disease, Stigmatization, Peritraumatic Distress and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Moderated Mediation Model. Journal of Affective Disorders, 293, 214-221.
- Cénat, J.M., Hajizadeh, S., Dalexis, R.D., Ndengeyingoma, A., Guerrier, M. and Kogan, C., (2021). Prevalence and Correlates of Daily and Major Experiences of Racial Discrimination and Microagressions among Black Individuals in Canada. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, https://doi.org/10.1177/08862605211023493.
- Cénat, J. M., Dalexis, R. D., Derivois, D., Hébert, M., Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Guerrier, M. & Rousseau, C. (2021). The Transcultural Community Resilience Scale: Psychometric Properties and Multinational Validity in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 713477. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.713477.
- Cénat, J. M., Kokou-Kpolou, K. C., Noorishad, P-G., Dalexis, R.D., Guerrier, M., Clorméus, L.A., Bukaka, J., Birangui, J-P., Adansikou, K., Ndengeyingoma, A., Sezibera, V., Derivois, D. & Rousseau, C. (2021). Prevalence and correlates of depression during the COVID-19 pandemic and the major role of stigmatization in low- and middle-income countries: A multinational cross-sectional study. Psychiatry Research, 297, 113714.
- Cénat, J. M., McIntee, S-E., Noorishad, P-G. & Mukunzi, J. N. (2021). Overrepresentation of Black Children in the Child Welfare System: A systematic review to understand and better act. Children and Youth Services Review, 105714.
- Cénat, J. M., Dalexis, R.D., Guerrier, M., Noorishad, P-G., Derivois, D., Bukaka, J., Birangui, J-P., Adansikou, K., Clorméus, L.A., Kokou-Kpolou, K. C., Ndengeyingoma, A., Sezibera, V., Auguste, R.E. & Rousseau, C. (2021). Frequency and correlates of anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic in low- and middle-income countries: A multinational study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 132, 13-17.
- Cénat, J. M., McIntee, S-E., Guerrier, M., Derivois, D., Rousseau, C., Dalexis, R.D., Bukaka, J., & Balayulu-Makila, O. (2021). Psychological distress among adults from the urban and rural areas affected by the Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 56, 57–62.
- Cénat, J. M., Noorishad, P-G., Konrad, C., Mukunzi, J. N., Hajizadeh, S. & McIntee, S-E. (2021). The Seven Reasons Why Black Children Are Overrepresented in Child Welfare System in Ontario (Canada): A Qualitative Study from the Perspectives of Caseworkers and Community Facilitators. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, doi.org/10.1007/s10560-021-00793-6
- Cénat, J. M., Rousseau, C., Dalexis, R. D., Balayulu-Makila, O., Derivois, D., & Bukaka, J. (2021) Knowledge and Misconceptions related to the Ebola Virus Disease in a representative sample of adults in the affected communities during the 2018 Equateur Province Outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Venoumous Snake under the table of prevention. Public Health in Practice, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhip.2021.100178.
- Hébert, M., Smith, K., Justine, C., Cénat, J.M., Karray, A., Cartierre, N., Veuillet-Combier, C., Mazoyer, A.V. & Derivois, A. (2021). Prevalence and associated mental health outcomes of child sexual abuse in youth in France: Observations from a convenience sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, 282, 820-828.
- Miconi, D., Li, Z. Y., Frounfelker, R. L., Santavicca, T., Cénat, J. M., Venkatesh, V., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Ethno-cultural disparities in mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study on the impact of exposure to the virus and COVID-19-related discrimination and stigma on mental health across ethno-cultural groups in Quebec (Canada). British Journal of Psychiatry Open, 7(1).
- Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Iorfa, S. K., Park, S., Chinweuba, D. C., Cénat, J. M., & Chukwuorji, J. C. (2021). The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale–Revised (CESD-20-R): factorial validity and gender invariance among Nigerian young adults. Current Psychology, 1-10, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-01231-z.
- Kokou-Kpolou, K. C., Jumageldinov, A., Park, S., Nieuviarts, N., & Cénat, J. M. (2021). Prevalence of depressive symptoms and associated psychosocial risk factors among French University students: The moderating and mediating effects of resilience. Psychiatric Quarterly, 92, 443-457.
- Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Park, S., Lenferink, L. I. M., Iorfa, S. K., Fernandez-Alcantara, Derivois, D., & Cénat, J. M. (2021) Prolonged grief and depression: A latent class analysis. Psychiatry Research, 113864, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2021.113864
- Megalakaki, O., Kokou-Kpolou, K. C., Vaudé, J., Park, S., Iorfa, S. K., Cénat, J.M. & Derivois, D. (2021). Does peritraumatic distress predict PTSD, depression and anxiety symptoms during and after COVID-19 lockdown in France? A prospective longitudinal study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 137, 81-88.
- Cénat, J. M. (2020). How to provide anti-racist mental health care. The Lancet Psychiatry, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30309-6
- Cénat, J. M., Noorishad, P. G., Czechowski, K., McIntee, S. E., & Mukunzi, J. N. (2020). Racial disparities in child welfare in Ontario (Canada) and training on ethnocultural diversity: An innovative mixed-methods study. Child abuse & neglect, 108, 104659.
- Cénat, J.M., Blais-Rochette, C., Kokou-Kpolou, K. C., Noorishad, P-G., Mukunzi, J. N., McIntee, S-E., Dalexis, R.D., Goulet, M-A., & Labelle, P. (2021). Prevalence of symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia, posttraumatic stress disorder, and psychological distress among populations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research, 295, 113599.
- Cénat, J. M., McIntee, S. E., Guerrier, M., Derivois, D., Rousseau, C., Dalexis, R. D., Bukaka, J. & Makila-Balayulu, O. (2020). Psychological distress among adults from the urban and rural areas affected by the Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1-6, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-020-01904-x.
- Cénat, J. M. (2020). US deportation policies in the time of COVID-19: a public health threat to the Americas. Public Health, 185, 4.
- Cénat, J. M., Dalexis, R. D., Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Mukunzi, J. N., & Rousseau, C. (2020). Social inequalities and collateral damages of the COVID-19 pandemic: when basic needs challenge mental health care. International Journal of Public Health, 65(6), 717-718.
- Dalexis, R. D., & Cénat, J. M. (2020). Asylum seekers working in Quebec (Canada) during the COVID-19 pandemic: Risk of deportation, and threats to physical and mental health. Psychiatry Research, 292, 113299-113299.
- Cénat, J. M., Noorishad, P. G., Blais-Rochette, C., McIntee, S. E., Mukunzi, J. N., Darius, W. P., ... & Menelas, K. (2020). Together for Hope and Resilience: A Humanistic Experience by the Vulnerability, Trauma, Resilience and Culture Lab Members during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 8, 643-648.
- Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Jumageldinov, A., Park, S., Nieuviarts, N., Noorishad, P. G., & Cénat, J. M. (2020). Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms and Associated Psychosocial Risk Factors among French University Students: the Moderating and Mediating Effects of Resilience. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1-15, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11126-020-09812-8
- Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Fernández-Alcántara, M., & Cénat, J. M. (2020). Prolonged grief related to COVID-19 deaths: Do we have to fear a steep rise in traumatic and disenfranchised griefs?. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(S1), S94.
- Cénat, J. M. (2020). The vulnerability of low-and middle-income countries facing the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Haiti. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 101684.
- Cénat, J. M., Felix, N., Blais-Rochette, C., Rousseau, C., Bukaka, J., Derivois, D., Noorishad, P. G & Birangui, J. P. (2020). Prevalence of mental health problems in populations affected by Ebola virus disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research, 113033.
- Cénat, J. M., McIntee, S. E., & Blais-Rochette, C. (2020). Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and other mental health problems following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of affective disorders, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2020.04.046
- Ghose, B., & Cénat, J. M. (2020). Drinking to stop watching the clock: physical distancing, stress and alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 outbreak. Alcoholism and Drug Addiction/Alkoholizm i Narkomania, 33(1).
- Cénat, J. M. (2020). Globalization, internet and psychiatric disorders: Call for research and action in global mental health. Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research, 36, 27-29.
- Cénat, J. M., Mukunzi, J. N., Noorishad, P. G., Rousseau, C., Derivois, D., & Bukaka, J. (2020). A systematic review of MHPSS programs among populations affected by the Ebola virus disease. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 109966.
- Derivois, D., Cénat, J. M., Karray, A., & Charpillat-Richard, E. (2020). Determinants of resilience in Haitian street children four years after the January 2010 earthquake. Journal of loss and trauma, 25(1), 34-46.
- Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Jumageldinov, A., Park, S., Nieuviarts, N., Khales, C., & Cénat, J. M. (2020). Differential Associations of Coping Strategies With Grief and Depression in Young Adults: The Role of Cause of Death and Relationship to the Deceased. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 39(3), 172-194.
- Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Moukouta, C. S., Masson, J., Bernoussi, A., Cénat, J. M., & Bacqué, M. F. (2020). Correlates of grief-related disorders and mental health outcomes among adult refugees exposed to trauma and bereavement: A systematic review and future research directions. Journal of Affective Disorders, 267, 171-184.
- Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Moukouta, C. S., Sani, L., McIntee, S. E., Cénat, J. M., Awesso, A., & Bacqué, M. F. (2020). A Mixed Methods Approach of End-of-Life Care, Social Rites, and Bereavement Outcomes: A Transnational Perspective. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 1-23.
- Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Cénat, J. M., Noorishad, P. G., Park, S., & Bacqué, M. F. (2020). A comparison of prevalence and risk factor profiles of prolonged grief disorder among French and Togolese bereaved adults. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1-8.
- Cénat, J. M., Smith, K., Morse, C., & Derivois, D. (2019). Sexual victimization, PTSD, depression, and social support among women survivors of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti: a moderated moderation model. Psychological medicine, 1-12. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/psychological-medicine/article/sexual-victimization-ptsd-depression-and-social-support-among-women-survivors-of-the-2010-earthquake-in-haiti-a-moderated-moderation-model/461FDAB73E3A424DB7FD20D82476BFD2
- Cénat, J. M., Charles, C. H., & Kebedom, P. (2019). Multiple Traumas, Health Problems and Resilience among Haitian Asylum Seekers in Canada’s 2017 Migration Crisis: Psychopathology of Crossing. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 1-22. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15325024.2019.1703610
- Cénat, J. M., Balayulu-Makila, O., Derivois, D., Felix, N., Mukunzi, J. N., Bukaka, J., ... & Rousseau, C. (2019). The mental health professional at the feet of the Ebola virus: individual treatment and global mental challenges. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 1-2.
- Cénat, J. M., Smith, K., Hébert, M., & Derivois, D. (2019). Polyvictimization and cybervictimization among college students from France: the mediation role of psychological distress and resilience. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260519854554.
- Cénat, J. M., Smith, K., Hébert, M., & Derivois, D. (2019). Cybervictimization and suicidality among French undergraduate Students: A mediation model. Journal of affective disorders, 249, 90-95.
- Derivois, D., Cénat, J. M., Karray, A., & Charpillat-Richard, E. (2019). Determinants of Resilience in Haitian Street Children Four Years After the January 2010 Earthquake. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 1-13.
- Derivois, D., Cénat, J.M., & Karray, A. (2019). Le syndrome de l'Aquarius. Esprit, 451, 33-34.
- Cénat, J. M., Blais, M., Lavoie, F., Caron, P. O., & Hébert, M. (2018). Cyberbullying victimization and substance use among Quebec high schools students: The mediating role of psychological distress. Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 207-212.
- Cénat, J. M., Derivois, D., Hébert, M., Amédée, L. M., & Karray, A. (2018). Multiple traumas and resilience among street children in Haiti: psychopathology of survival. Child abuse & neglect, 79, 85-97.
- Cénat, J. M., Hébert, M., Karray, A., & Derivois, D. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Resilience Scale–14 in a sample of college students from France. L'Encéphale, 44(6), 517-522.
- Smith, K., Cénat, J. M., Lapierre, A., Dion, J., Hébert, M., & Côté, K. (2018). Cyber dating violence: Prevalence and correlates among high school students from small urban areas in Quebec. Journal of affective disorders, 234, 220-223.
- Derivois, D., Cénat, J. M., Karray, A., Guillier-Pasut, N., Cadichon, J. M., Lignier, B., ... & Mouchenik, Y. (2018). Resilience in Haiti: is it culturally pathological?. BJPsych International, 1-2.
- Derivois, D., Karray, A., Cénat, J. M., Vaz-Cerniglia, C., Albrieux, L., & Mazoyer, A. V. (2018). Accompagner le déménagement des mineurs non accompagnés: une étude exploratoire en protection de l’enfance. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique ,176, 6, 567-571.
- Michalon-Brodeur, V., Guérin-Bourgeois, E. Cénat, J. M. & Rousseau, C. (2018). Le rôle de l'école face à la radicalisation violente : risques et bénéfices d'une approche sécuritaire. Éducation et Francophonie, 46, 2, 230-248.
- Cénat, J. M., Derivois, D., & Eid, P. (2017). Haiti Earthquake Trauma: How to Cope With the Inhumane Humanity. The primary care companion for CNS disorders, 19, 2.
