In this second video in the series, Professor Clark-Kazak explains key concepts and definitions...
Introduction to Forced Migration by Christina Clark-Kazak part 1: Forced Migration in Canada
Why should Canadians learn more about forced migration in Canada? In this first video in the...
Introduction to Forced Migration by Christina Clark-Kazak part 5: Refugee Protection in Canada
How do people access refugee protection in Canada? In this video in the forced migration series,...
Introduction to Forced Migration by Christina Clark-Kazak part 4: Key Actors in Forced Migration
In the fourth video in the forced migration series, Professor Clark-Kazak presents the key actors...
Get to know the Konrad Adenauer Research Chair on Empirical Democracy Studies
Hear from chairholder Dr. Daniel Stockemer and PhD student Nick Bordeleau on what the Konrad Adenauer Research Chair (KARC) is about and what they have been working on.
By Collabzium
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