The Child and Adult Relationships and Environments Lab
The Child and Adult Relationships and Environments Lab (CARE Lab) began conducting research in the Fall of 2007 under the direction of Dr. Jean-François Bureau. It is a developmental psychology lab interested in learning more about how parents shape the development of their children.
We are currently recruiting parents who have a child aged 3 to 5 years old for an in-person study.
Fathers’ and mothers’ playful parenting in the preschool years : Associations with children’s socio-affective, socio-cognitive, and selective learning abilities

Calling All Parents ! Do you and your partner live together and have a child aged 3 to 5?
If so, researchers at the University of Ottawa invite you and your family to participate in a study exploring how mothers and fathers play with their children during the preschool years. Each parent will be invited to come to the University of Ottawa to play different games with their child.
You will be compensated, and your child will receive a special surprise for each research session in which you participate. For more information, please fill out this form or contact Dr. Jean-François Bureau at lreecare@uottawa.ca
Funding : CRSH #435-2019-0070
Climate Distress and Attachment Security of Young Francophones in a Minority Context: The Role of Parent-Child Conversations
Attention parents and teens!
Are you a French-speaker in a minority context and concerned about climate change?
If so, researchers at the University of Ottawa invite you to participate in a study exploring conversations about climate change between a parent and a teenager, in relation to the climate distress of young people. A teenager aged 13 to 18 and one of their parents will be invited to participate in an online conversation of about 20 minutes about climate change. They will also be invited to complete online questionnaires.
We are recruiting a limited number of participants on a first-come, first-served basis!
For more information about the study, please contact Dr. Jean-François Bureau at 613-562-5800 ext. 4495 or email lreecare@uottawa.ca
For a better understanding of borderline personality disorder in mothers: a prospective cohort study from pregnancy to 6 years of age.
We are inviting mothers who have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) to participate in a research study. This is a study of a duration of 7 years, from pregnancy to 6 years of age of their child. During the study, the psychiatric follow-up will be with the principal researcher, Dr. Valérie Giroux at Montfort Hospital.

Dr. Jean-François Bureau
Lab Director
Full professor
Room: Vanier Hall, 6020
Email : Jean-Francois.Bureau@uOttawa.ca

Michael Yee
Graduate student
MA-PhD in Clinical Psychology (2020 - present)
Email : myee055@uottawa.ca

Sage Sezlik
Graduate student
MA-PhD in Clinical Psychology (2017 - present)
Email : ssezl060@uottawa.ca

Harshita Seal
Graduate student
MA-PhD in Experimental Psychology (2021 - present)
Email : hseal044@uottawa.ca

Ana Karen Espinosa Becerra
Graduate student
MA-PhD in Experimental Psychology (2022 - present)
Email : aespi098@uottawa.ca

Stéphanie Quinn
Research assistant
MA-PhD in Clinical Psychology (2021 - present)
Email : squin069@uottawa.ca

Tia Maria Saade
Research assistant
MA-PhD in Clinical Psychology (2023 - present)
Email: tsaad013@uottawa.ca

2022-2023 Honours Students
Tia Maria Saade
Adèle Landry
There are a number of undergraduate students who volunteer in the CARE Lab. The CARE Lab has both English and French speaking volunteers. The volunteers study in diverse fields from psychology to biochemistry and range from 2nd year students to 4th year students.
If you are interested in volunteering for the CARE Lab, please contact the Lab Coordinator at lreecare@uOttawa.ca
Camille Guérin-Marion (alumna)
Sabrina Schmiedel (alumna)
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology (2021)
- Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Ottawa (2021)
- B.A., Honours in Psychology, University of Ottawa (2013)
Research Interests:
- Child laughter
- Child-parent attachment relationships
Doctoral Thesis:
Comment faire rire les enfants d’âge préscolaire : développement d’un système de codification et liens avec l’attachement enfant-père et enfant-mère (2021). University of Ottawa.
Current Position:
Dr. Schmiedel currently works in a private practice at the Child, Adolescent and Family Center of Ottawa (CAFCO) where she provides therapy services to children, adolescents and families. She also works for the Conseil des écoles publiques de l’est de l’Ontario (CEPEO). Dr. Schmiedel is completing the requirements to become licensed as a psychologist within the provinces of Quebec and Ontario.
Recent Publications:
Audrey-Ann Deneault (alumna)
Ph.D., Experimental Psychology (2021)
- Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, University of Ottawa (2021)
- B.Sc., Honours in Psychology, University of Ottawa (2015)
Research Interests:
- Child-mother and child-father attachment relationships
- Parental behaviors and their influence on children’s social, emotional, cognitive, and linguistic development from infancy to emerging adulthood
- Fathering and the role of fathers in the family from a family systems perspective
Doctoral Thesis:
Validation of the Preschool Attachment Rating Scales and demonstration of their utility to understand how preschool child-mother and child-father attachment promote children’s social adaptation. (2021). University of Ottawa
Current Position:
Dr. Deneault is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Calgary working under the supervision of Dr. Sheri Madigan. Her postdoctoral research is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Société et culture.
Recent Publications:
Jeffry Quan (alumna)
Ph.D., Experimental Psychology (2020)
- Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, University of Ottawa (2020)
- B.A., Honours in Psychology, University of Ottawa (2012)
Research Interests:
- Family relationships across cultures
- Parent-child interactions
- Children’s socio-emotional development
Doctoral Thesis:
Autonomy and Relatedness During the Preschool Period: An Examination of Parent-Child Interactions Within and Across Cultures. (2020). University of Ottawa
Current Position:
Dr. Quan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Military Psychology and Leadership at the Royal Military College of Canada, where he teaches developmental psychology, cross-cultural psychology, and statistics. Dr. Quan’s research focuses on understanding how contextual factors such as culture influence parental beliefs and behaviours, and how these factors ultimately affect children’s development. He is also interested in projects that advance the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in higher-education settings.
Recent Publications:
Kim Yurkowski (alumna)
Ph.D., Experimental Psychology (2018)
- Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, University of Ottawa (2018)
- B.A., Honours in Psychology, University of Ottawa (2010)
Research Interests:
- Parent-child attachment relationships
- Child psychosocial adaptation
- Mother-father-child triadic interactions
Doctoral Thesis:
Représentations d'attachement des enfants d'âge préscolaire: validation d'un nouvel instrument d'évaluation et son association au développement social de l'enfant. (2018). University of Ottawa.
Current Position:
Dr. Yurkowski is a psychologist in the public sector at the Personnel Psychology Centre (PPC) of the Public Service Commission (PSC).