- Cénat, J. M, & Derivois, D. (2017). Séisme de janvier 2010 en Haïti: Soutien social, résilience et bien-Être chez les adultes survivants. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 38, 2, 153-166.
- Cénat, J. M., Derivois, D., & Karray, A. (2017). Psychopathologie de la mort et de la survivance en Haïti. Psychothérapies, 37, 1, 7-17.
- Derivois, D., Cénat, J. M., Joseph, N. E., Karray, A., & Chahraoui, K. (2017). Prevalence and determinants of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression symptoms in street children survivors of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, four years after. Child abuse & neglect, 67, 174-181.
- Karray, A., Cénat, J. M., Derivois, D., Anaut, M., & Jacome, M. C. (2017). Soigner aux frontières: regard psychodynamique sur le quotidien traumatique des soignants/réfugiés. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 38, 3, 79-98.
- Brolles, L., Derivois, D., Joseph, N. E., Karray, A., Guillier Pasut, N., Cénat, J. M., ... & Chouvier, B. (2017). Art workshop with Haitian street children in a post-earthquake context: Resilience, relationship and socialisation. International Journal of Art Therapy, 22, 1, 2-7.
- Cadichon, J. M., Lignier, B., Cénat, J. M., & Derivois, D. (2017). Symptoms of PTSD among adolescents and young adult survivors six years after the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Journal of loss and trauma, 22, 8, 646-659.
- Hébert, M., Cénat, J. M., Blais, M., Lavoie, F., & Guerrier, M. (2016). Child sexual abuse, bullying, cyberbullying, and mental health problems among high schools students: a moderated mediated model. Depression and anxiety, 33, 7, 623-629.
- Karray, A., Joseph, N. E., Cénat, J. M., & Derivois, D. (2016). Trajectoires résilientes et logiques d’espoir chez les enfants des rues en Haïti. L'Autre, 17, 3, 265-274.
- Cénat, J. M., Eid, P., Derivois, D., Hébert, M., & Clorméus, L. A. (2015). The stone that mourns its victims: Haiti still recovering from its injuries and traumas 5 years after the 2010 earthquake. American journal of psychiatry, 172, 6, 517-518.
- Cénat, J. M., & Derivois, D. (2015). Long‐term outcomes among child and adolescent survivors of the 2010 Haitian earthquake. Depression and anxiety, 32, 1, 57-63.
- Cénat, J. M., Blais, M., Hébert, M., Lavoie, F., & Guerrier, M. (2015). Correlates of bullying in Quebec high school students: The vulnerability of sexual-minority youth. Journal of affective disorders, 183, 315-321.
- Cénat, J. M., Derivois, D., Hébert, M., Eid, P., & Mouchenik, Y. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Haitian Creole version of the Resilience Scale with a sample of adult survivors of the 2010 earthquake. Comprehensive psychiatry, 63, 96-104.
- Cénat, J. M., Hébert, M., Blais, M., Lavoie, F., & Guerrier, M. (2015). Delinquent behaviors among students exposed to family violence in Quebec schools. Adolescencia & saude, 12, 3, 43.
- Cénat, J. M. (2015). An Empiricist Approach of Assessing Psychological Status of Clients Undergoing Psychotherapy: Applying the Trauma Screening Questionnaire. Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy, 5, 4, 1.
- Cénat, J. M. (2015). Résilience et soutien social chez les enfants et adolescents haïtiens survivants du tremblement de terre du 12 janvier 2010. Revue haïtienne de santé mentale, 3, 1, 67-84.
- Derivois, D., Guillier-Pasut, N., Karray, A., Cénat, J. M., Brolles, L., & Matsuhara, H. (2015). Evaluating the risks of school dropout amongst children in the care of the French child protection system: An exploratory study. School Psychology International, 36, 3, 301-312.
- Cénat, J. M., Hébert, M., Blais, M., Lavoie, F., Guerrier, M., & Derivois, D. (2014). Cyberbullying, psychological distress and self-esteem among youth in Quebec schools. Journal of affective disorders, 169, 7-9.
- Cénat, J. M., & Derivois, D. (2014). Assessment of prevalence and determinants of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms in adults survivors of earthquake in Haiti after 30 months. Journal of affective disorders, 159, 111-117.
- Cénat, J. M., & Derivois, D. (2014). Psychometric properties of the Creole Haitian version of the Resilience Scale amongst child and adolescent survivors of the 2010 earthquake. Comprehensive psychiatry, 55, 2, 388-395.
