At the Cognition and Anxiety Disorders Research (CADRe) Lab, our overarching goal is to improve the lives of people living with anxiety and related disorders. We use a multi-method approach to better understand how cognitive, behavioural, and emotional factors cause and maintain anxiety, and then apply that information to improving and refining psychotherapy for these types of problems. Given the strong evidence base for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), we focus on improving that type of therapy. Experimental psychopathology, clinical psychology, and cognitive science converge in our work, as we focus on measuring and testing the effects of variables that are clinically relevant to people with anxiety disorders.
We currently receive research funding from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), and the Faculty of Social Sciences at uOttawa. We feel very fortunate to conduct much of our research at the University of Ottawa’s state of the art INSPIRE Laboratory. Most of all, we are grateful to our participants, for sharing their time, experiences, and expertise with us. Thank you!
Cognitive and Behavioural Mechanisms of Anxiety
Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is the most supported treatment for anxiety disorders. CBT models focus on the way that thoughts, feelings, and behaviours influence each other to cause, maintain, and alleviate anxiety symptoms. Although we are interested in studying diverse types of anxiety, we often focus on social anxiety. Our recent and ongoing projects in this area were designed to better understand:
- How people with anxiety pay attention to things in their environment
- How diverse types of automatic and controlled thinking affect anxiety symptoms like anxiety in social situations or fear of specific objects or situations (e.g., spiders, heights)
- Whether safety behaviours or beliefs about safety behaviours influence people’s speech anxiety, performance, and behaviour
- The relationship between evaluating ourselves and others negatively, as it applies to social anxiety
- How beliefs about anxiety overlap and are separate from beliefs related to emotion regulation
- Much more – check out our Recent and Ongoing Projects page!
By manipulating mechanisms that we believe are important to producing anxiety symptoms, we can test whether beliefs and behaviours actually cause problems with anxiety or simply result from those problems. We can then test whether targeting those mechanisms via CBT can imrprove the lives of people living with anxiety and related disorders.
Emotion Regulation
Since founding the lab in 2014, our interests have evolved in response to our findings! Most notably, we’ve expanded into understanding the role of emotion regulation (ER) in anxiety. ER refers to a set of beliefs and strategies that people use to attempt to influence which emotion they experience, how intense it is, and how long it lasts Historically, researchers focused on understanding which strategies were adaptive and maladaptive. More recently, there have been persistent calls to better understand the degree to which contextual factors influence ER strategy use. Indeed, no ER strategy is inherently (mal)adaptive; rather, effective ER requires responding flexibly to the contextual demands of a situation and monitoring and modifying the ER response in real-time, depending on its short- and long-term consequences. For example, although hiding your outward feelings—expressive suppression—is considered maladaptive, showing anxiety and frustration at being put on the spot in a work meeting is unlikely to lead to positive outcomes. In other words, context matters. Moreover, some of our recent research demonstrated that even when people use an assigned ER strategy in experimental studies, they also spontaneously use their habitual ER strategies. Moving forward, we want to continue to test how conflicting beliefs about emotions (e.g., “It’s important to control emotions, but I’m not good at doing that.”) influence how people choose ER strategies, especially in social situations. We also want to understand how in-the-moment ER contributes to people’s difficulties with anxiety. Finally, ER develops in the context of one’s cultural background. We are dedicated to exploring and understanding the fundamental role of culture in ER generally, and specific to anxiety.
Experimental Methods
Across our research areas, we aim to adhere to best practices in quantitative and qualitative methods, experimental psychopathology, and Open and Inclusive Science. To that end, we aim to pre-register all of our studies before beginning data collection, and to publish our data along with our manuscripts. We also endeavour to recruit diverse samples, include people with lived experience in designing and implementing our studies, and maintain an inclusive research team of faculty members, graduate students, undergraduate students, and research assistants from diverse backgrounds. Recently, we’ve published methods papers related to experimental psychopathology, conducting experiments and clinical science research online via videoconferencing, and using the Trier Social Stress Test.
We are fortunate to work with collaborators at uOttawa and internationally. See our recent publications page for more info!
Dr. Ouimet is a founding faculty member of the Sex and Anxiety Research Group (SAX-RG). The SAX-RG is currently supported by the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). SAX-RG research focuses on the relationship between anxiety and sexual response, including the role of social anxiety in sexual interactions. Learn more about the SAX-RG.
For more information about our mission, members, and past and ongoing research, please spend some time on the rest of our lab website!
Dani Leclair will be presenting some of our research findings from the lab’s recent Scoping Review at the Cognitive Therapy Special Interest Group meeting during the Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies conference, taking place in Philadelphia, PA from Nov. 14-17. The title of the poster is “Examining the Methodology of Categorizing Assigned Sex and Gender Identity in Sex- and Gender-Related Emotion Regulation Research”, and includes co-authors from our lab along with valued collaborators: Arghavan Nepton, Cassandra Fehr, Tianshu Li, Monnica Williams, Susan Humphrey-Murto, Marta Ghisi, Gioia Bottesi, Patrick Labelle, & Allison J. Ouimet. We hope to see you there!
Welcome to José Rodrigo Andrade Velasco, an international Visiting Research Student! Rodrigo is a 4th-year undergraduate student from the university Tecnológico de Monterrey, who will be contributing to the CADRe lab’s research until December 2024. We are excited to collaborate with Rodrigo!
- Congratulations to Graduate student Dalainey Drakes, who was awarded the Melody Matte award from the School of Psychology! This award recognizes students in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Ottawa who embody a balanced lifestyle and and promote self-care.
- The CADRe Lab is very excited to be welcoming a new graduate student in the Fall 2024! Morgan Joseph will be joining the Clinical Psychology MA/PhD Program. We can't wait to hear about the research she will be doing!
- It was wonderful to hear about Dalainey Drakes' mixed methods research at the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies Conference in Toronto this May. She presented findings from her work with honours' student Emmanuelle Rochon related to anxiety, illness acceptance, and quality of life among people living with chronic health and pain conditions.

- Current lab members Allison Ouimet (Director) and Göktürk Gök (Visiting Research Student) and former lab members Jeremy Oueis and Mohamed Ebeid (now both MA/PhD students in the Clinical Psychology Program) participated in the Institute for Replication's Reproducibility Games at uOttawa earlier this month. Our team learned a lot and had fun doing it! Look out for a meta-paper publication in Psychological Science sometime in 2025 describing the results!

- We are delighted to announce that Dr. Ouimet is the 2024 laureate of the Scientist-Practitioner Early Career Award from the Clinical Section of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). She will be accepting the award at this year's CPA conference in June. Congratulations Dr. Ouimet!
- Congratulations to CADRe Lab PhD Student, Dalainey Drakes, who received an honourable mention in uOttawa's 2024 Excellence Award for Teaching Assistants competition! It is always so wonderful to see our lab members excelling in multiple roles.
- Congratulations and welcome to Dani Leclair, who is joining us this summer as a recipient of the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award! Dani will be working on several ongoing projects from May to August, and we're very excited for their contribution!
- Congratulations to Emmanuelle Rochon, who completed her Honours thesis in the lab this year and will be starting her Master's degree in Counselling Psychology at the University of Ottawa this Fall!
- Congratulations to Mackenna Pattison, who will be starting her PhD in Clinical Psychology in the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience at Dalhousie this Fall!
- Congratulations to Cynthia-Maria Kanaan, who will be starting a Master of Arts in Experimental Psychology at the CASL lab under Dr. Andrea Ashbaugh at the University of Ottawa!
Other News
- Congratulations to Ryan Ferguson (now Dr. Ryan Ferguson!) who received his PhD from the School of Psychology this past October. Congratulations Ryan! We’re so excited for you to join the profession of Clinical Psychology.
- Huge congratulations to Clinical Psychology PhD student Dalainey Drakes, who was awarded BOTH the Canada Graduate Scholarship from CIHR which she graciously accepted and the Ontario Graduate Scholarship for her proposed research on intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety among people living with chronic health and pain conditions. We are so proud of you!
- Honours' Thesis Students Mackenna Pattison and Kayleigh Angrove recently presented their honours' thesis posters at the Interdisciplinary Conference for Psychology and the Canadian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapies conference, respectively. Congratulations and job well done!
- Eldar Eftekhari will be presenting a 5-minute Snapshot of his research at CPA's 84th Annual National Convention, on June 23rd - 25th, 2023. The presentation will summarize his study on the relationship between self-efficacy, social support and perceived benefit to adversarial growth and post-traumatic stress symptoms. His co-authors, Dr. Ouimet, Jeremy Oueis, Mackenna Pattison and Kay Angrove, and the rest of the lab are cheering for him!
- Read about our rapid review of social isolation measures in older adults, in collaboration with Dr. Virginie Cobigo. Former Lab member Olivia Gardam and current lab member Ryan Ferguson spearheaded the project! You can get a summary from Olivia on Twitter!
- What happens when people judge others negatively? Do they judge themselves more harshly too? Read all about it in lab member Ryan Ferguson's recently published experiment, along with co-authors Olivia Gardam and Dr. Ouimet! It’s free to read for 50 days! You can also access the pre-print on PsyArXiv.