Recent Publications:
Bureau, J.-F., Deneault, A.-A., Yurkowski, K., Martin, J., Quan, J., Sezlik, S., & Guérin-Marion, C. (2021). The interaction of child-father attachment and child-mother attachment in the prediction of observed coparenting. Psychology of Men and Masculinities, 22(3), 512-520. doi:10.1037/men0000309
Deneault, A.-A., Yurkowski, K., Schmiedel, S., & Bureau, J.-F. (2021). Placer l’enfant au centre de l’évaluation de la qualité de la relation enfant-parent: les récits d’attachement. Dans I. Côté, K. Lavoie, & R.-P. Trottier-Cyr (Éds.), La méthodologie de recherche centrée sur l’enfant: recueillir et restituer la parole des enfants et des adolescent.e.s. (pp. 335-359). Les Presses de l’Université Laval.
Orpana, H. M., Lang, J. J., & Yurkowski, K. (2019). Validation of a brief version of the Social Provisions Scale using Canadian national survey data. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 39(12).doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.39.12.02
Molisa Meier (alumna)
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology (2015)
- Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Ottawa (2015)
- B.A., Honours in Psychology, University of Ottawa (2008)
Research Interests:
- Parent-child attachment relationships
- Parentification
- Psychopathlogy
Doctoral Thesis:
The development, psychometric analyses and correlates of a new self-report measure on disorganization and role reversal. (2015). University of Ottawa.
Current Position:
Dr. Meier currently works in private practice at Queensview Professional Services (QPS) as a clinical psychologist. She provides therapy and assessment services to children, adolescents and adults.
Recent Publications:
Rachel Tupper (alumna)
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology (2015)
- Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Ottawa (2015)
- B. Sc., Psychology, University of Southern Colorado (2001)
Research Interests:
- Parent-child attachment relationships
- Behavioural Difficulties
- Parenting
- Military Families
Doctoral Thesis:
The impact of military status on maternal and child outcomes in a Canadian sample of young children (2015). University of Ottawa.
Current Position:
Dr. Tupper currently works for the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, where she provides assessment and therapy services to children and adolescent students. She also works one day a week in private practice at Centretown Psychological Services. Dr. Tupper is currently in the process of becoming licensed as a psychologist with the province of Ontario.
Recent Publications:
Jodi Martin (alumna)
Ph.D., Experimental Psychology (2014)
Contact information:
- Post-doctoral Fellow, Opportunities to Understand Childhood Hurt Laboratory, York University (2016-2018)
- Post-doctoral Fellow, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota (2014-2016)
- Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, University of Ottawa (2014)
- B.A., Honours in Psychology, University of Ottawa (2006)
Research Interests:
- Non-suicidal self-injury
- Suicidal behaviour
- Parent-child attachment relationships
- Psychological difficulties in adolescence and young adulthood
Doctoral Thesis:
Quality of parent-child relationships, attachment, and non-suicidal self-injury: Two investigations in young adult samples. (2014). University of Ottawa.
Current Position:
Dr. Martin is an Assistant Professor (Teaching Stream) in the Department of Psychology at York University, where she specializes in teaching statistics and research methods. Dr. Martin's research studies the impact of caregiver characteristics (i.e., psychological symptoms, behaviour, attachment representations) on the development of children's negative affect regulation across contexts of varying distress.
Recent Publications:
Longitudinal Exploration of Family Systems Dynamic and Child Social Adaptation in Middle Childhood: The Role of Father-Child, Mother-Child, Siblings, and Parents Relationships
In recent decades, there have been marked changes in the parenting roles of both mothers and fathers, featuring an increase in paternal involvement. Paradoxically, research shows these changes may actually promote tensions within families rather than decrease it. Despite the growing involvement of fathers, attachment research has traditionally focussed on the impact of mother-child relationships, excluding the potential importance of not only father-child bonds, but also of additional influences from other aspects within the family dynamic.
As such, there is a theoretical need to move toward a family systems approach in the study of attachment, to have a clearer understanding of the combined influences of the multiple relationships within the family on child adaptation. These approaches permit the study of multiple aspects within families, including characteristics of the mother-father relationship (e.g., co-parenting, couple relationship), but also the quality of interaction in the triad (mother, father, child) and the sibling relationships.
As part of this longitudinal project, we completed an investigation regarding the attachment of children to both mothers and fathers in the preschool years (3 to 5 years old) using lab and home visits; and we investigated the family dynamic 5 years later, still using lab and home visits.
Funding : CRSH # 410-2009-724 and # 435-2013-0203
Family, Couple Relationships, and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury among Young Adults
Non-suicidal self-injury behaviors (NSSI) are defined as intentional self-harm to body tissue severe enough to cause injury, manifested without suicidal intent, and using methods not sanctioned by society. Studies have found prevalence rates ranging from 13 to 17% in non-clinical samples of adolescents and young adults. Attachment theory provides an interesting explanatory framework for self-injurious behaviors. Individuals with insecure attachment are more likely to report self-injurious behaviors, with both dimensions being associated with difficulties in managing emotions and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships. In 2008, we initiated a project aimed at studying the family and romantic backgrounds of young adults with non-suicidal self-injury behaviors. This project aimed primarily to better understand the influence of the quality of attachment relationships among the most significant in a young adult's life (parents and romantic partner) on self-injurious behaviors. In 2016, we launched a second project on the student experience (academic stress, perfectionism, parental pressure, and unrealistic expectations), emotional regulation, and non-suicidal self-injury behaviors.
Attachment and Military Families
In the last decade, global instability has led to higher demands placed on military members and their families, especially in the area of deployment. Longer and more frequent deployments have had significant psychological consequences on soldiers who have been deployed. Deployment has also been shown to negatively impact child adjustment; however, the research in this area is limited, particularly within a Canadian military context.
The purpose for this project was to examine specific areas of child adjustment affected by military status, particularly deployment, and to explore potential pathways through which this impact occurs. We included an examination of the effect of military status on maternal depressive symptoms, parental stress, and marital satisfaction, as well as on the quality of the child's attachment to the parent at home. We also explored the unique role of military status in predicting reported behaviour problems over and above what was accounted for by child attachment and parental stress was explored.
Creation of the Childhood Disorganization and Role Reversal Scale (CDRR)
There is a void of existing measures assessing young adults’ perceptions of childhood disorganized and controlling attachment. This research project aimed to fill this gap by developing a convenient self-report measure, the Childhood Disorganization and Role Reversal Scale (CDRR: Meier & Bureau, 2012), which comprehensively assesses for the complexity of those attachment constructs in young adults.
