Konrad Adenauer Research Chair in Empirical Democracy Studies

Mission Statement
The Konrad Adenauer Research Chair in Empirical Democracy Studies pursues four main objectives:
- The creation of a vibrant academic and research environment for faculty members, guest researchers, undergraduate- and graduate students working on empirical democracy studies.
- The Promotion and Dissemination of Research tackling key challenges of contemporary democracies
- The Strengthening of academic and non-academic links between Germany and Canada
- The Fostering of ongoing dialogue between academia, the media and the wider public
The Konrad Adenauer Research Chair in Empirical Democracy Studies is a research unit associated with the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa. The chair’s mandate is to study key challenges of contemporary democracies including those shaping Germany and Canada. Using methodological pluralism the chair tries to contribute to knowledge in the field of populism, election studies, public opinion research and political representation. Through conferences workshops and exchanges, the chair aims at bringing together faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Members of the chair also try to outreach to the media and wider communities in Germany and Canada.
productive researcher in the world over the
past 5 years in the discipline of political
science by ScholarGPS. For more information
please see:
https://scholargps.com/scholars/305218568 95647/daniel-stockemer
Call For Papers and Conferences
October 3rd and 4th 2024:
October 5th and 6th 2023:
2023 Conspiracy Theories Workshop Program
September 13-14th, 2022: Workshop:
September 30 and October 1, 2021:
Academic Conference: Muslim Immigrants and sense of identity and belonging in the Western World.
Research Chair Holder: Daniel Stockemer
Daniel Stockemer, is Full Professor in the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa and since May 2021 chair holder of the Konrad Adenauer Research Chair in Empirical Democracy Studies. He hold a Master’s Degree from the University of Connecticut (2006), a teacher’s and Master’s degree from the University of Mannheim (2007), and a Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut (2010). As the holder of the research chair, he see himself as an ambassador to Canadian German relations. His research focuses on key challenges of Germany and Canada, and representative democracies, more generally. These include (1) the effects of migration on political attitudes, (2) the populist tide that has swept the world, (3) transformations in the conduct of elections and the determinants of vote choice, and (4) unequal representation of various cohorts of the population including women, minorities and youth. Throughout his academic career, Daniel has published 5 single authored books, 3 edited volumes, 2 textbooks and more than 150 articles in peer reviewed journals. Daniel is very active in the discipline of political science and has several editorial commitments. Since the fall of 2019, he is an editor of the International Political Science Review, and in early 2020, he started editing the Springer Book Series in Electoral Politics.
Email: Dstockem@uottawa.ca
Meet the Team

Abdelkarim Amengay
Assistant Professor
Abdelkarim Amengay is an Assistant Professor of political science at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies in Qatar, where he teaches graduate seminars on comparative politics and democratization. He holds a double Ph.D. from Sciences Po Paris and the University of Ottawa. His main research interests are political behavior, political psychology, youth political representation, and populism in Western democracies and the MENA region. Dr. Amengay has published peer-reviewed articles in the Journal of Common Market Studies, Political Studies Review, and Revue Française de science politique. Since 2021, he is also a member of Team Populism’s Expert Survey in charge of the Arab world and the editorial board of the Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée.
Email: Abdelkarim.amengay@dohainstitute.edu.qa

Aksel Sundström
Associate Professor
Aksel Sundström is an associate professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. He is the PI for the Quality of Government (QoG) Data, a venture that provides accessible data to the public on corruption and its correlates. He was recently a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Oxford for a spring semester and for his postdoc he was a Visiting Democracy Fellow at Harvard University for a full year.
Dr. Sundström’s research agenda is focused on comparative politics, often in a low-income setting, and he has two broader research interests: 1) the relationship between corruption and environmental politics, especially in African countries, and 2) the study of political representation, focusing on the absence of women and youth in political institutions.
He is the author of a large number of articles in international outlets. As an example of research output, the book Youth Without Representation, co-authored with Daniel Stockemer, is the first to examine young adults’ absence as candidates, legislators and ministers around the world (University of Michigan Press in late 2022).
Email: Aksel.sundstrom@pol.gu.se

Michael Wigginton
Post Doctoral Fellow
Engi Abou-El-Kheir
Ph.D. Candidate

Reza Arash
Ph.D. Candidate

Kofi Arhin
Ph.D. Candidate

Jean-Nicholas Bordeau
Ph.D. Candidate

Mathis Bouquet
Ph.D. Candidate

Kamila Kolodziejczyk
Ph.D. Candidate