- Dr. Ouimet recently took on the role of Co-Director of the Clinical Program at uOttawa. Congratulations!
- Huge Congratulations to Ryan Ferguson, who successfully defended his PhD dissertation this Summer!
- One of our lab members, Cassandra Fehr, was interviewed by a magazine focused on supporting Franco-Ontarian farmers, Journal Agricom, about mental health issues. Read more about her French interview here! For more mental health resources in French, take a look at the following links:
- Comprendre l’anxiéte et trouver de l’aide (Association canadienne pour la santé mentale Ontario)
- L’anxiéte chez les adultes (eSanté
- Liste de contrôle des symptômes (
- Guide de discussion avec le médecin (
- Troubles de santé mentale (Biblio-Santé)
- Vivre avec l’anxiété, la dépression et la bipolarité (Relief)
- Podcast : Spleen (La Souffleuse)
- Podcast : L’anxiéte (Salut, ça va ?)
- Congratulations to CADRe Lab members Kari-Ann Clow, Cassandra Fehr, and Ryan Ferguson who began their pre-doctoral internship in Clinical Psychology at the uOttawa Centre for Psychological Services & Research, Centre for Addiction & Mental Health, and St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, respectively, in September 2022!
- How can we increase the representation of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour in Psychology graduate programs? Learn about how we're starting to do so at the School of Psychology at uOttawa, in a paper recently published in Canadian Psychology. Dr. Ouimet was a co-author, along with first author Fatou Sarr, student co-authors Dana Strauss and Sommer Knight, and faculty colleagues Dr. Krystelle Shaughnessy, Dr. Monnica Williams, and Dr. Jude-Mary Cénat.
- Former lab member, Grace Jacob, is first author on a very interesting paper recently published in Perspectives on Psychological Science describing her Systematic Review conducted with Dr. Monnica Williams on how Black people cope with racism. Dr. Ouimet was also a co-author. We hope you take the time to read it!
- Smiling won’t make you feel better, but it might make people like you more! Read Dr. Bahl & Dr. Ouimet's article on how emotion regulation strategies impact interpersonal outcomes in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. Our findings were also featured in a press release, and Dr. Ouimet gave radio interviews for Pour faire un monde and Sur le vif with Radio-Canada, All in a Day with CBC Radio, and Le Retour with Unique FM. Have a listen to learn more!
- COVID was tough for researchers too. Read about how we modified two of our experimental studies to be administered online (Case Study 1 and Case Study 2)! Lab member authors included Ryan Ferguson, Jeremy Oueis, Amélie Burla, Olivia Gardam, and Dr. Ouimet!

Dr. Ouimet is an Associate Professor in the Clinical Psychology Program, part of the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa. She is also a licensed Clinical Psychologist with the College of Psychologists of Ontario.
She joined uOttawa in 2014, after completing her Ph.D in Clinical Psychology at Concordia University, which included a pre-doctoral residency in the Anxiety Treatment and Research Centre (ATRC) and Borderline Personality Disorder Service (DBT Program) at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. She completed her M.Sc. at the University of Western Ontario and her B.A. at Concordia University.
Dr. Ouimet is the director of the CADRe Lab, and her research investigates how different types of cognition impact the development, maintenance, and treatment of anxiety disorders. More recently, she has been focusing on the role of emotion regulation in social anxiety. In particular, she wants to understand how diverse beliefs about emotions interact to determine what strategies people choose to manage specific emotion states (e.g., anxiety, anger, shame), how people monitor and switch strategies, and what the outcome of those strategies are in social situations. She prioritizes Open Science and inclusive science methods.
Dr. Ouimet is the former Editor-in-Chief for Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, and is on the Editorial Board at Journal of Experimental Psychopathology and the Associate Editorial Board of Behaviour Research and Therapy. She is the 2018 laureate of the Canadian Psychological Association’s President’s New Researcher Award, has presented her research at several national and international conferences, and published in a variety of scientific journals.
Dr. Ouimet teaches graduate and undergraduate courses related to psychopathology, CBT, cognition, and emotion in English and French. She also supervises doctoral students and pre-doctoral interns in the provision of psychological services at uOttawa’s Centre for Psychological Services and Research. She has a small private practice where she provides assessment, psychotherapy, and small-group workshops related to managing anxiety (currently remote due to the pandemic).
Vanier Hall, 4088
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 4806
Work E-mail:
Graduate Students
Kari-Ann Clow
Kari-Ann completed her Masters of Arts in Counselling Psychology at the University of Western Ontario in 2016. She is currently in her fourth year of the PhD program in Clinical Psychology. She is writing her dissertation under the Supervision of Dr. Allison Ouimet.
Work E-mail:
Dalainey Drakes
Dalainey is completing her PhD in Clinical Psychology under the mentorship of Dr. Allison Ouimet. She graduated with her BA First Class Honours Psychology degree from St. Francis Xavier University and completed her MSc in Experimental Psychology, with specialization in Health and Wellness from Memorial University. She brings experience conducting health psychology and clinical epidemiological research working with diverse groups across the lifespan. She strives to promote patient centred research while contributing to multidisciplinary studies to support the development of targeted interventions to reduce the impact of comorbid anxiety and depressive-related disorders on chronic health and pain conditions.
Dalainey is humbled to have been a recipient of the CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's (CGS M) award and the Canada Graduate Scholarship from CIHR which she graciously accepted for her Doctoral dissertation. Her research examines the impact of intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety among people living with chronic health and pain conditions. Her research embodies a patient-engaged approach incorporating knowledge synthesis, qualitative, and quantitative methods.
Work E-mail:
Eldar Eftekhari
Eldar Eftekhari completed his BSc and MA in psychology at York University. He is currently a clinical psychology graduate student under the supervision of Dr. Allison Ouimet at uOttawa. His research interests generally include the relationship between various personality and socio-cultural factors and adversarial growth. He is also interested in how adversarial growth can be influenced and measured in an experimental setting.
Work E-mail:
Cassandra Fehr
Cassandra completed her BA in Honours Psychology at Concordia University in 2014. During that time, she worked in several laboratories, including the Vision and Psychophysics Lab as well as the Research Centre for Human Development. This experience allowed her to gain knowledge in attention and perception, eye-tracking as well as the role of cognitive processes in anxiety and mood disorders. In addition, Cassandra also has an interest in beliefs about emotions and the role it plays in emotion regulation. Given her experience, Cassandra is pursuing her Clinical graduate studies under the supervision of Dr.Allison Ouimet with the goal of looking at crucial topics such as emotion-regulation and anxiety sensitivity and the role they play in the maintenance and treatment of anxiety disorders.
Cassandra’s dissertation is looking at controllability beliefs about emotion and its influence on adaptive emotion regulation. Moreover, Cassandra’s dissertation seeks to measure emotion regulation within a flexibility framework - a fairly recent conceptualization that proposes that adaptive emotion regulation is defined by one’s ability to regulate their emotions by implementing strategies that are synchronized with the current context and personal goals within that context. Her dissertation includes both, qualitative and quantitative methods.
Cassandra is the recipient of both, the Master's and Doctoral Research Scholarship Award, Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC) and The Ontario Graduate Scholarship Award (OGS).
Work E-mail:
- Morgan Joseph
Morgan (she/her) is a first-year student in the Clinical Psychology program under Dr. Allison Ouimet. Her research interests include intrusive behaviours, maladaptive emotion regulation, romantic relationships, sexual behaviour, cyberpsychology, and physiological synchrony.
Morgan completed her BA Honours Psychology degree at the University of Ottawa in 2020, and her MA in Experimental Psychology with a Concentration in Mental Health and Wellbeing at Carleton University in 2024. She is a past member of the INSITE Lab, Brain and Mind Research Institute, TRI Lab, and CUSP Lab. She was also a facilitator, then Mental Health Planner at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario’s mental health outpatient organization, YouthNet, and oversaw research and evaluation as well as intervention programs such as the Chronic Pain Peer Support Program.
Morgan is an Ottawa native and enjoys hiking, paddle boarding, cooking, DJing, and playing with her cat, Lupa.
Work Email:
B. Göktürk Gök
B. Göktürk Gök is a Clinical Psychology Ph.D. candidate from Hacettepe University. He joined the CADRe Lab in August 2023 as a visiting student researcher focusing on anxiety disorders, especially Social Anxiety Disorder. Göktürk completed his BA in Honours Psychology at Çağ University in 2016, and his MA in Clinical Psychology at Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University in 2019. In his doctoral dissertation, he is trying to explore the mechanisms underlying social anxiety through longitudinal and cross-cultural research methods. During his time at the CADRe Lab, he aims to expand his research horizons and build cross-cultural collaborations to deepen the understanding of anxiety and related disorders.
Göktürk is a recipient of the 2214-A - International Research Fellowship Program for Doctoral Students scholarship from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).