The CDRR is a novel measure as it assesses the unique attachment representations on mother-child and father-child relationships. We have recently contributed to the validation of the CDRR in an American sample of young adults. A short version is currently in preparation.
Sabrina Schmiedel defended her doctoral thesis!
In Sept. 2021, our graduate student Sabrina, successfully defended her doctoral thesis! The title of her thesis is entitled: ''Comment faire rire les enfants d'âge préscolaire : Développement d'un système de codification et liens avec l'attachement enfant-père et enfant-mère''. Congratulations Dr. Schmiedel!
Audrey-Ann Deneault defended her doctoral thesis!
In May 2021, Audrey-Ann Deneault defended her doctoral thesis entitled ''Validation of the Preschool Attachment Rating Scales and Demonstration of their Utility to Understand how Preschool Child-Mother and Child-Father Attachment Promote Children’s Social Adaptation''. Congratulations Audrey-Ann!
The CARElab is welcoming a new graduate student!
Harshita Seal will be starting her PhD in Experimental Psychology in the fall 2021. Her research will be supported by a Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Master's) from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Harshita has been volunteering with the CARElab since 2018, and is an integral part of the coordination team for our current research project on parental playfulness. We are thrilled to have her join the lab!
Jeffry Quan defended his doctoral thesis!
In June 2020, Jeffry Quan defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Autonomy and relatedness during the preschool period: An examination of parent-child interactions within and across cultures." Congratulations Jeffry!
The CARElab was featured in a video about the developmental labs at the University of Ottawa!
To learn more about the interesting research that our lab and other labs are doing, check out this video: https://youtu.be/hwDTGoWrfZg
Véronique Woychuk was awarded the Best Honours Thesis Award!
Her thesis was entitled: "Relations fraternelles: Le lien entre les observations en milieu naturel et les rapports des parents". Congrats Véronique!
Audrey-Ann Deneault won the Pierre Baron scholarship!
In June 2019, Audrey-Ann was awarded the Pierre Baron Memorial Scholarship for excellence in research. Congratulations Audrey-Ann!
We received a grant for a new research project!
Dr. Jean-François Bureau received funding through the Insight Grant program of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). The project is entitled: "Fathers' and mothers' playful parenting in the preschool years: Associations with children's socioaffective, socio-cognitive, and selective learning abilities".
Sage Sezlik received a Doctoral Scholarship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada!
Congratulations Sage!
Dr. Jean-François Bureau was promoted to the rank of Full Professor!
Congratulations Dr. Bureau on this accomplishment!
Audrey-Ann Deneault received scholarships to support a research stay at the University of Maryland!
Audrey-Ann received the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Student Mobility Bursary from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FGPS) at the University of Ottawa to spend six months doing research with low-income, diverse families under the supervision of Dr. Natasha Cabrera. Congratulations Audrey-Ann!
Directions to the CARE Lab
From downtown Ottawa
- Take the Laurier Street Bridge east over the Rideau Canal (past the Department of National Defense).
- Turn right (south) onto Cumberland Street.
- At the end of the street, turn right onto University Private.
- The 90U parking lot (Lot K) is at the end of the street.
- A research assistant will be waiting for you at the entrance of the parking lot. She will give you a parking pass to display in your car and tell you where to park.
- The research assistant will walk with you to our laboratory.
- Please call us at (613) 562-5800, x. 4495 if you have any trouble finding us.
From the West (e.g., Kanata)
- Head east on HWY-417.
- Take the exit 118 for Nicholas Street/Lees Avenue toward Lees Avenue/Ottawa 66.
- Turn left on Lees Avenue/Ottawa 66.
- Continue on Lees Avenue (passing over the HWY-417)C that becomes King Edward Avenue.
- Keep going straight on King Edward Avenue.
- Turn left on Laurier Avenue.
- Turn left on Cumberland Street.
- At the end of the street, turn right onto University Private.
- The 90U parking lot (Lot K) is at the end of the street.
- A research assistant will be waiting for you at the entrance of the parking lot. She will give you a parking pass to display in your car and tell you where to park.
- The research assistant will walk with you to our laboratory.
- Please call us at (613) 562-5800, x. 4495 if you have any trouble finding us.
From the East (e.g., Orleans)
- Head west on HWY-417.
- Take the exit 118 for Nicholas Street/Lees Avenue toward Gatineau/Autoroute 5.
- BUT take the ramp toward Mann Avenue.
- Turn slight right on Lees Avenue and continue straight on Lees Avenue which will turn into King Edward Avenue (After getting off the highway, you will pass two sets of lights on Lees Avenue and then it will be King Edward Avenue).
- Keep going straight on King Edward Avenue.
- Turn left on Laurier Avenue.
- Turn left on Cumberland Street.
- At the end of the street, turn right onto University Private.
- The 90U parking lot (Lot K) is at the end of the street.
- A research assistant will be waiting for you at the entrance of the parking lot. She will give you a parking pass to display in your car and tell you where to park.
- The research assistant will walk with you to our laboratory.
- Please call us at (613) 562-5800, x. 4495 if you have any trouble finding us.
From Gatineau
- Head west on HWY-50
- Take the exit 135 towards Ottawa to arrive on HWY-5, going south.
- Continue on Macdonald-Cartier Bridge, going south.
- Keep going straight on King Edward Avenue.
- Turn right onto Laurier Avenue.
- Turn left on Cumberland Street.
- At the end of the street, turn right onto University Private.
- The 90U parking lot (Lot K) is at the end of the street.
- A research assistant will be waiting for you at the entrance of the parking lot. She will give you a parking pass to display in your car and tell you where to park.
- The research assistant will walk with you to our laboratory.
- Please call us at (613) 562-5800, x. 4495 if you have any trouble finding us.
Periodical articles
Chapter books
Bureau, J.-F., Deneault, A.-A., Yurkowski, K., Martin, M. J. (2019). Attachment and parenting in the preschool years. Dans D. Whitebread, V. Grau, K. Kumpulainen, M. McClelland, N. Perry, & D. Pino-Pasternak (Éds), The SAGE Handbook of Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education (pp. 23-41). Londres, Royaume-Uni: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Bureau, J.-F., Deneault, A.-A., Yurkowski, K., Lyons-Ruth, K. (2018). Attachement et trauma complexe. Dans T. Milot, N. Godbout, & D. Collin-Vézina (Éds.), Le trauma complexe : comprendre, évaluer et intervenir (pp. 135-154). Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Bureau, J.-F., Yurkowski, K., & Moss, E. (2012). Entre désorganisation et contrôle: L’attachement aux periodes préscolaire et scolaire. Dans G.M. Tarabulsy, M.A. Provost, J.-P. Lemelin, A. Plamondon, & C. Dufresne (Eds.), Développement social et émotionnel chez l'enfant et l'adolescent. Les bases du développement (pp. 228-248). Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
Moss, E., Bureau, J.-F., St-Laurent, D., & Tarabulsy, G.M. (2011). Understanding Disorganized Attachment at Preschool and School Age: Examining divergent pathways of Disorganized and Controlling children. Dans J. Solomon & C. George (Eds.), Attachment disorganization and caregiving (pp. 52-79). New York: Guilford.
