Public and International Affairs (2)

The Power of Governance Models in Shaping Urban Public Transport Megaprojects
In this article, we're diving into the world of urban public transport megaprojects and the pivotal...

The Evolution of Teleworking and Hybrid Policies in the Canadian Government Post-COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated changes in work models across the globe, and the Government of...

Author Highlight: Patrick Fafard in the Media

Introduction to Forced Migration by Christina Clark-Kazak part 1: Forced Migration in Canada
Why should Canadians learn more about forced migration in Canada? In this first video in the...

Introduction to Forced Migration by Christina Clark-Kazak part 2: Definitions, Labels and Borders
In this second video in the series, Professor Clark-Kazak explains key concepts and definitions...

Introduction to Forced Migration by Christina Clark-Kazak part 3: International Refugee Protection System
In this edition of the forced migration video series, Professor Clark-Kazak discusses three key...

Introduction to Forced Migration by Christina Clark-Kazak part 4: Key Actors in Forced Migration
In the fourth video in the forced migration series, Professor Clark-Kazak presents the key actors...

Introduction to Forced Migration by Christina Clark-Kazak part 5: Refugee Protection in Canada
How do people access refugee protection in Canada? In this video in the forced migration series,...

Introduction to Forced Migration by Christina Clark-Kazak part 7: Intersectionality and Forced Migration
People have differential experiences of forced migration because of intersecting power relations...