Work E-mail:
Saray Velert Jiménez
Saray Velert Jiménez is currently in her fourth year of the PhD program in Research Psychology at the Universitat de València, thanks to a grant from the Ministry of Universities of Spain through the “Training Program for Academic Staff” (Programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario, FPU). She is part of the team developing and validating emoWELL, an emotion regulation intervention program for emerging adults through new technologies. In September 2023, she joined the CADRe Lab as a visiting research student and continues to collaborate with the team.
Honours Students
- Sogand Davoudzadeh
Sogand is an Honours BA Psychology student at the University of Ottawa. She is interested in deepening her understanding of mental disorders. She wishes to continue her studies by persuing a Master’s degree in clinical psychology. She is grateful for the opportunity to join the CADRe lab to complete her Undergrad Honours Thesis. Sogand aims to use the knowledge that she gains through her lab experience to effectively prepare herself for graduate studies.
- Sasha Nassif
Sasha is in her 4th year of the Honours BA Psychology Program at the University of Ottawa. Upon completing her undergraduate degree, she wishes to complete a Masters and PHD in clinical Psychology. With the help of CADRe lab she is provided with the opportunity to expand her knowledge in terms of anxiety and related disorders and its interaction with our cognition and behavior.
Research Assistants
Arghavan Nepton
Arghavan Nepton, PhD (cand.), is currently a doctoral student in Neuroscience, in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Ottawa. She has done research on cognitive functioning among adolescents and worked as a counsellor. She also received training in Assessment of Cognitive Functions of the Brain. All of these equipped her with the knowledge and expertise she needed to conduct research in the area of mind and brain. For her thesis project, Arghavan is focusing on Epigenetics and Ketamine therapy. She has joined to the CADRe Lab in September 2020 as a research assistant in order to collaborate in emotion regulation and cross-cultural study. She has interests in conducting research on mental health disorders. Arghavan is committed to improving social opportunity, psychological wellness, and mental health for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of color) and other historically racialized groups who suffer from racism and other artificial lines which separate people. In her spare time, you can find Arghavan reading novels, watching movies.
Jaidon MacLean (she/her)
Jaidon recently completed her Honours B.A. in Psychology at the University of Ottawa. She joined the CADRe lab as a volunteer in September 2019 and is eager to learn more about the cognition aspect of psychological disorders. Jaidon continues to gain valuable research experience, assisting with multiple projects in the lab and she also works in the mental health department at CHEO in an effort to better prepare herself for graduate studies.
Naomi Olojo
Naomi is an Honours BA Psychology student at the University of Ottawa. Naomi also volunteers in the Relationship and Couples Health Lab. She is interested in the intersectional approaches to mental health education. She also has an interest in social media and making research more accessible for University of Ottawa students. Naomi hopes that the experience she gains in this lab will prepare her better for future graduate studies.
Dani Leclair (they/them)
Dani is in their fourth year of the Honours BSc Psychology program at the University of Ottawa. They are honoured to join the CADRe lab through an NSERC USRA award where they can collaborate with the team on multiple research projects. Dani also works with the Health and Wellness sector on campus where they provide peer support to fellow students to build mental health support skills with which they can pursue graduate studies in clinical psychology.
Cynthia-Maria Kanaan
Cynthia recently graduated from the Honours BSc Psychology Program at the University of Ottawa. She joined the CADRe lab as a Research Assistant after winning the Research Assistantship of the First Generation Undergraduate and BIPOC competition through the School of Psychology. In addition to assisting on multiple projects in the lab, she volunteers in mental health and wellness programs and also works at Montfort Hospital. She hopes these valuable experiences will help her prepare for graduate studies. Cynthia believes that research and engagement are not only a fundamental part of academic excellence, but also building blocks of social improvement and better care.
Binty-Kamila Bangoura
Kamila currently is a student in the Honours Bachelor of Arts in Psychology program at the University of Ottawa. Kamila is also a volunteer for the Vulnerability, Trauma, Resilience and Culture Laboratory (V-TRaC). She believes that broad public education, achieved through the collection and publication of culturally sensitive data specific to marginalized groups, is pivotal in addressing pervasive stigmas surrounding mental health. She intends to complete graduate studies and focus her practice on improving the accessibility to mental health resources for communities facing social barriers.
José Rodrigo
José Rodrigo is a 4th-year student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology at Tecnológico de Monterrey. He will join the CADRe Lab as a Visiting Research Student in the Fall of 2024. Through his involvement in the lab, José Rodrigo aims to acquire essential research skills and deepen his understanding of anxiety and other psychological factors that contribute to or sustain it. This experience will help prepare him for a future in clinical psychology and research.
Abigail Trzebiatowski (she/her)
Abigail is an Honours BA student in Psychology at the University of Ottawa. Currently, she is completing her honours thesis at the Social Moral Development lab, as well as volunteering at the Child and Adult Relationships and Environments Lab at the University of Ottawa. Abigail also has a strong interest in mental health and volunteers at the 988: Suicide Crisis Helpline. With the research experience gained at this lab, combined with her skills learned from 988, she plans to pursue her Doctor of Psychology.
Noura Elmawazini
Noura is a fourth-year undergraduate student in the Honours BSc in Psychology program at the University of Ottawa. Noura is a volunteer research assistant at the CADRe Lab. She is also an honours thesis student at the ComBiNe Lab. After completing her undergraduate studies, she intends to conduct more research and pursue graduate studies in the fields of clinical psychology and mental health.
Edwige Mayotte
Edwige is a fifth-year undergraduate student in the Honors BA Psychology program at the University of Ottawa. This year, she joins the CADRe lab as a directed research student where her project examines the general public’s personal beliefs about perceived causes of anxiety, treatment attitudes of anxiety, and the relationship between those factors. Edwige additionally works as a youth facilitator at YouthNet/RéseauAdo, where she facilitates programs and workshops on mental health literacy and stigma prevention catered to high school students. She aims to pursue graduate studies in psychology with a research focus on youth’s psychosocial adaptation and anxiety.
Weaam Madamani
Weaam is a 5th-year honors BSc Psychology student at Uottawa. She is grateful for the opportunity to be part of the CADRe lab, where she aims to deepen her understanding of anxiety disorders and gain research experience in preparation for graduate studies. Alongside her academic work, Weaam runs a successful business, where she creates and teaches art to clients worldwide, many of whom find comfort and healing in her work. She is passionate about eventually combining her entrepreneurial and academic expertise in psychology to promote mental health awareness, particularly in areas where it is often misunderstood or overlooked.
Nessrine Housni
Nessrine is a 4th-year B.A. student specializing in psychology at the University of Ottawa. She is particularly interested in neuroscience, psychopathology and social psychology. She wants to deepen her knowledge of human behavior: what shapes a person, the genetic and environmental origins of pathologies, especially anxiety and related disorders. Her experience at the university's feminist center has enabled her to raise student awareness of mental health issues, which has strengthened her interest in this field. Thanks to the incredible opportunity offered by CADRe, she would like to help advance research on anxiety and at the same time develop her experience in the field. After her bachelor's degree, she plans to continue her studies with a master's and doctorate in clinical psychology.
Béatrice Petit
Béatrice is a third-year Honours BA Psychology student at the University of Ottawa. She also volunteers in both the Developmental Methodology Lab and the Childhood Thinking Lab. In addition, Béatrice is Co-President of Coda uOttawa, a student-led initiative focused on raising awareness and funds for cancer research. Her primary research interests include cognitive development, social anxiety, and emotion regulation. She is passionate about understanding how emotional processes influence mental health and well-being, and she hopes the skills gained through her research experiences will prepare her for graduate studies in psychology.
Beatriz Lima
Beatriz is a fifth-year undergraduate student in the Psychology program at the Federal University of Sergipe (Brazil). She is currently completing her honours thesis at the Health Psychology Lab (GEPPS/UFS) and contributing to the research project PsyAC – Psychological Adjustment in Brazil. Through her involvement with the CADRe Lab, Beatriz aims to further refine her research skills and deepen her understanding of cognitive processes, anxiety, and related mechanisms. The knowledge gained during her participation in the laboratory will be essential for advancing her academic pursuits, as she intends to conduct further research and pursue a master’s degree, with anxiety and clinical psychology as her primary research focuses.
Jihane Znadi
Jihane is an Honours BA psychology student at the University of Ottawa. She is particularly interested in anxiety and how it affects the brain. Grateful for the opportunity to be part of a research lab that focuses on this topic, she is gaining valuable insights and experience that will support her academic and professional journey. As she intends on pursuing graduate studies, she aims to deepen her understanding of anxiety and its impact, equipping her to develop strategies to help individuals overcome it and improve their well-being.
Aliyah Hinch
Aliyah is currently in her third year of the Honours BA in Psychology program at the University of Ottawa with a strong interest in understanding mental health, particularly anxiety and depression. She is passionate about exploring how these conditions impact individuals and is eager to contribute to ongoing research in this field. Joining this lab is a fantastic opportunity to gain hands-on experience and further her academic growth in psychology.