Bureau, J.-F., Martin, J., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2010). Inadequate Early Caregiving and Psychopathology. Dans R. Lanius, and E. Vermetten, (Eds), The Hidden Epidemic: The Impact of Early Life Trauma on Health and Disease (pp. 48-56). Cambridge University Press.
Bureau, J.-F., Deneault, A.-A., Guérin-Marion, C., Sezlik, S., Yurkowski, K., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2019, mai). Les implications du retrait parental en bas âge pour le développement de l’enfant jusqu’à l’âge adulte. Dans A. Bérubé, G. Piché, & A. Couvrette (Présidentes), Parentalité en contexte de vulnérabilité : mécanismes de risque et de protection, ainsi qu’interventions prometteuses.Symposium présenté à la conférence annuelle de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Gatineau, Canada.
Deneault, A.-A., Yurkowski, K., Moss, E., & Bureau, J.-F. (2018, juillet). A dimensional approach to studying child-father attachment in the preschool years. Dans J. St George (présidente), Father-child dyads: Psychosocial and biological perspectives on fathering and child development. Colloque présenté à la conférence bi-annuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development" (ISSBD), Gold Coast, Australie.
Quan, J., Bureau, J.-F., Tan, K.H., Chong, Y.S., Broekman, B., & Rifkin-Graboi, A. (2018, juillet). Whose mental states matter? Differential effects of maternal mental state talk on Canadian and Singaporean children’s internalizing problems. Dans J.B.K. Koh (présidente), Narrative socialization in cultural context: Implications for children’s cognitive and emotional development. Colloque présenté à la conférnce de la "International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology" (IACCP), Guelph, Canada.
Martin, J., Bureau, J.-F., Lafontaine, M-F., Cloutier, P. F., Hsiao, C., Pallanca, D. et Meinz, P. (2015, juin). Using attachment representations and inferred early experiences to examine paths to NSSI: The mediating role of emotion dysregulation. Dans J. Martin (Présidente), Parental influences on engagement in and treatment of self-harming behaviour. Colloque présenté à la conférence annuelle de la Société canadienne de psychologie (SCP), Ottawa, Ontario.
Yurkowski, K., Martin, J., Bureau, J.-F., Renaud Fournier, T., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Cloutier, P. (2015, juin). Parental maltreatment, adverse life events and parent-child relationship risk in the prediction of NSSI in young adults. Dans J. Martin (Présidente), Parental influences on engagement in and treatment of self-harming behaviour. Colloque présenté à la conférence annuelle de la Société canadienne de psychologie (SCP), Ottawa, Ontario.
Meinz, P., Redden, E., McLean, H., Yurkowski, K., Bailey, H., Moran, G., & Pederson, D. (2013, juin). Stability and change in attachment representation and cognition. Dans le cadre de la conférence annuelle "Home County Attachment Workshop", Ottawa, Ontario.
Yurkowski, K., Quan, J., Schmiedel, S., & Bureau, J.-F. (2013, juin). The dynamics of family XXX … Colloque présenté à la conférence annuelle "Home County Attachment Workshop", Ottawa, Ontario.
Bureau, J.-F., Yurkowski, K., & Quan, J. (2013, mai). L’attachement père-enfant à la période préscolaire: je ne suis pas un bébé. Dans le cadre de la conférence Vivre sa paternité en français en Ontario, Ottawa, Ontario.
Bureau, J.-F., Yurkowski, K., Quan, J., Moss, E., & Pallanca, D. (2013, avril). Preschool attachment to fathers and mothers: Associations with parent-child triadic interactions and child socialization. Dans J.-F. Bureau (Président), The effects of father involvement and co-parenting on social adaptation in toddlers and preschoolers. Colloque présenté à la conférence bi-annuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development" (SRCD), Seattle, Washington.
Martin, J., Bureau, J.-F., Lafontaine, M.-F., Cloutier, P., & Hsiao, C. (2013, avril). Are attachment states of mind and non-suicidal self-injury related to psychological symptoms and parent-child relationships? Dans J. Martin (Présidente), Adolescent attachment: Alternative approaches and associations with social and psychological adaptation. Colloque présenté à la conférence bisannuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development " (SRCD), Seattle, Wasington.
Martin, J. & Bureau, J.-F. (2012, juin). Manifestations of cannot classify states of mind on the AAI : Examples (and many many questions) from a sample of young self-injurers. Colloque présenté à la conférence annuelle "Home County Attachment Workshop", Montréal, Québec.
Martin, J., Tupper, R., & Bureau, J-F. (2009, juillet). Coding paternal sensitivity in interactions with preschoolers. Colloque présenté à la conférence annuelle "Home County Attachment Workshop", Toronto, Ontario.
Deneault, A.-A., Bureau, J.-F., Yurkowski, K., Martin, J., Quan, J., Sezlik, S., & Guérin-Marion, C. (2019, juillet). Coparenting and parental partnership in a triadic setting: Associations with parental sensitivity and child-parent attachment. Affiche présentée à la International Attachment Conference (IAC), Vancouver, Canada.
Quan, J., Bureau, J.-F., Cheung, V., Tan, K. H., Chong, Y.-S., Broekman, B. F. P., & Rifkin-Graboi, A. (2019, juin). Maternal affirming versus directing of children’s behaviours: Associations with Canadian and Singaporean preschoolers’ internalizing problems. Affiche présentée à la session régionale Parenting Among Asians de la Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Hong Kong.
Deneault, A.-A., Yurkowski, K., Hérard, A. & Bureau, J.-F. (2019, mars). Associations between preschool child-mother and child-father continuous attachment and externalizing problems in middle childhood. Affiche présentée au Congrès de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Baltimore, Maryland, États-Unis.
Deneault, A.-A., Yurkowski, K., Moss, E., & Bureau, J.-F. (2019, mars). Validation of the Preschool and Early-Childhood Attachment Rating Scales, a continuous measure of preschool attachment. Affiche présentée au Congrès de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Baltimore, Maryland, États-Unis.
