Intersex and/as/is/with disability. The discursive, political, and embodied connections between...

Celeste E. Orr is a Research Associate and Part-time Professor at the University of Ottawa and a Contract Instructor at Carleton University. Their research has been featured in Feminist Theory; From Band-Aids to Scalpels: Motherhood Experiences in/of Medicine; Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal; Mothering, Mothers, and Sport: Experiences, Representations, Resistances; and Connecting, Rethinking and Embracing Difference. Orr’s work will also soon be featured in Covid and…How to Do Rhetoric in a Pandemic and Surveillance & Society. Orr was a finalist for the Pierre Laberge Prize for Achievement in the Humanities.
Intersex and/as/is/with disability. The discursive, political, and embodied connections between...