Duru Ünal
Duru is a second-year student in the Honours B.A. Psychology program at the University of Ottawa. She also volunteers at the Cognitive Neuroscience of Bilingualism Lab, where she assists with behavioral testing involving younger and older adults. Duru's primary interest lies in understanding the brain's structure and function, fueling her aspiration to become a clinical psychologist. She is dedicated to expanding her knowledge and gaining practical experience, with the goal of one day helping individuals navigate their mental health challenges.
Annabel Barima
Annabel is a 4th-year Health Sciences student. She is excited to contribute to research that deepens our understanding of anxiety and mental health disorders and support innovative approaches to treatment. When she’s not studying, she enjoys cooking and trying out new recipes!
Keyshawn Upshaw
Keyshawn is a second-year undergraduate student in the Bachelor of Arts Psychology program at the University of Ottawa. In his free time, he serves as the head coach of the University of Ottawa's Women's Flag Football team. Off the field, he hopes to continue his educational journey by pursuing a master’s and PhD in experimental psychology. He is excited to gain insights from the CADRe lab and is thrilled to be a part of the team.
Johnny Guan
Johnny is in his 4th year at uOttawa. He is currently completing his undergraduate degree in Honours Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Aside from CADRE, Johnny is also completing his undergraduate thesis concerning the intervention of music and movement on mental health in individuals with dementia at the Music and Health Research Institute. Johnny aims to gain valuable knowledge in research through the CADRE lab, with the goal of pursuing his interests in child psychology.
Erika Tandarich
Erika is an Honours BA Psychology student at the University of Ottawa. She also volunteers at the Child and Adult Relationships and Environments Lab, where she studies how parents and preschool-age children interact through play. Erika hopes to gain experience and necessary skills working in the lab environment to carry with her in her future graduate studies. Her research interests include neurochemical changes and plasticity in the brain, child development and language acquisition, and cognitive processes in Children.
Ellie Maynard
Paulette Dadey
- Aamir, Zoya
- Albert, Gabrielle
- Angrove, Kay
- Asrat, Yodit
- Bahl, Nancy
- Bellavance, Justine
- Belloni, Julia
- Benzouak, Tarek
- Bowie, Kelsey
- Brock, Boden
- Burla, Amélie
- Cholmondeley, Karen
- Dixon, Talia
- Dixon-Luinenburg, Titania
- Ebeid, Mohamed
- Felix, Nereah
- Ferguson, Ryan
- Gabriel, Shaina
- Gardam, Olivia
- Gauthier, Ariane
- Grant, Kendra
- Gunpat , Sasha
- Haddad, Alexandra
- Hanna, Mariam
- Holt, Phoenix
- Hoyos, Estefania
- Hussein , Bashaer
- Jacob, Grace
- Kalpak, Midhula
- Kane, Leanne
- Kelly-Turner, Ken
- Kenny, Samantha
- Lamoureux, Alex-Anne
- Maslouhi, Safae
- McBride, Kyle
- Mcguire, Kathleen
- Munelith-Souksanh, Kristina
- Nachabe, Jude
- Oueis, Jeremy
- Painchaud, Mia
- Pattison, Mackenna
- Pilin, Maya
- Racine, Patrick
- Rocheleau, Jessica
- Rochon. Emmanuelle
- Rodriguez, Michela
- Rooyakkers, Molly
- Sabir, Zina
- Simmonds, Nicole
- Slaunwhite-Hay, Sydney
- Snyder, Tara
- Stragapede, Elisa
- Thomas, Anjali
- Tinsley, Carter
- Trepiak, Philip
- Tutino, Jessica
- Upadhyaya, Priyank
- Yu Niu, Kelvin

Graduate Students
Thank you for your interest in joining the CADRe Lab as an MA/PhD Student. Dr. Ouimet will not be accepting new students for Fall 2025 admission. Please check back next year - and best of luck in finding a program and supervisor that align with your goals!
Honours Students
Dr. Ouimet will be considering applications for honours students for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Please email Dr. Ouimet directly to indicate your interest, and include a copy of your transcript (unofficial is fine) and CV.
Dr. Ouimet is committed to fostering an inclusive, diverse, and innovative space for research in the CADRe Lab. She encourages applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds and from underrepresented groups for all positions in the lab.
UROP Students
Dr. Ouimet will not be able to consider UROP students in the Fall 2024-2025 academic year.
NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards
The Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) program, run by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), is meant to create interest in conducting research in the natural sciences and engineering. Unfortunately, we are not accepting applications for USRAs during the 2025 Summer semester.
For more information on this program and its requirements, visit uOttawa's specific instructions page or the Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program (USRA) – Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Research Assistants
The CADRe Lab benefits greatly from the participation of volunteer undergraduate research assistants. You can expect to participate in any of a number of activities including literature reviews, database management, testing participants, compiling data, and assisting graduate and undergraduate students with their ongoing projects. Depending on your contribution, you may be able to engage in some aspects of research dissemination (e.g., working on a conference poster).
If you are interested in volunteering in the CADRe Lab, please apply by completing this quick survey. In the survey, we will ask you some basic information and inquire about your availability. Moreover, we will ask you to upload a copy of your unofficial transcript and CV.
Dr. Ouimet is committed to fostering an inclusive, diverse, and innovative space for research in the CADRe Lab. She encourages applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds and from underrepresented groups for all positions in the lab.
Measuring Emotion Regulation Over the Years: A Systematic Review
Emotion regulation (ER) is a fundamental process in determining human behaviour, and one that is particularly influential to our psychological well-being. ER has been a topic of interest for numerous researchers, resulting in approximately 1,800 published articles within the last 5 years. Despite this proliferating interest in ER, the large majority of this research has been conducted using select few measures of ER such as the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) and the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS). While these measures have been validated, multiple studies have been unable to replicate their factor models. Additionally, there is a variety of alternative ER measures that currently exist and have the ability to measure other essential yet overlooked domains of ER that are crucial to positive socioemotional adaptation (e.g., self-efficacy, interpersonal contexts, emotional expression). Thus far, a systematic review of child and adolescent ER measures has been conducted, however, the same effort has not been undertaken in the adult literature. Accordingly, a systematic review is warranted to help researchers identify the varying and available measures of ER that may lend themselves to diverse research goals, such as the emerging role of ER in contemporary cognitive-behavioral theory. A comprehensive literature search is being conducted using multiple electronic databases including PsycINFO, PubMed/Ovid MEDLINE and the Cochrane Central Register. Terms indicative of ER (i.e., Emotion regulation, emotion dysregulation, affect regulation, affect dysregulation, emotional expression) will be combined in each database. Inclusion criteria will be articles that were 1) written in English, 2) published in a peer-reviewed journal up to January 2020, and 3) measuring ER in an adult sample (≥ 18 years). Each article will be evaluated using these pre-defined inclusion criteria through an abstract, title, test measures, and keyword(s) search. Test measures of ER will be extracted from each study, and integrated into a comprehensive list of all ER measures. Finally, for each ER measure, an overview of the following data will be provided: ER strategies assessed, aspects of ER addressed (e.g., cognitive constructs, behavioural implications), whether it considers components of ER flexibility (e. g. , goals, context, state ER), psychometric properties, number of empirical articles including the measure, number of clinical trials for CBT including the measure, and the field of research in which it has been published (e.g., clinical psychology, neuropsychology, sports psychology, oncology). Although research in ER has made notable progress in defining the many strategies we use to regulate our emotions, this review will serve to update and strengthen our understanding of how ER has been defined and measured to date. Finally, by highlighting the components of ER included in CBT research to date, this project will provide valuable insight regarding the current status of ER in Cognitive Behavioural Therapies.
We are looking for motivated volunteers interested in emotion regulation, to help with article screening and data extraction. For more information, please contact Cassandra Fehr at
The ‘lived’ Experience of Emotion Regulation and Perceptions of Control in People Experiencing Anxiety related to COVID-19.
How we manage our emotions is an important part of our overall general well-being. However, people manage their emotions and distress in a variety of ways. In order to help us understand more about how people manage emotion, this study will explore people’s ‘lived’ experiences with managing anxiety and worry related to COVID-19. Eligibility: women between the ages of 26-65 years who are experiencing marked anxiety and worry related to any aspect of COVID-19 and are willing to speak about their emotional experiences through an online videoconferencing platform (i.e., Zoom). "Marked anxiety and worry" refers to the person' subjective interpretation of your anxiety. We do not require that you meet a specific threshold of anxiety or worry. For this criteria, eligibility is met if you report experiencing and/or are bothered by your anxiety and worry related to COVID-19. Participants must have a good internet connection, and access to a camera and microphone, as well as a minimally distracting area for the duration of the study. Compensation: Participants will receive a 25$ electronic gift card. For more information, please contact Cassandra Fehr at
“I’m only going for one drink”: Investigating Thoughts, Emotions, and Drinking Behaviours
The purpose of this study is to better understand people’s thoughts, emotions, and drinking behaviours. Individuals willing to participate will be asked to complete a number of online questionnaires.