DiStefano, M., Schmiedel, S., & Bureau, J.-F. (2019, March). Laughing with mom and dad: Parents’ long-term contribution to their child’s socio-emotional adaptation. Affiche présentée au Congrès de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Baltimore, Maryland, États-Unis.
Guérin-Marion, C., Deneault, A.-A., Sezlik, S., Yurkowski, K., & Bureau, J.-F. (2019, mars). Child-mother and child-father attachment as predictors of coparenting relationship qualities. Affiche présentée au Congrès de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Baltimore, Maryland, États-Unis.
Sezlik, S., Deneault, A.-A., Guérin-Marion, C., Yurkowski, K., & Bureau, J.-F. (2019, mars). Parental interactions in a triadic play setting: Longitudinal associations with maternal gatekeeping and coparenting. Affiche présentée au Congrès de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Baltimore, Maryland, États-Unis.
Quan, J., Bureau, J.-F., Pawlicka, P., Deneault, A.-A., Tan, K. H., Chong, Y.-S., & Rifkin-Graboi, A. (2019, mars). Maternal socialization goals in Canada, Poland, and Singapore: Variation by cultural context, education, and gender. Affiche présentée au Congrès de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Baltimore, Maryland, États-Unis.
Deneault, A.-A., Yurkowski, K., & Bureau, J.-F. (2018, juillet). Continuous measure of preschool child-mother and child-father attachment: Associations with externalizing problems. Affiche présentée à la conférence bi-annuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development" (ISSBD), Gold Coast, Australie.
Schmidel, S., Bellehumeur, E., Langevin, E., Distefano, M., Myre, G., & Bureau, J.-F. (2018, juillet). Are fathers the best laugh getters? Comparison of father's and mother's methods to make preschool child laugh and laughter outcomes. Affiche présentée à la conférence bi-annuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development" (ISSBD), Gold Coast, Australie.
Cheung, V., Quan, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2018, juin). Autonomy- and relatedness-promoting behaviours in Canadian parents during the preschool period: Variation by parent and child gender. Affiche présentée à la conférence internationale de psychologie appliquée (ICAP), Montréal, QC.
Guérin-Marion, C., Martin, J., Deneault, A.-A., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Bureau, J.-F. (2018, juin). The functions and addictive features of nonsuicidal self-injury: A confirmatory analysis of the Ottawa Self-Injury Inventory in a commnunity sample of young adults. Affiche présentée à la conférence internationale de psychologie appliquée (ICAP), Montréal, QC.
Bellehumeur, E., Myre, G., Schmiedel, S., & Bureau, J.-F. (2018, mars). Le stress parental : Affecte-t-il la capacité des pères et les mères à faire rire leur enfant? Affiche présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP), Québec, Québec.
Distefano, M., Schmiedel, S., Bureau, Jean-François. (2018, mars). Rire avec maman et papa : Influence sur les troubles intériorisés de l'enfant à long terme. Affiche présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP), Québec, Québec.
Myre, G., Bellehumeur, E., Schmiedel, S., Bureau, J.-F. (2018, mars). Le tempérament et le rire de l'enfant lors d'une interaction amusante avec un parent. Affiche présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP), Québec, Québec.
Quan, J., Bureau, J.-F., & Rifkin-Graboi, A. (2017, juillet). The promotion of autonomy and relatedness in mother-child interactions during the preschool period: Observations across three ethno-cultural groups. Affiche présentée à la conférence régionale de la "International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology" (IACCP), Varsovie, Pologne.
Deneault, A.-A., Phlek, V.-V., Gaudette, C., Myre, G., Gaudreau, P., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Bureau, J.-F. (2017, juin). The influence of parental control, fear of failure, and feeling of alienation on emerging adults’ life and school satisfaction. Affiche présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société canadienne de psychologie (SCP), Toronto, Ontario.
Phlek, V.-V., Lafontaine, M.-F., Bureau, J.-F., Deneault, A.-A., Gaudreau, P. (2017, juin). The associations between multiple sources of pressure and couple satisfaction in young adults. Affiche présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société canadienne de psychologie (SCP), Toronto, Ontario.
Deneault, A.-A., Yurkowski, K., Quan, J., Gosselin Distefano, M., & Bureau, J.-F. (2017, mai). « Non, pas comme ça! » Attachement, sensibilité et compétition parentale dans un contexte triadique. Affiche présentée à la conférence annuelle de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Montréal, Québec.
Myre, G., Deneault A-A., Lafontaine, M-F., Gaudreau, P., & Bureau, J-F. (2017, mai). Contrôle parental et peur d'échouer: Une influence sur la satisfaction de vie du jeune adulte? Affiche présentée à la Conférence interdisciplinaire de psychologie (CIP), Ottawa, Ontario.
Bureau, J-F., Martin, J., Yurkowski, K, Schmiedel, S., Quan, J., Deneault, A.-A., & Moss, E. (2017, avril). Correlates of father-child attachment in the preschool years. Affiche présentée à la conférence bi-annuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development" (SRCD), Austin, Texas.
Deneault, A.-A., Schmiedel, S., Yurkowski, K., & Bureau, J.-F. (2017, avril). Do child-parent interactions at the preschool age predict children’s self-esteem during middle childhood? Affiche présentée à la conférence bi-annuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development" (SRCD), Austin, Texas.
Deneault, A.-A., Schmiedel, S., Yurkowski, K., & Bureau, J.-F. (2017, avril). How does parental sensitivity influence the link between parental stress and child-parent attachment during the preschool period? Affiche présentée à la conférence bi-annuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development" (SRCD), Austin, Texas.
Schmiedel, S., Deneault, A.-A., Yurkowski, K., Raposo, S., & Bureau, J.-F. (2017, avril). The influence of sibling composition on child-father relationships. Affiche présentée à la conférence bi-annuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development" (SRCD), Austin, Texas.
Yurkowski, K., Deneault, A.-A., Schmiedel, S., Martin, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2017, avril). Are Preschoolers’ Attachment Representations of Mothers and Fathers Associated with Child Social Adaptation? Affiche présentée à la conférence bi-annuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development" (SRCD), Austin, Texas.
Yurkowski, K., Schmiedel, S., Deneault, A.-A., Martin, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2017, avril). Do Preschoolers’ Attachment Representations of Mothers and Fathers Correspond With Attachment Behavioral Assessments? Affiche présentée à la conférence bi-annuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development" (SRCD), Austin, Texas.