- Derivois, D., Mérisier, G. G., Cénat, J. M., & Castelot, V. (2014). Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and social support among children and adolescents after the 2010 Haitian earthquake. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 19, 3, 202-212.
- Derivois, D., & Cénat, J. M. (2014). Événement sismique et séismes du monde interne: le cas d’un préadolescent Haïtien. L'Évolution Psychiatrique, 79, 4, 643-653.
- Derivois, D., Cénat, J. M., & Mérisier, G. G. (2014). Multi-natural disasters in Gonaives Haiti: Long-term outcomes among child and adolescents and social support. International journal of emergency mental health, 16, 292-297.
Cénat, J. M., Derivois, D., & Merisier, G. G. (2013). École et résilience chez les enfants et adolescents dans l’Haïti post-séisme. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 34, 2, 189-201.
- Cénat, J. M., & Derivois, D. (2012). L’impact de la culture vaudou dans la prise en charge psychosociale des enfants mis en vulnérabilité par le VIH/SIDA en Haïti : étude exploratoire. Enfance, 4, 423-434.
- Cénat, J. M., & Derivois, D. (2012). Les tests projectifs à l'épreuve du vodou en Haïti : réflexions épistémologiques et méthodologiques. Cliniques méditerranéennes, 2, 181-196.
Major knowledge transfer materials
- Kasprzyk, A., Noorishad, P.G., Kogan, C., Hajizadeh, S., Dalexis, R. D., Ndengeyingoma, A., Guerrier, M. Darius, W.P., & Cénat J.M. (2022). Prevalence and correlates of depression among Black individuals in Canada: The major role of everyday racial discrimination. Fact sheet for community settings. Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa (ON), Canada
- Noorishad, P.-G., Kasprzyk, A., Czechowski, K., McIntee, S.-E., Mukunzi, J.N., Darius, W.P., & Cénat, J.M. (2021). Racial disparities in child welfare in Ontario (Canada) and training on ethnocultural diversity: an innovative mixed-methods study. Fact sheet for community settings. Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa (ON), Canada.
- Noorishad, P.-G., Kasprzyk, A., McIntee, S.-E., Mukunzi, J. N., Darius, W.P., & Cénat J.M.(2021). Overrepresentation of Black children in the child welfare system. Fact sheet for community settings. Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa (ON), Canada.
- Cénat J.M., Dromer, E., Noorishad, P.-G, Mukunzi, J. N., McIntee, S.-E., Czechowski, K., & Darius, W.P. (2021). Evidence-based Recommendations to reduce racial disparities in the Child protection services in Ontario. Recommendation booklet for Child welfare services. University of Ottawa (ON), Canada.
- Cénat, J. M., McIntee, S. E, Noorishad, P.-G., Rousseau, C., Derivois, D., Birangui, JP., Bukaka, J. & Balayulu-Makila, O. (2020). Psychological intervention guide: Intervening in the context of infectious disease outbreaks (Bilingual). Ottawa: University of Ottawa, University of Kinshasa, McGill University, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, University of Lubumbashi.
- Cénat, J.M., Ndengeyingoma, A., Kogan, C. & The V-TRaC Lab (2020). How to provide anti-racist mental health care (Bilingual). Ottawa: University of Ottawa.
- Cénat, J.M., Amédée, L.M. et al. (2020). Pour des rapports égalitaires et le changement. Ottawa: Université d’Ottawa.
Fact sheets
Fact Sheets:
- Fact Sheet: Prevalence and correlates of anxiety symptoms among Black people in Canada
- Fact Sheet: Prevalence and factors related to COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and unwillingness in Canada
- Fact Sheet: Prevalence of Current PTSD Symptoms Among a Sample of Black Individuals in Canada
- Fact Sheet: Prevalence and Effects of Daily and Major Experiences of Racial Discrimination and Microaggressions among Black Individuals in Canada
- Fact Sheet: Perceived racial discrimination, psychosomatic symptoms, & resilience among Black individuals in Canada
- Fact Sheet: Perceived racial discrimination, internalized racism, social support & self-esteem among Black individuals in Canada
- Fact Sheet: The global evolution of mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
- Fact Sheet: Prevalence And Factors Related To COVID-19 Vaccine Unwillingness In Canada
- Fact Sheet: The Overrepresentation of Black Children in the Child Welfare System
- Fact sheet: Racial disparities in Child welfare in Ontario and Training on Ethnocultural Diversity
Recommendation Booklet:
- Thirteen recommendations to reduce racial disparities in the services of child protection in Ontario

Coming soon
Coming soon.