Watch Where You Look! A New Way of Measuring Spider Fear
The aim of this study is to test new ways of measuring cognition related to fear of spiders. Participants must have completed the online study entitled “Understanding Thoughts & Feelings 2” and be sent an invitation code in order to participate in this study. Participants will come in to the laboratory for 2 one-hour sessions, which will take place 7 days apart. Participants will be asked to book both sessions when they sign up. During those two sessions, participants will complete questionnaires, as well as computerized and in-person cognitive and behavioural tasks. Data collection for this study is currently on pause due to COVID-19.
What do YOU think? Helping to improve people’s interpersonal relationships
The aim of this study is to develop a training program to increase individuals’ social skills. Individuals willing to participate in this one-hour online study will be asked to accept a Zoom meeting invitation from a research assistant and stay connected to the meeting for the duration of the study. Participants will complete a number of online questionnaires, in addition to a behavioural task, and a computerized task. For the purposes of this study, participants must be very fluent in English, as the measures are only available in English. We also require that participants have a good internet connection, participate on a computer (e.g., desktop/laptop) or a tablet that has a webcam and microphone that can be turned ON, and a private and distraction-free area (e.g., a closed bedroom in a shared apartment/house) for the duration of the study. Participants will be required to provide their email address, phone number, and current address upon initiating the study. However, once they have completed the study, we will delete this information. Compensation: Participation will take approximately one hour, and participants will be compensated with one (1) course credit (ISPR students) or will have their name put in a draw for one of three gift cards. After signing up, participants can expect an email at least 24 hours in advance with invitations/instructions for Zoom. Additionally, based on participants’ responses, they may be contacted by the CADRe Laboratory for future studies, if they consent and provide their name and email address during the study. Please contact Ryan Ferguson at
Towards a culturally-informed understanding of emotion regulation: Knowledge synthesis and international expert consensus
We were delighted to receive a 2-year Insight Development Grant from SSHRC for this project. Emotion regulation (ER)—people’s ability to modify the type, intensity, or expression of an emotion—is a fundamental process that plays a role in virtually every human experience. Although researchers have explored various cross-cultural differences in specific components of ER, there is no overarching model of ER that incorporates culture as a core feature. This 2-year research program funded by SSHRC is a crucial first step in developing an evidence-based model of ER founded in cross-cultural psychology. Our overarching goal is to identify the key cultural factors that must be included in any future model of emotion regulation, informed by both the research literature and international expert consensus. Throughout this project, we have prioritized best practices in knowledge synthesis and group consensus methods, supported by team members with the appropriate expertise (Dr. Ouimet, along with Drs. Gioia Bottesi, Marta Ghisi, Monnica Williams, Susan Humphrey-Murto, and Mr. Patrick Labelle) . We are currently conducting a Scoping Review (Study 1) to answer two important questions: 1) Which cultural factors or characteristics have been studied in relation to ER broadly? 2) Which specific features of ER have been studied in relation to culture? Using contemporary methodological guidelines, we will map the current state of the literature to produce a list of cultural factors potentially important to ER. Then, we will bring together researchers in emotion regulation and cross-cultural psychology worldwide to obtain international expert consensus on the KEY cross-cultural factors that MUST be included in any future model of emotion regulation (Delphi, Study 2). This final list of factors will serve as a springboard for a larger future research project in which we will develop and test a culturally-informed model of ER.
How do you feel? Exploring reactions to emotional pictures
The aim of this study is to investigate how people regulate their feelings when asked to view emotional pictures. Participants will first complete a set of questionnaires, they will then view a series of emotional pictures, and complete a behavioural task. In addition, participants will be asked to wear sensors on their face and hand for a portion of the study. Data collection for this study is currently on pause due to COVID-19.
Understanding Emotion Regulation With and Without Anxiety
See the recruitment posters below!

Recruitment Poster 1

Recruitment Poster 2

Recruitment Poster 3
Exploring the impact of safety behaviour use on cognitive, psychophysiological, emotional and behavioural responses during a speech task
There is a debate among researchers and clinicians regarding whether the judicious use of safety behaviours (SBs) during exposure therapy is helpful or detrimental. Central to this debate is the premise that SBs may interfere with one’s ability to gather disconfirmatory evidence. No study to date has assessed how SB use may impact cognitive mechanisms implicated during an exposure-like task. We investigated multiple cognitive, emotional, and psychophysiological underpinnings of exposure with and without SBs. Speech anxious participants (N = 111) were randomly assigned to deliver an evaluated speech with or without SBs. Self-reported anxiety ratings and psychophysiological arousal measures were recorded at baseline, in anticipation of the speech, and following the speech. Measures of working memory, ability to gather disconfirmatory evidence, speech duration, objective and subjective speech performance, and speech task acceptability were administered. There were no differences between conditions on working memory, self-reported anxiety, psychophysiological arousal, ability to gather disconfirmatory evidence, speech duration, or objective and subjective speech performance. All participants were able to gather disconfirmatory evidence. However, condition did influence willingness to deliver future speeches. Our sample was largely female undergraduate students, and we offered only a small number of specific safety behaviours. Judicious SB use may not necessarily be detrimental, but clients may believe them to be more helpful than they actually are. Read the published article describing this work here!
Dealing with feelings
The aim of this study was to investigate emotion regulation to better understand the relationships between thinking and feeling. Participants first completed a set of questionnaires; then, they viewed a number of pictures while wearing sensors on the face and hand, which measured subtle changes in involuntary psychophysiological activity.
Can You Believe It? Examining the Influence of Safety Behaviour Beliefs on Speech Task Outcomes
Beliefs and expectations about treatment have been shown to significantly impact treatment outcomes in medical settings. However, researchers have seldom examined the role of beliefs within the context of cognitive behavioural therapy. Beliefs may be particularly salient for safety behaviour (SB) use in exposure therapy, as clinicians often hold opinions about whether judicious SB use facilitates or inhibits treatment. These beliefs may consequently be relayed during psychoeducation, influencing client expectations of safety behaviour helpfulness and exposure efficacy. We investigated experimentally the influence of SB beliefs on: working memory, speech predictions, speech duration, anxiety, performance, and speech acceptability. Speech anxious undergraduate participants (N = 144) received psychoeducation on exposure and were told (using random assignment) either that SBs: increase anxiety (unhelpful), decrease anxiety (helpful), or were provided with no information on SBs (control). People in the helpful condition only believed the exposure would be more successful. Crucially, exposure expectancy mediated the relationship between the helpful (but not unhelpful) condition and willingness to engage in future exposures. There were no effects of condition on most cognitive, emotional, or behavioural outcomes, suggesting that SBs (and SB beliefs) may have less impact on exposure outcomes than is currently believed. See a poster presented on this topic here: WCBCT Poster (WCBCT Poster, 757.13 KB). You can also check out the newly published article here!
Measuring implicit associations in social anxiety: Anxious or rejected?
We had two main goals in this study. First, we tested whether we could use facial electomyography (f-EMG)—measuring subtle facial movements through physiological equipment—to assess people’s implicit associations related to social anxiety. 42 participants with high social anxiety and 39 participants with low social anxiety completed several online questionnaires to assess their baseline anxiety and depression symptoms. Then they completed two implicit association tests (IATs) measuring the degree to which they associate themselves (vs. others) with anxiety (vs. calmness) and rejection (vs. being accepted), respectively, while equipped with f-EMG sensors. Finally, they completed a 5-minute impromptu, judged speech for up to 5 minutes, and reported on their anxiety before and during the speech. We are currently analyzing data for this study (Check back later!). We think that people in the high social anxiety group will show stronger social anxiety-relevant implicit associations and, moreover, will exhibit more “frowning” during inconsistent pairings (e.g., self-accepted) on the f-EMG measure, compared to the low social anxiety group. We also think that the implicit associations and f-EMG measure will predict their behaviour on the speech task (i.e., strong implicit associations will be related to decreased time speaking and more anxiety during the speech), over and above their self-reported social anxiety. We hope that our findings will provide important information about the way that implicit cognition—which people can’t always report—contributes to symptoms and may even hinder effective treatment.
Are You Flexible? Validating New Measures of Mental and Physical Health.
The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of malleability beliefs (i.e., the extent to which one believes they can change their emotion in the moment) on emotion regulation flexibility in an anxiety-provoking context (i.e., stressful speech-task). Adaptive emotion regulation (or ER Flexibility) comprises several components that, in combination, contribute to its adaptive value. These components include one’s ability to: 1) regulate their emotions in ways that facilitate the pursuit of meaningful goals (e.g., goal pursuit); 2) use a variety of strategies to regulate emotions (e.g., ER variability/repertoire); 3) perceive contextual demands and implement ER strategies accordingly (e.g., context sensitivity); and 4) monitor and adjust regulatory behaviour (e.g., responsiveness to feedback), 5) one’s effort to regulate emotion in the moment (e.g., state ER) and 6) the ways in which emotion is regulated (e.g., ER strategies). We also looked at whether greater ER flexibility was linked to greater general markers of well-being (i.e., symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, and heart rate variability). Due to COVID-19, data collection ended in March, 2020. Data analysis is currently ongoing.