Deneault, A.-A., Yurkowski, K., Quan, J., Gosselin Distefano, M., & Bureau, J.-F. (2017, mars). Attachement désorganisé et interactions triadiques : Est-ce que le lien se confirme aussi envers les pères? Affiche présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP), Montréal, Québec.
Deneault, A.-A., Bureau, J.-F., & Yurkowski, K. (2016, avril). L'influence du stress parental sur la qualité des interactions amusantes avec l'enfant. Affiche présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP), Trois-Rivières, Québec.
Deneault, A.-A., Bureau, J.-F., Yurkowski, K, & Schening, H. (2016, avril). L’influence du sexe de l’enfant et du parent sur la relation d’attachement à l’âge préscolaire. Affiche présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP), Trois-Rivières, Québec.
Lafontaine, M.-F., Wehbe, H., Levesque C., Caron, A., & Bureau, J.-F. (2015, juin). The influence of general perfectionism on non-suicidal self-injurious thoughts and behaviours in young adults. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de la Société canadienne de psychologie (SCP), Ottawa, Ontario.
Levesque, C., Lafontaine, M.-F., Bureau, J.-F., Cloutier, P., Fitzpatrick, J., & Caron, A. (2015, juin). The mediating effects of emotion regulation on the relationship between romantic attachment and non-suicidal self-injury. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de la Société canadienne de psychologie (SCP), Ottawa, Ontario.
Martin, J., Bureau, J.-F., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Cloutier, P. F. (2015, mars). Inferred early experiences, attachment states of mind, and emotion regulation deficits: Examining paths to NSSI in young adults. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie.
Meier, M. & Bureau, J.-F. (2015, mars). Reliability and validity testing of a new retrospective self-report measure of role-reversed and disorganized attachment. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie.
Meier, M. & Bureau, J.-F. (2015, mars). Association between childhood family risk and current accounts of childhood disorganization and role-reversal. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie.
Schmiedel, S., Bureau, J-F., Firzly, N.,Yurkowski, K., Moss, E., & Pallanca, D. (2015, mars). Playing and activating children: A good context for assessing both parents sensitivity in association with attachment organization. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie.
Tupper, R., Bureau, J.-F., & St-Laurent, D. (2015, mars). Does military deployment predict preschoolers’ behaviour problems over and above attachment and parental stress? Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie.
Tupper, R., Bureau, J.-F., & St-Laurent, D. (2015, mars). Associations between military deployment, maternal depression, stress, marital satisfaction and child attachment. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie.
Yurkowski, K., Bureau, J.-F., Martin, J., Quan, J., Arpin, V., Moss, E., & Pallanca, D. (2015, mars). Are three heads better than two? Exploring maternal and paternal attachment and triadic interaction quality in preschoolers. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie.
Yurkowski, K., Bureau, J.-F., Moss, E., & Pallanca, D. (2015, mars). Are father-child relationships more vulnerable to factors such as child temperament and parental stress? Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de la Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie.
Meier, M. & Bureau, J.-F. (2015, mars). Associations between self-reported attachment disorganization and role-reversal markers on older adolescents’ psychological outcomes and parent-child relationship quality. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
Quan, J., Schmiedel, S., Yurkowski, K., & Bureau, J.-F. (2014, mai). L’interaction entre la fréquentation d’un milieu de garde, l’attachement parent-enfant, et les troubles socio-émotionnels chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Montréal, Québec.
Schmiedel, S., Yurkowski, K., Quan, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2014, mai). L’attachement envers le père des enfants d’âge préscolaire et leur compétence sociale. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Montréal, Québec.
Yurkowski, K., Quan, J., Schmiedel, S., & Bureau, J.-F. (2014, mai). La qualité des interactions dyadiques mère-enfant et père-enfant lors de la période préscolaire : comparaison entre un contexte de jeu amusant et un contexte anxiogène. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Montréal, Québec.
Firzly, N. & Bureau, J.-F. (2014, mars). On apprend avec maman et on s’amuse avec papa! Est-ce vraiment le cas? Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Montréal, Québec.
Quan, J., Yurkowski, K., Schmiedel, S., & Bureau, J.-F. (2014, mars). Daycare buffers the effect of poor family environment on conduct problems in preschool children. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Montréal, Québec.
Schmiedel, S., Quan, J.,Yurkowski, K., & Bureau, J.-F. (2014, mars). Le stress parental comme médiateur entre les facteurs de risques sociodémographiques familiaux et les troubles de comportement chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Montréal, Québec.
Schmiedel, S., Yurkowski, K., & Bureau, J.-F. (2014, mars). Les représentations d’attachement au père et à la mère des enfants d’âge préscolaire : associations avec l’adaptation sociale et les pratiques parentales. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Montréal, Québec.
Yurkowski, K., Schmiedel, S., Quan, J., Bureau, J.-F., & Kljajic, K. (2014, mars). La qualité des interactions dyadiques mère-enfant et père-enfant dans un contexte de jeu amusant durant la période préscolaire. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Montréal, Québec.
Renaud Fournier, T., Bureau, J-F., & Martin, J. (2013, juin). L’influence relative de l’abus parental, de la qualité de la relation parent-enfant et des événements de vie stressants sur la détresse psychologique et les risques d’automutilation. Présentation affichée à la conférence annuelle de la Société canadienne de psychologie (SCP), Québec, Québec.
Quan, J., Bureau, J.-F., Yurkowski, K., Moss, E., & Pallanca, D. (2013, mai). The relationship between time spent in daycare, parental sensitivity, and preschool attachment to fathers and mothers. Présentation affichée présentée à la 4e conférence annuelle du "International Journal of Arts and Sciences" (IJSA), Boston, Massachusetts.
Martin, J., Ginsburg, R., Bureau, J.-F., Levesque, C., Cloutier, P., & Kennedy, A. (2013, avril). Validation of the Youth Stress and Coping Questionnaire in a late adolescent university student sample. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development" (SRCD), Seattle, Washington.
Meier, M. & Bureau, J.-F. (2013, avril). Internal consistency and reliability of a new retrospective self-report measure of attachment role-reversal and disorganization. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development " (SRCD), Seattle, Washington.
Tupper, R., Bureau, J.-F., & St-Laurent, D. (2013, avril). Impact of deployment and military lifestyle on behaviour problems in a Canadian sample of preschool children. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development " (SRCD), Seattle, Washington.
Yurkowski, K., Bureau, J.-F., & Quan, J. (2013, avril). Studying the family dynamic through parent-child dyadic and triadic interactions. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development " (SRCD), Seattle, Washington.
