Countertransference is one of the oldest concepts in psychotherapy. Freud first discussed it in...
Posts about PPRNET (2)
Clinical summary: Patient Attachment Insecurity Predicts Poorer Therapeutic Alliance
The therapeutic alliance is one of the most researched concepts in psychotherapy. It refers to the...
Clinical summary: Patients Crying in Psychotherapy
Emotional crying, a unique human trait, is crucial to communicating emotions. Previous research has...
Clinical summary: When Psychology Trainees Conceal Part of Their Identity
Many people have concealable stigmatized identities, which may include a history of mental illness,...
Clinical summary: Therapists and Patients Who Agree on Their Experience of the Therapeutic Alliance
The therapeutic alliance is the agreement between the psychotherapist and the patient on the tasks...
Clinical summary: Researchers’ Allegiance to a Therapy Approach Biases Outcomes
Previous studies suggest that researchers tend to prefer one therapy orientation and that this...
Clinical summary: Patient Experiences of Helpful and Unhelpful Psychotherapy
Few psychotherapy studies focus on the patient’s experience. Researchers often ask patients to fill...
Clinical summary: Psychotherapists Have Different Empathy Profiles
Therapist empathy is one of the common factors of psychotherapy that is important to all types of...
Clinical summary: Is the Therapeutic Alliance Important for Teletherapy?
Teletherapy by synchronous videoconferencing or telephone seems to result in similar clinical...
Clinical summary: Therapists’ Experiences of Remote Psychotherapy
For decades, the prototypical psychotherapy setting has been the in-person meeting that promotes a...