You & Me: Examining Beliefs and Behaviours
The purpose of this study is to obtain information about how one’s views about themselves and others influences how we think, feel, and act. Data collection for this study has ended and we are currently writing the results for publication! Stay tuned for the paper!
Do you like me? Exploring the factors contributing to likeability
The aim of this study is to better understand the relationships between emotions and likeability. Participants will first complete a set of questionnaires. Then, they will complete a video-recorded behavioural task, while wearing sensors to measure subtle changes in emotional signs.
How does that make you feel? Exploring new tools for studying social skills
The aim of this study was to validate new tools for studying social skills. Individuals participated in a number of online questionnaires, in addition to a brief computerized task and a behavioural task. Participants were asked to wear electrodermal activity sensors on their non-dominant hand for the duration of the laboratory visit. Data collection for this study has ended and we are currently writing the results for publication! Stay tuned for the paper!
Cognitive and Behavioural Mechanisms of Anxiety
Ferguson, R. J., Ouimet, A. J., & Gardam, O. (2023). Judging others makes me forget: Assessing the cognitive, behavioural, and emotional consequences of other-evaluations on self-evaluations for social anxiety. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 101763.
Tutino, J. S., & Ouimet, A. J. (2021). Do words matter? Examining the influence of safety behaviour beliefs on speech task outcomes. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 12, 1-17.
Tutino, J. S., Ouimet, A. J., & Ferguson, R. J. (2020). Exploring the impact of safety behaviour use on cognitive, psychophysiological, and emotional responses during a speech task. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 48, 557-571.
Ouimet, A. J., Ashbaugh, A. R., & Radomsky, A. S. (2019). Hoping for more: How cognitive science has and hasn’t been helpful to the OCD clinician. Clinical Psychology Review, 69, 14-29.
Ouimet, A. J., Radomsky, A. S., & Barber, K. C. (2012). Interrelationships between spider-fear associations, attentional disengagement and self-reported fear: A preliminary test of a dual-systems model. Cognition & Emotion, 26, 1428-1444.
Ouimet, A. J., Gawronski, B., & Dozois, D. J. A. (2009). Cognitive vulnerability to anxiety: A review and an integrative model. Clinical Psychology Review, 29, 459-470.
Emotion Regulation
Bahl, N., & Ouimet, A. J. (2022). Smiling won’t make you feel better, but it might make people like you more: Interpersonal and intrapersonal consequences of response-focused emotion regulation strategies. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39, 2262-2284. (Also available on PsyArXiv:
Bahl, N., & Ouimet, A. J. (2022). Smiling won’t necessarily make you feel better: Response-focused emotion regulation strategies have little impact on cognitive, behavioural, physiological, and subjective outcomes. Journal of Behavioural Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 74. (Also available on PsyArXiv: *Included on journal’s list of top downloaded articles in previous 90 days (May 2022)*
Ouimet, A. J., Kane, L., & Tutino, J. S. (2016). Fear of anxiety or fear of emotions? Anxiety sensitivity is indirectly related to anxiety and depressive symptoms via emotion regulation. Cogent Psychology, 3, 1249132.
Sex and Anxiety (with SAX-RG)
Shaughnessy, K., Fehr, C. J., Ashley, M., Braham, J., Labelle, P. R., Ouimet, A. J., Corsini-Munt, S., Ashbaugh, A. R., & Reissing, E. D. (2022). Technology-Mediated Sexual Interactions, Social Anxiety, and Sexual Wellbeing: A Scoping Review. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 12(8), 904–932.
Kane, L., Dawson, S. J., Shaughnessy, K., Reissing, E. D., Ouimet, A. J., & Ashbaugh, A. R. (2019). A review of experimental research on anxiety and sexual arousal: Implications for the treatment of sexual dysfunction using cognitive-behavioural therapy. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 10.
Tutino, J. S, Shaughnessy, K., & Ouimet, A. J. (2018). Looking at the bigger picture: Young men’s sexual health from a psychological perspective. Journal of Health Psychology, 23, 345-358.
Tutino, J. S, Ouimet, A. J., & Shaughnessy, K. (2017). How do psychological risk factors predict sexual outcomes? A comparison of four models of young women’s sexual health. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14, 1232-1240.
International Collaborations
Sarr, F. S., Knight, S., Strauss, D., Ouimet, A. J., Cénat, Jude Mary, Williams, Monnica T., & Shaughnessy, K. (2022). Increasing the representation of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour as students in psychology doctoral programs. Canadian Psychology, 63(4), 479-499.
Jacob, G., Faber, S. C., Faber, N., Bartlett, A., Ouimet, A. J., & Williams, M. T. (in press). A systematic review of Black people coping with racism: Approaches, analysis, and empowerment. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Bottesi, G., Ouimet, A. J., Cerea, S., Granziol, U., Carraro, E., Sica, C., Ghisi, M. (2020). Comprehensive behavioral therapy of Trichotillomania: A multiple-baseline single-case experimental design. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1210.
Tobon, J., Zipurskey, R. B., Streiner, D. L., Colvin, E., Bahl, N., Ouimet, A. J., Burckell, L., Jeffs, L., and Bieling, P. J. (2020). Motivational enhancement as a pretreatment to a transdiagnostic intervention for emerging adults with emotion dysregulation: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 29, 132-148.
Bottesi, G., Cerea, S., Ouimet, A. J., Sica, C., & Ghisi, M. (2016). Affective correlates of trichotillomania across the pulling cycle: Findings from an Italian sample of self-identified hair pullers. Psychiatry Research, 246, 606–611.
Farrell, N., Ouimet, A. J., Rowa, K., Soreni, N., Swinson, R. P., & McCabe, R. E. (2016). Who gets better when? An examination of trajectories of change in group CBT for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 10, 35-41.
Ghisi, M., Bottesi, G., Sica, C., Ouimet, A. J., & Sanavio, E. (2013). Prevalence, phenomenology and diagnostic criteria of hair-pulling in an Italian non-clinical sample: A preliminary study. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 2, 22-29.
Experimental Methods
Ouimet, A. J., Ferguson, R. J., Burla, A., Gardam, O., & Oueis, J. (2022). Conducting experimental psychopathology research in an experimenter-guided online environment, Part 1: Clinical and ethical considerations for potentially vulnerable participants. SAGE Research Methods Cases: Doing Research Online.
Ferguson, R. J., Ouimet, A. J., Gardam, O., Oueis, J. & Burla, A. (2022). Conducting experimental psychopathology research in an experimenter-guided online environment, Part 2: Practical and technical considerations for experimental manipulations. SAGE Research Methods Cases: Doing Research Online.
Ouimet, A. J., Dixon-Luinenburg, T., & Rooyakkers, M. (2021). Experimental psychopathology at the crossroads: Reflections on past, present, and future contributions to cognitive behavioural therapy. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 14, 133-159.
Narvaez-Linares, N. F., Charron, V., Ouimet, A. J., Labelle, P. R., & Plamondon, H. (2020). A systematic review of the Trier Social Stress Test methodology: Issues in promoting study comparison and replicable research. Neurobiology of Stress, 13,100235.
Cognitive and Behavioural Mechanisms of Anxiety
Ferguson, R. J., Snyder, T., & Ouimet, A. J. (May, 2022). I judge myself but I judge others more: Cognitive effects of negative self-evaluations following false-feedback on negative other-evaluations. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies convention, Vancouver, BC/Virtual.
Ferguson, R. J., & Ouimet, A. J. (November, 2021). Not all judgments are created equal: Addressing how judgments of anxious others and social anxiety symptoms co-vary using a cluster analysis. Poster Presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, Virtual.
Ouimet, A. J., Dixon-Luinenburg, T., & Tutino, J. S. (July, 2019). Yes and No: Understanding the impact of repeated negation and repeated reappraisal on automatic associations, spider fear, and spider approach behaviour. Poster presented at the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, Berlin, GE.
Tutino, J.S., & Ouimet, A. J. (July, 2019). Do words matter? Exploring the effect of safety behaviour beliefs on exposure credibility, expectancy, and acceptability. Poster presented at the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, Berlin, GE.
Ferguson, R. J., & Ouimet, A. J. (May, 2019). Evaluating the double-standard: Exploring the impact of negative other-evaluations in social anxiety. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies conference, Montreal, QC.
Dixon-Luinenburg, T. D., Tutino, J. S., & Ouimet, A. J. (May, 2019). Words matter! Manipulating people’s beliefs about safety behaviours can indirectly impact their willingness to engage in future speech exposure exercises. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies conference, Montreal, QC.
Tutino, J. S., Dixon-Luinenburg, T. L., Bowie, K. L. M., Rooyakkers, M., & Ouimet, A. J. (May, 2018). “I was so anxious that I barely remember my speech!” The influence of safety behaviour use on ability to gather disconfirmatory evidence during a speech task. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, Vancouver, BC.