Cloutier, P.F., Martin, J., Bureau, J.-F., Levesque, C., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Nixon, M.K. (2012, octobre). The Ottawa Self Injury Inventory (OSI): A valid and reliable tool for assessing non-suicidal self-injury in youth. Présendation affichée présentée à la 59e conférence annuelle du "American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry" (AACAP), San Francisco, California.
Martin, J., Bureau, J.-F., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Cloutier, P.F. (2012, juillet). Unresolved attachment, maternal and paternal maltreatment, and non-suicidal self-injury: An examination of mediation models in a young adult sample. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development" (ISSBD), Edmonton, Alberta.
Meier, M., Martin, M., Speedy, M., & Bureau, J.-F. (2012, juillet). Validation of the Young Adult Compulsive Caregiving Scale: A Measure assessing the role-reversal caregiving attachment style to parents in adolescence. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development" (ISSBD), Edmonton, Alberta.
Yurkowski, K., Martin, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2012, juillet). Correspondence of attachment to mothers and fathers in preschool children. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development" (ISSBD), Edmonton, Alberta.
Yurkowski, K., Martin, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2012, juillet). Examining the distribution of attachment classifications between mothers and fathers of preschool children. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development" (ISSBD), Edmonton, Alberta.
LaValley, S., Yurkowski, K., & Bureau, J.-F. (2012, juin). On track with the triad: Investigating triadic interaction, parental rearing attitudes & preschool child characteristics. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société canadienne de psychologie (SCP), Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse.
Yurkowski, K., Martin, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2012, juin). Do siblings influence the attachment classification of preschool aged children? Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société canadienne de psychologie (SCP), Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse.
Yurkowski, K. & Bureau, J.-F. (2012, mai). La période préscolaire: perturbation temporaire dans l'attachement? Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Montréal, Québec.
Martin, J., Nixon, M.K., Cloutier, P., Bureau, J.-F., & Lafontaine, M.-F. (2011, juin). Addictive features of NSSI: Measurement and treatment implications. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Self-Injury" (ISSS), NewYork, New York.
Martin, J., Yurkowski, K., Bureau, J-.F., Cloutier, P., & Lafontaine, M.-F. (2011, juin). Subgroups of young adult self-injurers based on relationship quality: An analysis of function, addiction, and coping strategy. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Self-Injury" (ISSS), NewYork, New York.
Martin, J., Yurkowski, K., Bureau, J.-F., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Cloutier, P.F. (2011, juin). Alienation and fear of abandonment in the prediction of NSSI: Are parent or peer relationships more influential. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société canadienne de psychologie (SCP), Toronto, Ontario.
Yurkowski, K., Martin, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2011, juin). Attachment representations of relationship to mothers and fathers in preschool children. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société canadienne de psychologie (SCP), Toronto, Ontario.
Yurkowski, K., Martin, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2011, mai). L'influence des attitudes et pratiques éducatives des parents sur le comportement des enfants d'âge préscolaire. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). Sherbrooke, Québec.
Cloutier, P., Martin, J., Bureau, J.-F., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Nixon, M.K. (2011, avril). The Ottawa Self-Injury Inventory: Preliminary evaluation in a university sample. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development " (SRCD), Montréal, Québec.
Martin, J., Yurkowski, K., Bureau, J-F., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Cloutier, P. (2011, avrill). Parent-child relational dimension typologies of adolescent and young adult self-injurers: Validation of a cluster analysis. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence biannuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development " (SRCD), Montréal, Québec.
Meier, M. & Bureau, J.-F. (2011, avril). Parent-child relational dimensions and family risk as predictors of the Adolescent Unresolved Attachment Questionnaire (AUAQ). Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development " (SRCD), Montréal, Québec.
Tupper, R., Yurkowski, K., & Bureau J.-F. (2011, mars). Parenting stress and perception of child behaviour and temperament: A gender effect? Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Québec, Québec.
Yurkowski, K., Gagné, A., Martin, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2011, mars). L’effet de la qualité de la relation parent-enfant sur les relations interpersonnelles durant l’adolescence et la vie adulte. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Québec, Québec.
Mileva, R. M., Bureau, J.-F., Easterbrooks, E. A., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2010, octobre). Infant precursors of middle childhood mixed disorganized attachment profiles and their outcome into adolescence. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle du "Life History Research Society", Montréal, Québec.
Levesque, C., Lafontaine, M.-F., Bureau, J.-F., & Cloutier, P. (2010, juin). The mediating effect of communication within romantic relationship on the link between distress and non-suicidal self-injury. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Self-Injury" (ISSS), Chicago, Illinois.
Martin, J., Bureau, J.-F., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Cloutier, P. (2010, juin). With thought in mind…Comparisons of childhood risk factors of NSSI thoughts and actions in a normative sample of young adults. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Self-Injury" (ISSS), Chicago, Illinois.
Meier, M., Bureau, J.-F., Easterbrooks, M. A., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2010, mai). Role-reversal and disorganized attachment behaviours in middle childhood as predictors of adolescent depression. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence "Development 2010", Ottawa, Ontario.
Mileva. R. M., Martin, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2010, mai). Adverse early life experiences as predictors of perceived childhood unresolved attachment to parents. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence "Development 2010", Ottawa, Ontario.
Bureau, J.-F., Martin, J., Freynet, N., Alie-Poirier, A., & Lafontaine, M.-F. (2010, mars). Dimensions de la relation parent-enfant et les comportements auto-blessants chez les étudiants universitaires. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Montréal, Québec.
Freynet, N. & Bureau, J.-F. (2010, mars). Perspective locale d’une communauté péruvienne: La photographie participative comme méthode de recherche qualitative. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Montréal, Québec.
Lafontaine, M.-F., Caron, A., Levesque, C., & Bureau, J.-F. (2010, mars). Attachement dans les relations intimes: Une évaluation des patrons d’attachement aux parents, aux amis et aux partenaires amoureux chez les jeunes adultes. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Montréal, Québec.
Martin, J., Bureau, J.-F., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Cloutier, P. (2010, mars). Unresolved attachment state of mind ratings as mediators in the association between abuse and non-suicidal self-injury. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "Society for Research on Adolescence" (SRA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Ad-Dab'bagh, Y., Cloutier, P., Nixon, M.-K., Bureau, J.-F., & Lafontaine, M.F. (2009, juin). Repetitive non-suicidal self-injury and addictive features. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Self-Injury" (ISSS), Stony Brook, New York.
Levesque, C., Lafontaine, M.-F., Bureau, J.-F., & Cloutier, P. (2009, juin). The link between romantic attachment and non-suicidal self-injury with dyadic coping as a mediator. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la "International Society for the Study of Self-Injury" (ISSS), Stony Brook, New York.
