Few psychotherapy studies focus on the patient’s experience. Researchers often ask patients to fill...
Magazine theme
Clinical summary: Psychotherapists Have Different Empathy Profiles
Therapist empathy is one of the common factors of psychotherapy that is important to all types of...
Clinical summary: Is the Therapeutic Alliance Important for Teletherapy?
Teletherapy by synchronous videoconferencing or telephone seems to result in similar clinical...
Clinical summary: Therapists’ Experiences of Remote Psychotherapy
For decades, the prototypical psychotherapy setting has been the in-person meeting that promotes a...
Clinical summary: Clinician Burnout Reduces the Effectiveness of Treatment for PTSD
Burnout among mental health professionals is a problem that is well-documented and may affect...
Clinical summary: Psychotherapy Trainees Overestimate Their Interpersonal Skills
Author Highlight: Eric Champagne in the Media
Eric Champagne is an Associate Professor of Public Administration at the School of Political...
Author Highlight: Michael Kempa and the Ottawa Truck Convoy
Michael Kempa is a Canadian social scientist who is an expert on various fields such as community...