Ouimet, A. J., Bahl, N., Ferguson, R. J., Bowie, K. L. M., & Kalpak, M. (May, 2018). Thinking fast and slow in social anxiety: Implicit associations and mechanisms of change according to CBT models. In K. Barber & D. Moscovitch (Co-chairs), Innovations and advances in CBT processes for social anxiety: Mobilizing new knowledge from experimental and treatment studies. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Canadian Association of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies, Vancouver, BC.
Emotion Regulation
Haddad, A., Fehr, C. J., & Ouimet, A. J. (May, 2021). Not just about strategies: Exploring beliefs about emotions, regulation strategies, and state emotion dysregulation. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies convention, Virtual via Gather Town.
Bahl, N., Nachabe, J., Rooyakkers, M. & Ouimet, A. J. (July, 2019). Just smile and breathe! You will feel…better? Comparing the impacts of expressive suppression and expressive dissonance on indicators of sympathetic nervous system arousal. Poster presented at the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, Berlin, GE.
Fehr, C., & Ouimet, A. J. (July, 2019). Do emotion regulation strategies mediate the relationship between perceived control & fear and avoidance in social anxiety? Poster presented at the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, Berlin, GE.
Sex and Anxiety (with SAX-RG)
Birch, M. J., Noorishad, P.-G., Ashbaugh, A. R., Corsini-Munt, S., Ouimet, A. J., Reissing, E., & Shaughnessy, K. (May, 2022). Are technology-mediated sexual interactions forms of safety behaviour for people high in social anxiety. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, Vancouver, BC/Virtual.
Kane, L., Dawson, S. J., Shaughnessy, K., Reissing, E. D., Ouimet, A. J., & Ashbaugh, A. R. (May, 2019). Anxiety inhibits sexual arousal… or does it? A review of the impact of cognitive-behavioral components of anxiety on sexual response. Poster presented at the Society for Sex Therapy & Research 44th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.
International Collaborations
Sarr, F., Knight, S., Strauss, D., Ouimet, A. J., Cénat, J.-M., Williams, M. T., & Shaughnessy, K. (June, 2022). Increasing the representation of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour as Students in Psychology Doctoral Programs. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Calgary, AB.
Braham, J., Ashley, M., Fehr, C., Ashbaugh, A. R., Corsini-Munt, S., Labelle, P.,R., Ouimet, A. J., Reissing, E., & Shaughnessy, K. (May, 2022). Increasing the representation of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour as Students in Psychology Doctoral Programs. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, Vancouver, BC/Virtual.
Experimental Methods
Ferguson, R. J., Oueis, J., Burla, A., Gardam, O., & Ouimet, A. J. (May, 2022). Conducting clinical science and experimental psychopathology research in a virtual setting: Results from transitioning to an online lab. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies convention, Vancouver, BC/Virtual.
Ouimet, A. J. (Chair) (July, 2019). Open Science and reproducibility in CBT research: Where do we go from here? Panel discussion (with M. G. Craske, B. A. Teachman, P. McEvoy, & A. Burger) presented at the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, Berlin, GE.
Cognitive and Behavioural Mechanisms of Anxiety
Ouimet, A. J., & Ashbaugh, A. R. (2017). Stepped-Care Treatment of Anxiety (pp. 253-275). In W. O’Donohue, L. James, & C. Snipes (Eds.) Practical strategies and tools to promote treatment engagement. Springer.
Ouimet, A. J. (2016). Integrating the Reflective Impulsive Model with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders (pp. 189-204). In R. Deutsch, B. Gawronski, & W. Hofmann (Eds.). Reflective and Impulsive Determinants of Human Behavior. Psychology Press.
Cognitive and Behavioural Mechanisms of Anxiety
Ferguson, R. J., & Ouimet, A. J. (under review). Negative self-evaluations do not cause negative other-evaluations: Findings from a false-feedback experiment examining cognitive and emotional consequences in social anxiety. Available on PsyArXiv:
Knowledge Transfer
Ferguson, R. J., Oueis, J., Burla, A., Gardam, O., & Ouimet, A. J. (2022). We found research in a COVID place: Reports from two years of conducting clinical science and experimental psychopathology research in the online lab. The Canadian Clinical Psychologist: Newsletter of the Clinical Section of the Canadian Psychological Association, Spring 2022, 11-12.
Ouimet, A. J. (Guest Editor), & Ferguson, R. J. (2019). Innovations and advances in cognitive behavioral therapy: Insights from experimental psychopathology. Special Collection Editorial, Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, OnlineFirst.
Ouimet, A. J., Shaughnessy, K., & Tutino, J. S. (2017). Transdiagnostic psychological factors and sexual health: Looking through a broader lens at men’s and women’s sexual experiences. The Canadian Clinical Psychologist: Newsletter of the Clinical Section of the Canadian Psychological Association, 28(1), 9-10.
Ouimet, A. J., & Radomsky, A. S. (2011). [Review of B. Gawronski & B. K. Payne (Eds.): Handbook of implicit social cognition: Measurement, theory, and applications. New York: Guilford, 2010]. Canadian Psychology, 52, 241-242. (Review selected for inclusion on
Covin, R., Dozois, D. J. A., Ouimet, A. J., & Seeds, P. M. (2007). Don’t worry! CBT is an effective treatment for GAD: So now what? Advances in Cognitive Therapy, 9 (2/3), 5.
Specific phobia
What is specific phobia?
Almost everyone has a fear – mice, needles, flying on a plane, etc. We may feel uneasy, frightened or even try to avoid our fears, but people with specific phobia express a persistent and irrational fear that is excessive and driven by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation (APA, 2013). Although individuals with specific phobia may recognize their fear as unreasonable or extreme, exposure to or anticipation of to the phobic stimulus/situation prompts an anxiety response (e.g., symptoms of heart racing, nausea, diarrhea, sweating, trembling, numbness, problems with breathing, feeling dizzy), or the phobic situation/object is completely avoided. Importantly, the distress, avoidance, or anxious anticipation of the feared situation/object must interfere significantly with the person’s daily routine, occupational (or academic) functioning, social activities, or relationships for at least six months, to meet diagnostic criteria of specific phobia.
For example:
“Normal” fear | Phobia |
Feeling nervous when you see a pit bull at a park. | Missing a picnic with your friends because you are afraid that you may see a dog at the park. |
Experiencing heart palpitations when peering down from the 20th floor of a building. | Turning down an amazing job offer because it’s on the 20th floor of an office building. |
Feeling nauseous when getting a shot at a doctor’s office. | Avoiding necessary medical treatments or doctor’s checkups because you’re terrified of needles. |
Types of specific phobias
There are four general types of phobias and fears:
- Animal type: fear relating to animals or insects
- Natural environment type: fear associated with the natural environment (e.g. fear of thunder or heights).
- Situational type: fear of specific situations (e.g. elevators, bridges, or driving)
- Blood/injection/injury type: fear of medical procedures, blood, or getting injured
- Other: any other specific phobias (e.g. fear of choking, contracting an illness, costumed characters)
Panic disorder and Agoraphobia
Panic disorder is characterized by unexpected and recurring panic attacks, which contribute to worry about the occurrence or consequences of such attacks (APA, 2013). Panic attacks can best be described as a sudden feeling of intense fear or discomfort that lasts several minutes (APA, 2013). During panic attacks, an individual might start to sweat, have heart palpitations, start shaking, feel dizzy, fear that they might die, as well as many other distressing symptoms. People who are anxious about experiencing panic attacks may also show fear towards two or more of the following: public transportation, open spaces, enclosed spaces, being in a crowd, or being alone and away from their home. When people actively avoid these situations because of thoughts that escape may be difficult or impossible if they were to develop panic-like or embarrassing symptoms, they are diagnosed with Agoraphobia.
Clark’s (1986) cognitive model proposes that panic attacks are a result of catastrophically misinterpreting our bodily sensations, mainly, our sensations related to normal anxiety responses. Commonly misinterpreted sensations include - but are not limited to - breathlessness, dizziness, and palpitations (Clark, 1986). These sensations are often perceived as more dangerous than they actually are. For example, people with panic disorder often misinterpret normal changes in heart rate as an indication that they are having a panic attack. They may then do things to reduce their anxiety, like sit down or go to the emergency room, which tends to make their anxiety worse in the long term by reinforcing their beliefs that they are unable to tolerate changes in bodily symptoms, or that they should never go into hot rooms because they may trigger a heart attack.
Social anxiety disorder
Social anxiety has been defined as the fear of social or performance situations in which others may scrutinize the individual (APA, 2013). This fear can be specific to one or two situations (e.g., public speaking) or can generalize across many situations (e.g., speaking on the phone, being assertive, eating in front of others, going to parties). Whereas some anxiety about being liked by others is adaptive, excessive anxiety can lead to avoidance of social situations, which can severely impact quality of life. Sometimes people attend social situations even though they are anxious, but use safety behaviours, such as staying silent, interacting only with a trusted other, drinking alcohol, or bringing their phone so they can appear busy whenever they need to. Both avoidance and safety behaviour reduce anxiety in the short-term, but increase social anxiety in the long term, by confirming maladaptive beliefs such as “I never have anything to say to others”, “It would be terrible if somebody rejected me”, and “I can’t tolerate feeling anxious in front of others.