Martin, J., Tupper, R., Bureau, J.-F., Easterbrooks, A., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2009, avril). The role of disorganized attachment in middle childhood as a potential mediator between family risk and behavioural problems. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development " (SRCD), Denver, Colorado.
Meier, M., Bureau, J.-F., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2009, avril). Attachment styles and dimensions as predictors of conduct disordered symptoms in adolescence. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development " (SRCD), Denver, Colorado.
Tupper, R., Martin, J., Bureau, J.-F., Easterbrooks, A., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2009, avril). Longitudinal associations between disorganized attachment in middle childhood and clinical-, mother-, and child reported abuse. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence bisannuelle de la "Society for Research in Child Development " (SRCD), Denver, Colorado.
Alie-Poirier, A., Martin, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2009, mars). Childhood attachment and self-injury: Uncovering various pathways of psychological well-being. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Ottawa, Ontario.
Freynet, N., Martin, J., & Bureau, J.-F. (2009, mars). L’attachement aux parents et aux pairs et les comportements d’automutilation chez les étudiants universitaires. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Ottawa, Ontario.
Gal, M. & Bureau, J.-F. (2009, mars). Controlling behaviour and disorganization in middle childhood: Does separation matter? Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Ottawa, Ontario.
Martin, J. & Bureau, J.-F. (2009, mars). The role of unresolved attachment in the frequencyof self-injury in a normative population of young adults. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Ottawa, Ontario.
Tupper, R., Bureau, J.-F., Easterbrooks, A., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2009, mars). Association between maternal and child emotional availability and attachment disorganization in middle childhood. Présentation affichée présentée à la conférence annuelle de la Société québécoise de recherche pour la psychologie (SQRP), Ottawa, Ontario.
Radio interviews
Jan 6th 2024: Interviewed for “Les Malins”: Petit guide malin: Comment réussir son année 2024?
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist : Jhade Montpetit
June 1st 2023: Interviewed for « Parlons-nous »
98,5 Cogeco
Journalist : Valérie Lebeuf
May 2nd , 2023: Interviewed for “Matins sans frontières”: Semaine de la santé mentale
ICI Radio-Canada - Windsor
Journalist : Charles Lévesque
Feb 9th, 2023: Interviewed for “L’heure du Monde”: Aborder une tragédie avec nos enfants
ICI Radio-Canada – Première chaine : National.
Journalist: Janik Tremblay
Jan 7th, 2023: Interviewed for “Les Malins”: Comment cultiver l’art de s’en foutre en 2023
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Jhade Montpetit
Nov 10th, 2022: Interviewed for “Dans la Mosaïque”
ICI Radio-Canada – Toronto
Journalist: Isabelle Ménard
Nov 1st, 2022: Interviewed for “Sur le Vif”: Santé mentale des jeunes : les besoins explosent
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Philippe Marcoux
May 27th, 2022: Interviewed for « Dans la mosaïque”.
ICI Radio-Canada – Toronto
Journalist: Florent Maiorana
Feb, 29th, 2022: Interviewed for “Matins sans frontières”: Comment parler de la guerre aux enfants
ICI Radio-Canada – Windsor
Journalist: Charles Lévesque
Feb 28th, 2022: Interviewed for “Panorama”: Comment parler de la guerre aux enfants
ICI Radio-Canada – Vancouver-Yukon
Journalist: Olivier Mercure
Feb 19th, 2022: Interviewed for “Les Malins”: Émission spéciale sur les manifestations à Ottawa
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Jhade Montpetit
Dec 4th 2021: Interviewed for “Les Malins”: Un premier Noël sans l’être cher
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Jhade Montpetit
May 22nd, 2021: Interviewed for “Les Malins”: Que vous inspire le déconfinement annoncé
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Jhade Montpetit
March 13th, 2021: Interviewed for “Les Malins”: Les peurs des enfants en lien avec la pandémie
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Jhade Montpetit
Dec 17th, 2020: Interviewed for “Sur le Vif”: Stéréotypes de films de Noël
Radio-Canada – Ottawa
Journalist: Marilou Saint-Onge
Nov 14th, 2020: Interviewed for “Les Malins”: Pourquoi la nostalgie fait tant de bien et faut-il s’en méfier?
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Jhade Montpetit
July 11th, 2020: Interviewed for “Les Malins”: Guide de survie pour passer des vacances en famille cet été
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Mélanye Boissonnault
May 16th , 2020: Interviewed for “Les Malins”: Faire le deuil de son moment de gloire
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Jhade Montpetit
Faire le deuil de son moment de gloire (radio-canada.ca)
May 14th, 2020: Interviewed for “Bonjour la Côte”: Comment vivre le confinement avec les enfants et les adolescents à la maison?
ICI Radio-Canada – Côte-Nord
Journalist: Bis Petitpas
March 14th , 2020: Interviewed for “Les Malins”: Comment rassurer les enfants pendant une pandémie
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Jhade Montpetit
Dec 7th, 2019: Interviewed for “Les Malins”: Au-delà du simple habit de Père-Noël : les rencontres humaines
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Jhade Montpetit
Oct 26th, 2019: Interviewed for “Les Malins”: Pourquoi aime-t-on avoir peur?
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Jhade Montpetit
Nov 14th, 2015: Interviewed for “Les éclaireurs”. L'importance de la relation au père pour la santé mentale du nourrisson
ICI Radio-Canada – Première chaine : National.
Journalist: Marie-Andrée Blondin
Feb 15th, 2014 : Interviewed for « Les Divines Tentations”. L’évolution du role du père dans notre société
ICI Radio-Canada – Ottawa-Gatineau
Journalist: Daniele Grenier
Feb 11th, 2012: Interviewed for « Le monde selon Mathieu » : Les chercheurs
Radio-Canada – Ottawa
Journalist: Daniel Mathieu
December 2010: Interviewed for “Ottawa Morning”: My research project on attachment to fathers
CBC Radio 1 - Ottawa
October 2010: Interviewed for “the morning show”: Why children are afraid of Santa Claus
Live 88.1 – Ottawa
Website and podcast interviews
Television interviews
Newspaper and magazine interviews
At the University of Ottawa
Outside the University of Ottawa
Dr. Tanya Broesch
Dr. Jodi Martin (York University)
Dr. Elizabeth Meins (York University)
Dr. Anne Rifkin-Graboi (Singapore Institu
Dr. Rhea Rocque
Dr. Magdalena Zdebik (UQO)
Previous supervisors