In addition to these explicit beliefs, implicit or automatic associations in memory between these situations and concepts such as scrutiny and evaluation can characterize this fear. Thus, implicit associations—automatic mental associations between concepts in memory—are correlated with social anxiety severity and they may also be modified to reduce social anxiety (Clerkin & Teachman, 2010). Moreover, automatic associations may also contribute to cognitive biases towards threat-related stimuli (Ouimet, Gawronski, & Dozois, 2009). For example, a person with speech-related social anxiety that is giving a speech may concentrate their attention on the one person that is yawning (attentional bias) and interpret this as “I must be boring” (interpretational bias).
Generalized anxiety disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by exaggerated, uncontrollable, and unrealistic worry about many aspects of life, such as money, work, relationships, health, etc. GAD symptoms often include obsessive worrying, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, indecisiveness, and a variety of physical manifestations of anxiety (e.g., headaches, trouble sleeping, etc.). One model of GAD suggests that the main driving force of the worry is intolerance of uncertainty (e.g., Dugas, Gosselin, & Ladouceur, 2001). When people have difficulty tolerating uncertainty (e.g., what if the bus is late and I miss my appointment?), they may do things to try to reduce their anxiety, such as always leaving 30 minutes early for an appointment. This behaviour can make their anxiety worse in the long-term by reinforcing beliefs such as “I must always plan for any possible problem” and increasing worry.
Obsessive compulsive disorder
An individual with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has obsessions, compulsions, or both (APA, 2013). An obsession is defined as recurring and persisting thoughts, images, or urges that are unwanted or intrusive, which cause anxiety or distress to the individual. People may try to ignore or suppress these thoughts with other thoughts or actions to reduce their anxiety. They may also engage in compulsions, which are repetitive behaviours used to reduce the anxiety and distress that result from these thoughts.
Researchers suggest that people with OCD catastrophically misinterpret the meaning of their intrusive thoughts as indicating that they are immoral, dangerous, or crazy (Rachman 1997, 1998). Although the things they do to cope with this interpretation reduce their anxiety in the short-term (e.g., checking to make sure the stove is off shows that I’m a good person), it likely increases anxiety in the long-term by reinforcing maladaptive beliefs (If I don’t check the stove, I’m a bad person).
Health / Illness anxiety
Health/Illness Anxiety is an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive worrying about one’s current and/or future health status. This obsessive preoccupation of having or eventually developing a serious medical condition is often the result of an individual’s catastrophic misinterpretation of harmless physical symptoms, and persists despite reassurance by healthcare providers that the individual does not suffer from feared diseases/illnesses (APA, 2013). Interestingly, cognitive models suggest that symptoms may actually persist because of reassurance by healthcare providers, or other things people do to reduce their anxiety (Furer & Walker, 2008; Warwick & Salkovskis, 1990). For example, somebody who is worried that a beauty mark is a sign of cancer, may repeatedly touch, poke, and check the beauty mark to make sure that it hasn’t changed. As a result, the skin around the beauty mark may actually become red or swollen, providing “evidence” to the person that they have skin cancer (when in fact, the beauty mark is benign).
CBT for anxiety disorders
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is the most supported therapy for anxiety disorders (Norton, 2007). CBT involves two main components, although these likely both impact thoughts and behaviour:
- Cognitive therapy: explores how negative thoughts or cognitions contribute to anxiety
- Behaviour therapy: examines behaviours and reactions in situations that trigger anxiety.
The theoretical models behind CBT posit that our thoughts about a situation influence how we feel emotionally and physically, and subsequently affect how we behave in that situation. These behaviours, in turn, are believed to reinforce the original maladaptive thoughts. The target of CBT for anxiety is to recognize and modify the negative thoughts and beliefs, in order to reduce anxiety symptomology and maladaptive behaviours triggered by anxiety.
CBT for anxiety disorders may include:
- Learning to identify and describe physiological symptoms when one is experiencing anxiety
- Testing beliefs about different situations to see whether there is any evidence that they are true
- Confronting fears – either imaginative or in real life
An important treatment technique used in CBT is cognitive restructuring, the process whereby one tests the negative thinking that contributes to his/her anxiety, and hopefully develops more helpful thoughts.
Situation: Maria has a job interview to attend but she wants to cancel it because she is feeling very anxious, believes that she will fumble her words, and the interviewer will see her sweating profusely.
Negative thought: What if my mind goes blank on a question? They will think I am unqualified and a waste of their time.
Testing the thought: Will I actually be refused a job if I stutter on a couple of words? I have seen lots of people stutter, and not rejected them. Also, I’ve gotten most jobs I’ve interviewed for in the past.
Finding more helpful thoughts: It is common for interviewees to feel and look nervous while giving an interview. If I fumble my words, I can take a deep breath, and slow down my talking.
Other important treatment techniques used in CBT include behavioural experiments and exposure, both of which involve testing out the effects of a specific behaviour to see whether a prediction is accurate.
Situation: Maria has a job interview to attend but she wants to cancel it because she is feeling very anxious, believes that she will fumble her words, and the interviewer will see her sweating profusely.
Negative prediction: What if my mind goes blank on a question? They will think I am unqualified and a waste of their time.
Testing the thought: Maria and her therapist go together to talk to different people in the building. The therapist intentionally stutters words and makes a few mistakes. Maria observes the other person in the conversation looking for specific signs of rejection or negative evaluation.
Outcome: Maria notices that people do not tend to react negatively to the therapist jumbling his/her words, and gathers some evidence that people often make small mistakes in conversation that are not catastrophic.
The CADRe lab is interested in explaining how anxiety disorders develop and are maintained. To achieve this, we use a variety of techniques including cognitive and behavioural tasks, self-report questionnaires, and psychophysiological measures. Our goal is to use this information to help improve the efficacy and effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).
You can find out more information about anxiety and other mental health problems at the following websites:
If you would like to receive support or help for psychological problems in the Ottawa area, the following resources may be of use:
Distress Centre Lines:
- Ottawa Distress Centre, 613-238-3311
- Tel-Aide Outaouais, 613-741-6433
- Centre d’Aide 24-7, 819-595-9999
- Ottawa Academy of Psychology,, 613-235-2529
- University of Ottawa Student Academic Success Service,
- Centre for Psychological Servicees and Research, University of Ottawa,
- The Walk-In Counselling Clinic, 613-722-2225
- Individual counselling at Family Services Ottawa,, 613-725-3601 ext. 117
- Ottawa Institute of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy,, 613-820-9931
- Ottawa Centre for Cognitive Therapy,, 613-729-0801
- Centre for Interpersonal Relationships,, 1-855-779-2347
Resources: COVID-19
- Living with Worry and Anxiety Amidst Global Uncertainty:
- “Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Psychological Impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19):
- Mental Health First Aid COVID-19 Self-Care and Resilience Guide:
- Self-Care, Working from home, and Tips for Parents:–-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-resources-self-care-working-from-home-and-tips-for-parents
- How to Talk to Kids and Teens About the Coronavirus:
- Secure text and online chat service for women who may be living through increased violence and abuse at home related to the COVID-19 pandemic:
If you are interested in seeking self-help resources, the Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies maintains a searchable database of recommended books for a series of concerns, which can be found online:
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5 (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
Clark, D.A., & Beck, A.T. (2010). Cognitive therapy of anxiety disorders. New York: Guilford Press
Clark, D. M.(1986). A cognitive model of panic. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 24(4), 461–470.
Clerkin, E. M., & Teachman, B. A. (2010). Training implicit social anxiety associations: An experimental intervention. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24(3), 300–308.
Dugas, M. J., Gosselin, P., & Ladouceur, R. (2001). Intolerance of uncertainty and worry: Investigating specificity in a nonclinical sample. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 25(5), 551–558.
Furer, P., & Walker, J. R. (2008). Death Anxiety: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 22(2), 167–182.
Ouimet, A. J., Gawronski, B., & Dozois, D. J. A. (2009). Cognitive vulnerability to anxiety: A review and an integrative model. Clinical Psychology Review, 29(6), 459–470.
Rachman, S. (1997). A cognitive theory of obsessions. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35(9), 793–802.
Rachman, S. (1998). A cognitive theory of obsessions: Elaborations. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36(4), 385–401.
Warwick, H., & Salkovskis, P. M. (1990). Hypochondriasis. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 28(2), 105–117.
Lab Photos
Dalainey Drakes and Allison Ouimet during the poster session at CACBT
Dalainey Drakes describes her research to CACBT convention attendees (May 2024)
(L-R): Allison Ouimet, Mohamed Ebeid, Jeremy Oueis, and Göktürk Gök participate in Reproducibility Games at uOttawa (May 2024)
Contact the Lab
School of Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Ottawa
136 Jean-Jacques Lussier
Vanier Hall, Room 6006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5
Directions to the Lab
We are located at the University of Ottawa in the Vanier building. When booking an appointment, we will send you detailed directions.
Please call us if you have any trouble finding us.